Newsletter #32

Some words from the Honorary President


Dear Colleague,

This issue of the Eucass newsletter brings to your attention, in addition to the usual survey of scientific publications from European journals and Institutes and patents recently granted by the EPO, several important announcements.


I - Obituary


First we would like to report the sad loss of our dear friend and Eucass co-founder Max Calabro.

Max was a cheerful and enlightened man. He believed in the European dream, a dream where all countries of the continent would buttress the values of democracy and progress hand in hand for the advancement of aerospace sciences, his dear field.

From the very beginning in January 2004 until just a few months ago, he supported the Eucass project with absolute dedication. He was remarkably apt at visiting and assessing the value and attractiveness of conference sites. Until very recently and since the very beginning, he managed the conference programmes and contributed to the elaboration of the opening ceremonies and plenary sessions of invited presentations.

His field of expertise was rocket propulsion. A graduate of the Lyon (France) INSA engineering school, he served SEREB, then Aérospatiale, which was to become EADS. He took part in the UNMOVIC UNO mission to Iraq in his capacity of ballistics expert. He was distinguished as AIAA Fellow, SRTC Emeritus member, IAF IPC member and 3AF Emeritus member. He also was a member of the IAA.

On Feb. 28, 2004, a momentous meeting with some prominent Russian colleagues from RAS takes place in Paris. There we took the decision to hold the very first European aerospace conference the next year in Moscow.

Max and the late Russian Academician Mikhail Ivanov from ITAM in Akademgorodok, Russia, also a Eucass founder, ready for a dinner in a fine restaurant.

Max, one of the prominent fathers of Eucass, signs the charter he helped to draft, 19 April 2006, Rhode St Genèse, Belgium



II – Important conference announcements from Eucass and partners:



We are pleased to announce two Eucass workshops due next year and one from a partner group:


The 2nd Aerospace Thematic Workshop (ATW) on “Fundamentals of Collisions of Fast Particles with Surfaces”  is a must for several fields of importance to aerospace research, namely electrode erosion in plasma thrusters, PECVD, space environment damage, energetic material decomposition, etc. We are at the cutting edge concerning quantum treatment of particle interactions, advanced non-intrusive diagnostics, simulation and modelling. The 20 invited lectures are presented in a seminar mode, conducing to lively discussions between communities that never interact with one another. The meeting takes place at the prestigious Les Houches School of Physics in the French Alps April 5-10, 2020. For more, see the workshop webpage.


The 1st Eucass Workshop on “Advanced Aerospace Designs by Innovative Flow Control Technology”  due in Lille, 18-20 May 2020, a joint venture between CNRS & Onera involving IMFL and the participation of Euroturbo. The objective is to place the various scientific communities involved in front of the operational and technical realities. The invited speakers are among the most eminent specialists in both aerospace industry and research institutions and academia. The event will be a unique opportunity for European and worldwide researchers to showcase their work and to exchange with the most prominent academic and industrial specialists. See details on the local organiser webpage.


Conference on Active Flow Control and Applications: From Model-Based to Machine Learning Strategies: This is the very last minute request for submitting your paper to the conference (deadline is 11 November). It focuses on wake-flow control and gathering two scientific communities spanning fluid mechanics (physics and applied mathematics) and control theory (nonlinear control, observers, and machine learning). Wake-flow control aims at reducing drag in the transportation industry. Active flow control is an appealing approach but it faces scientific challenges like the design of reliable and real-time tractable models. The track will therefore cover all topics related to the modeling, identification, feedback control, state observation and optimization for flow control applications.  More details available here.


...and very important info concerning the recent Eucass conference in Madrid:

all 578 relevant papers have received a DOI and are now downloadable free of charge from our website




The Aerospace Europe newsletter’s primary objective is to bring to your attention

  1. Conferences that are of interest to our community
  2. Contents of the latest issues of scientific journals edited in Europe
  3. Relevant patents from the European Patent Office.

Occasionally, job offers and public policy issues will be posted.

If you hear of outstanding scientific breakthroughs or publications from other groups or from your own lab, do not fail to inform us at the special email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and we'll highlight them in the forthcoming issue.

That said, this issue features two main sections:

  1. The usual tables of contents of European aerospace journals ordered by disciplines in order to facilitate access to material of interest to you
  2. The section "Patents of Interest" will look at a few patents of interest published in the last 6 months on a broad array of topics


JP Taran, Honorary President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Merlen, President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

News from Journals

    For your convenience, starting from newsletter #10 we  provide for each article the keywords selected by the respective journal editor.


