ATW spirit and rules

Aerospace Thematic Workshops


The prime objective of the Aerospace Thematic Workshops is to provide an international forum to facilitate and develop contacts between research scientists and engineers of the aeronautics and space community. Each Aerospace Thematic Workshop is devoted to a specific topic which highlights advances in key aerospace sciences (flight physics, flight dynamics, propulsion physics, structures and materials, system integration, etc.). Novelty and, to the extent possible, interdisciplinarity, are key characteristics.

The format of Aerospace Thematic Workshops encourages extensive formal and informal discussion among the attendees. The lecturers are allocated one hour for their presentations, including a minimum of fifteen minutes for discussions. Lectures are organised in one morning session and one evening session, both to be introduced by a short review from the chairman. Afternoons are available for discussion or leisure. The Aerospace Thematic Workshops last four full days and begin either on Sunday evening or on Monday morning.

The emphasis is placed on “off the record” presentations of yet unpublished scientific results. In order to promote open communication, each participant of a thematic school should agree that any information presented is a private communication not available for public release. Each participant is expected to take part actively in the discussions. In view of the multidisciplinary character of the workshop and of the presence of young scientists, lecturers should, wherever needed in their presentation, pay attention to pedagogy. One or two poster sessions are to be organised for late communications and for presentations of work conducted by students and other young scientists.

The location of Aerospace Thematic Workshops also is expected to concur to the general atmosphere of warm and lively scientific exchange. Large cities or cities with many opportunities for distraction are not suitable sites.

The operation of Aerospace Thematic Workshops is placed under the responsibility of a Steering Committee composed of prominent experts who are undisputed leaders in their field and are responsible for keeping the highest standards of excellence. Each school is organised under the authority of a Chairman who receives delegation from the Steering Committee. If necessary the Chairman can be assisted by a Vice-Chairman.

Chairman and, eventually, Vice-Chairman, are responsible for contacting their peers, obtaining from them promising proposals for lectures, and for assembling a balanced and challenging scientific programme. They are also responsible for making the atmosphere as friendly and stimulating as possible and for launching debates over potentially promising issues.

The Workshops are the trademark of European aerospace science, serving the cause of aerospace worldwide and must focus on long-term innovation and on break-through science. They must distinguish themselves by their tradition of excellence, by their cult for novelty, and by their style of lively exchange; multidisciplinarity, which is also considered to be an asset, should be encouraged whenever possible. They are not at the service of any particular interest or commercial group.


The Aerospace Thematic Workshops are managed by the Programme Committee of the EUCASS conference.
This Committee:

  • evaluates and selects the eligible topics to be treated each year on the basis of proposals made by any qualified aerospace personnel;
  • procures partial financial assistance;
  • selects suitable conference sites;
  • procures secretarial help and assists in solving problems.


Each conference is placed under the authority of a Chairman and a vice-Chairman.
Responsibilities are delegated to each one of them according to the following guidelines:


  • Chairman

The chairman is responsible for preparing the conference programme and establishing a tentative budget. His task is also to raise the funds necessary for partial or total defrayment of speakers in the need and of a limited number of PhD students.


  • Vice Chairman

The vice Chairman assists the Chairman and has special responsibility over the preparation of the poster sessions. Normally, he has been nominated by his peers on the occasion of the preceding event and is expected to take charge of the Chairmanship on the following one.

  • Local Organisation

Local organisation is, for the moment, placed under the responsibility of the Chairman. It is envisaged to have it promptly taken up by the association (still in the process of being founded) in charge of EUCASS.


  • Budget, Registration fees and Support to participants

ATWs are not for profit. A fixed fee may be charged to all participants in order to cover local expenditures (rental of facilities and equipment, etc.), regardless of the time spent at the meeting. The Chairmen are encouraged to seek complementary financial support from Agencies, Research Establishments and Industry. Part of the budget is left at their discretion for partially covering travel and living expenses of invited lecturers if they require assistance. Support may also be given to other participants.


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