    At the same time, our newsletter editor or his helper is classifying the most interesting articles for our Aerospace Europe partners according to main areas of interest.


    Please find below the usual classification with links to the proper article in the classical article list based on the different journals presented in this newsletter.



TsAGI Science Journal

Since Newsletter #30 (see the past issues on our website here)  two new volumes have been published:

  • Volume 50, Issue N.2 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 50, Issue N.3 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 50, Issue N.4 (ToC available here)

The ToC of this last issue is reported below for your convenience.


Table of Contents (Volume 50 Issue N.4)


On the stretching of vortex filaments
Gaifullin, Aleksandr Marksovich
Pages: 351–359
Keywords: vortex, vortex tube, vortex stretching, turbulence, turbulence scale

On small disturbances of a boundary layer within a reverse flow region
Korolev, Georgy Lvovich and Sychev, Victor Vladimirovich
Pages: 361–374
Keywords: boundary layer, interaction region, separation zone

Designing a wing airfoil based on an analytical representation of the contour and numerical solutions of the navier-stokes equations
Vozhdaev, Valery Viktorovich and Teperin, Leonid Leonidovich and Thein, Myo
Pages: 375–386
Keywords: airfoil, computational fluid dynamics, extremum search method, airfoil design, lift-to-drag ratio

To aircraft trajectory optimization in the real atmosphere
Sagalakov, Alexander Eduardovich and Filatyev, Aleksandr Sergeevich
Pages: 387–410
Keywords: trajectory optimization, cruise, wind effects

Assessment of static load strength of laminated composites
Oleinikov, Alexander Ivanovich
Pages: 411–427
Keywords: laminated composites, fracture criteria, fiber breaking, matrix failure, ply-by-ply analysis

Investigation of calculation error for stress intensity factors applying the j-integral method
Glebova, Mariya Alexandrovna and Grishin, Vyacheslav Ivanovich and Tsoy, Svetlana Vladimirovna and Voronkov, Rostislav Viktorovich and Yashutin, Andrey Grigorievich
Pages: 429–442
Keywords: stress intensity factor, finite-element method, fracture mechanics, relative error, crack, J-integral

Analysis of the behavior of compressed lattice composite ribs with initial delamination
Dubovikov, Evgenyi Arkadyevich and Fomin, Viktor Pavlovich
Pages: 443–452
Keywords: composite ribs of lattice structure, energy approach, buckling, post-buckling failure, delamination

Probabilistic approach to determining the reserve factor of a helicopter structure at various life cycle stages
Bugakov, Igor’ Sergeevich and Nedel’ko, Dmitry Valeryevich and Shuvalov, Vladimir Alekseevich
Pages: 453–459
Keywords: reserve factor, coefficient of variation, probability of event, structural failure



Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Since last newsletter, a few new issues have been released. Here the last ones: 

  • Volume 233, Issue N.13 of October 2019 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 233, Issue N.14 of November 2019 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 233, Issue N.15 of December 2019 (ToC available here)

The ToC for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.


Table of Contents (Volume 233 Issue N.15)


Modeling framework for analyzing midair encounters in hybrid airspace where manned and unmanned aircraft coexist
Hu, Yang and Zhang, Wenhui
Pages: 5492–5506
Keywords: Human Pilot Behavior;Unmanned Aircraft System;Midair Encounter;Sense And Avoid;Safety Performance;

A collaborative design method for satellite module component assignment and layout optimization
Cui, Feng-Zhe and Zhong, Chong-Quan and Wang, Xiu-Kun and Teng, Hong-Fei
Pages: 5471–5491
Keywords: Multi-module Satellite;Component Assignment;Component Layout;Satellite Equipment Layout Optimization;Evolutionary Algorithm;

A computational fluid dynamics investigation of subsonic wing designs for unmanned aerial vehicle application
Siddiqi, Z and Lee, JW
Pages: 5543–5552
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;Tapered Wing;Aerodynamics;Lift;Drag;Winglet;

Numerical investigation of cold flow over regular and wavy v-gutters
Mollaei, Mohammadreza and Ghassemi, Hojat
Pages: 5837–5855
Keywords: Flame Holder;Cold Flow;V-gutter;Recirculation Length;Vortex Shedding;

Sizing process, aerodynamic analysis, and experimental assessment of a biplane flapping wing nano air vehicle
Ghommem, Mehdi and Hassanalian, Mostafa and Al-Marzooqi, Majed and Throneberry, Glen and Abdelkefi, Abdessattar
Pages: 5618–5636
Keywords: Flapping Wing Air Vehicle;Design And Fabrication;Sizing Process;Aerodynamic Force Measurements;

Preliminary design and performance analysis of a solar-powered unmanned seaplane
Lou, Bin and Wang, Gaofeng and Huang, Zhilong and Ye, Shangjun
Pages: 5606–5617
Keywords: Solar-powered Unmanned Seaplane;Sea Surveillance Mission;Energy Balance;

Integration of the inertial navigation system with consecutive images of a camera by relative position and attitude updating
Asl, Habib Ghanbarpour and Firouzabadi, Abbas Dehghani
Pages: 5592–5605
Keywords: Inertial Navigation System;Visual Navigation;Image Processing;Feature Tracking;Epipolar Constraint;Integrated Navigation System;

Aerodynamic interference test of quad tilt rotor aircraft in wind tunnel
Chen, Kun and Shi, Zhiwei and Tong, Shengxiang and Dong, Yizhang and Chen, Jie
Pages: 5553–5566
Keywords: Quad Tilt Rotor;Hovering;Aerodynamic Interference;Ground Effect;Wind Tunnel Test;

An investigation of small fatigue crack behavior in titanium alloy tc4 under different stress levels
Zhu, Lei and Hu, Xuteng and Jiang, Rong and Song, Yingdong and Qu, Shoudao
Pages: 5567–5578
Keywords: Small Crack;Crack Growth;Fatigue Lifetimes;Stress Level;Titanium Alloy;

Model order reduction in aerodynamics: review and applications
Mendonça, Gonçalo and Afonso, Frederico and Lau, Fernando
Pages: 5816–5836
Keywords: Model Order Reduction;Galerkin Projection;Least Mean Squares Reduction;Proper Orthogonal Decomposition;Computational Fluid Dynamics;

Fixed and rotary wing transonic aerodynamic improvement via surface-based trapped vortex generators
Al-Jaburi, Khider and Feszty, Daniel
Pages: 5522–5542
Keywords: Surface-based Trapped Vortex Generators Technique;Transonic Flow;Shockwave Control;Drag Reduction;Rotorcraft;Aircraft;

Experimental research of the small gas turbine with variable area nozzle
Fulara, Szymon and Chmielewski, Maciej and Gieras, Marian
Pages: 5650–5659
Keywords: Small Gas Turbine;Variable Area Nozzle;Turbine Efficiency;Specific Fuel Consumption;Specific Thrust;

Offense–defense confrontation decision making for dynamic uav swarm versus uav swarm
Xing, Dongjing and Zhen, Ziyang and Gong, Huajun
Pages: 5689–5702
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles;Swarm Versus Swarm UAV Combat;Offense–defense Confrontation;Target Allocation Decision;Swarm Motion Decision;

The effect of endwall boundary layer and incoming wakes on secondary flow in a high-lift low-pressure turbine cascade at low reynolds number
Qu, Xiao and Zhang, Yanfeng and Lu, Xingen and Lei, Zhijun and Zhu, Junqiang
Pages: 5637–5649
Keywords: Low-pressure Turbine;Secondary Flow;Incoming Wakes;Low Reynolds Number;Endwall Boundary Layer;

A remaining useful life prediction method for airborne fuel pump after maintenance
Li, Juan and Jing, Bo and Dai, Hongde and Sheng, Zengjin and Jiao, Xiaoxuan and Liu, Xiaodong
Pages: 5660–5673
Keywords: Fuel Pump;Smooth Transition Auto-regression;Degradation Modeling;Remaining Useful Life;Wiener Process;Bayesian;

Investigation of nonlinear landing gear behavior and dynamic responses on high performance aircraft
Suresh, PS and Sura, Niranjan K and Shankar, K
Pages: 5674–5688
Keywords: Nonlinear Landing Response Model;Strut Bending Flexibility;High Performance Aircraft;Taxiing And Landing;Landing Gear Technical Specification;

Conceptual-level evaluation of a variable stiffness skin for a morphing wing leading edge
Wang, C and Haddad Khodaparast, H and Friswell, MI and Magrini, A and Ponza, R and Benini, E and Landersheim, V and Laveuve, D and Contell Asins, C
Pages: 5703–5716
Keywords: Morphing Aircraft;Morphing Leading Edge;Structural Optimisation;Composite;Variable Stiffness;

A fenics-based model for prediction of boundary layer transition in low-speed aerodynamic flows
Kolaei, Amir and Bramesfeld, Götz
Pages: 5729–5745
Keywords: Boundary Layer Transition;Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD);Finite Element Method;Fenics Project;Galerkin Method;NLF(1)-0416;

Evaluation of the aeroengine performance reliability based on generative adversarial networks and weibull distribution
Fu, Qiang and Wang, Huawei and Yan, Xiaojing
Pages: 5717–5728
Keywords: Aeroengine;Generative Adversarial Networks;Weibull Distribution;Reliability;

Optimization of lightweight sub-stiffened panels with buckling analysis and imperfection sensitivity analysis
Chen, Hao and Xu, Yuanming and Hu, Junhao and Wang, Xi
Pages: 5507–5521
Keywords: Sub-stiffened;Buckling;Optimization Framework;Finite Element Analysis;Particle Swarm Optimization;

Composite adaptive posicast controller for the wing rock phenomenon in a delta-wing aircraft
Yousefimanesh, Amir and Khosravi, Alireza and Sarhadi, Pouria
Pages: 5579–5591
Keywords: Composite Adaptive Posicast Controller;Delta-wing Aircraft;Known Input Delay;Wing Rock Phenomenon;Parametric Uncertainties;

Performance evaluation and prediction of rudders based on machine learning technology
Chang, Binglu and Yang, Ruifeng and Guo, Chenxia and Ge, Shuangchao and Li, Longmei
Pages: 5746–5757
Keywords: Rudder Test;Machine Learning;Performance Evaluation;Fault Location;SFLA-MWDT;

Unbalance response of a magnetic suspended dual-rotor system
Wang, Dongxiong and Wang, Nianxian and Chen, Kuisheng
Pages: 5758–5772
Keywords: Magnetic Suspended Dual-rotor System;Unbalance Response;Riccati Transfer Matrix Method;Active Magnetic Bearing;

Numerical investigation of the aerodynamic performance of dragonfly-like flapping foil in take-off flight
Shanmugam, AR and Sohn, CH
Pages: 5801–5815
Keywords: Dragonfly;Flapping Wing;Insect Flight;Take-off;Tandem;Wing–wing Interaction;

Numerical investigation of strake profile and maximum thickness position in the ram-rotor
Han, Ji-ang and Guan, Jian and Zhong, Jingjun and Zhao, Zi-an
Pages: 5773–5787
Keywords: Ram-rotor;Strake Profile;Maximum Thickness Position;Aerodynamic Performance;Numerical Investigation;

Numerical investigation of the full-cone spray structure and characteristics provided by a jet-swirl atomizer
Hassani, Mohammad Amin and Elkaie, Abbas and Shafaee, Maziar
Pages: 5788–5800
Keywords: Jet-swirl Atomizer;Full-cone Spray;Openfoam;Sauter Mean Diameter;Primary Breakup;Secondary Breakup;Monopropellant Thruster;



Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

Since last newsletter, three new issues have been issued: 

  • Volume 26, Issue N.1 of January 2019 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 26, Issue N.2 of March 2019 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 26, Issue N.3 of May 2019 (ToC available here)

The ToC for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.


Table of Contents (Volume 26 Issue N.3)


Heat transfer in a phase change material under constant heat flux
Nizovtsev, M. I. and Borodulin, V. Yu. and Letushko, V. N. and Terekhov, V. I. and Poluboyarov, V. A. and Berdnikova, L. K.
Pages: 313–324
Keywords: "composite material, phase change material, heat-accumulating properties, thermal inertia, enthalpy model, phase transition"

Numerical simulation of natural convection heat transfer of copper-water nanofluid in a vertical cylindrical annulus with heat sources
Mebarek-Oudina, F. and Bessaïh, R.
Pages: 325–334
Keywords: "natural convection, nanofluid, heat sources, cylindrical annulus"

Investigation of a stable boundary layer using an explicit algebraic model of turbulence
Kurbatskii, A. F. and Kurbatskaya, L. I.
Pages: 335–350
Keywords: "turbulence, stable planetary boundary layer, explicit algebraic model of turbulent fluxes, constant surface forcing, numerical simulation"

Turbulent transport in a swirling jet with vortex core breakdown. piv/plif-measurement and numerical simulation
Lobasov, A. S. and Dulin, V. M. and Dekterev, Ar. A. and Minakov, A. V.
Pages: 351–359
Keywords: "swirling turbulent jet, vortex breakdown, turbulent transport, optical methods for flow diagnostics, CFD simulation of turbulent flow"

Numerical investigation and optimization of airfoil flow control using passive air-jet
Aziz, M. A. and Elsayed, A. M.
Pages: 361–374
Keywords: "passive, flow control, CFD, optimization, simplex algorithm"

Laminar-turbulent transition of supersonic boundary layer in the presence of external disturbances
Gaponov, S. A.
Pages: 375–383
Keywords: "supersonic boundary layer, laminar-turbulent transition, Reynolds stresses, hydrodynamic stability, external disturbances"

Liquid atomization in a high-speed coaxial gas jet
Boiko, V. M. and Nesterov, A. Yu. and Poplavski, S. V.
Pages: 385–398
Keywords: "high-speed jet, gas-droplet flow, droplets aerobreak"

Interaction of a burning gas jet with a permeable rotating barrier
Bazhaikin, A. N.
Pages: 399–408
Keywords: "flow pattern, gas concentration, rotating permeable disk, fuel-jet burning"

Studying the effective longitudinal turbulent transfer at transverse streamlining of in-line tube bundles
Rachkov, V. I. and Fedoseev, V. N. and Pisarevskiy, M. I. and Korsun, A. S. and Merinov, I. G. and Balberkina, Yu. N.
Pages: 409–415
Keywords: "in-line rod packing, turbulent flow, effective thermal conductivity, integral model of turbulence, model of an anisotropic porous solid, tube bundles, rod bundles"

Influence of sound-absorbing coatings on the development of disturbances in a flowing mixture of vibrationally excited gases
Poplavskaya, T. V. and Reshetova, A. I. and Tsyryulnikov, I. S.
Pages: 417–428
Keywords: "hypersonic flows, non-equilibrium, highly porous materials"

Effect of hall current on mhd slip flow of casson nanofluid over a stretching sheet with zero nanoparticle mass flux
El-Aziz, M. Abd and Afify, A. A.
Pages: 429–443
Keywords: "Casson nanofluid, slip boundary condition, Hall current, heat generation/absorption"

Concerning the adequacy of the emissivity model to experimental data when determining the true temperature of an opaque material by the thermal radiation spectrum
Rusin, S. P.
Pages: 445–454
Keywords: "true temperature, thermal radiation spectrum, unknown emissivity"

Numerical investigation on the effect of vortex generator shapes on film cooling performance
Zheng, D. and Wang, X. and Yuan, Q.
Pages: 455–460
Keywords: "film cooling, shaped vortex generator, numerical investigation, adiabatic cooling effectiveness"

Crisis of heat transfer on a micro-finned heater with gas-driven fc-72 film flow in a mini-channel
Cheverda, V. V. and Kabov, O. A.
Pages: 461–464
Keywords: "two-phase flows, film flows, local heating, heat transfer crisis, micro-finning"



Patents of Interest

In this issue of patents of interests, we will like review recent filings relative to augmented supported systems for aviation. 

Therefore, the following patents have been selected from the EPO database using the following criteria: "PUA12 >= 20190101 and  WORD=Augmentation AND  WORD=System and WORD=aircraft"  and selecting a few interesting patents that could have repercussions on our field. In this case, this means all patents whose A1/A2 documents both have been published after January 1, 2019. Since patents can be filed towards different organizations, sometimes the data available in the EPO database (the version available for free online) is not the most complete. In that case an external link is used. 


How to browse the EPO patent list

There are different tools online to browse/search patents, for example google and the wipo. Here we will be using the EPO Patent information services for experts, from this address. It is possible to browse patents based on many parameters, inventor name, applicant/proprietor (usually a company), application date, etc. etc. In the future we will consider patents that have published their A1/A2 documents since the date of the last newsletter.

The definition of A1 and A2 are available here.

  • Basically when a European patent application is published together with the search report done by the agency, it is known as an A1 publication. When this application is published without the search report, it is an A2 document.
  • The search report is then published later as an A3 document.
  • When the patent is granted, it is published as a B document.

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