Newsletter #31

Words from the Editor

Dear Colleague,



Our association has been rather busy preparing its major event eucass 2019 in Madrid, so other activities like preparing this newsletter had to momentarily be put on the back burner. Sorry about that.



The Aerospace Europe newsletter’s primary objective is to bring to your attention

  1. Conferences that are of interest to our community
  2. Contents of the latest issues of scientific journals edited in Europe
  3. Relevant patents from the European Patent Office.

Occasionally, job offers and public policy issues will be posted.

If you hear of outstanding scientific breakthroughs or publications from other groups or from your own lab, do not fail to inform us at the special email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and we'll highlight them in the forthcoming issue.

That said, this issue features four main sections:

  1. Announcement of conferences from Aerospace Europe societies and the Pegasus network
  2. The usual tables of contents of European aerospace journals ordered by disciplines in order to facilitate access to material of interest to you
  3. A sections News from Readers
  4. The section "Patents of Interest" will look at a few patents of interest published in the last 6 months on a broad array of topics

A Merlen, President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

JP Taran, Honorary President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


News from Aerospace Europe partner societies

To always find the latest news for the events organised by the Aerospace Europe (ae in short) members, do not forget to visit the ae website.


The European Mechanics society will hold its 17th major event in Turin, Italy the 3-6 September 2019.

Since 1986 the European Turbulence Conference (ETC) is held every other year with usually over 450 participants. The objective of the ETC is to provide a platform for scientists to present and discuss recent advances in the field of turbulence and related topics

More information on the dedicate event website here.



News from Journals

    For your convenience, starting from newsletter #10 we  provide for each article the keywords selected by the respective journal editor.


    At the same time, our newsletter editor or his helper is classifying the most interesting articles for our Aerospace Europe partners according to main areas of interest.


    Please find below the usual classification with links to the proper article in the classical article list based on the different journals presented in this newsletter.


Removing the REF:01:FER stuff in new file

TsAGI Science Journal

Since Newsletter #30 (see the past issues on our website here)  two new volumes have been published:

  • Volume 49, Issue N.8 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 50, Issue N.1 (ToC available here)

The ToC of this last issue is reported below for your convenience.

Table of Contents (Volume 50 Issue N.1)


Aleksandr aleksandrovich nikolskii: marking the 100th anniversary of his birth
Sudakov, Georgii Grigorievich
Pages: v–vii
Keywords: Nikolskii, TsAGI, mechanics, aerodynamics, anniversary

Analytical model of ejector-type actuator operating under steady and pulse conditions
Voevodin, Aleksandr Vladimirovich and Kornyakov, Anton Andreevich and Petrov, Aleksander Sergeevich and Sudakov, Georgii Grigorievich
Pages: 1–14
Keywords: actuator, plasma, pulse, analytical model, experiment, computations, ejector

Effect of the horizontal canard of the sharp-edged forebody of the maneuverable aircraft model on the vortex flow structure
Osipov, Konstantin Anatolievich
Pages: 15–23
Keywords: numerical simulation, horizontal canard, sharp-edged forebody, maneuverable aircraft model, vortex flow, vortex breakdown, interference of vortex structures, large angles of attack, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations

Numerical investigation of separated incompressible fluid flow past a circular cylinder with a splitter plate
Korolev, Georgy Lvovich
Pages: 25–37
Keywords: Navier–Stokes equations, circular cylinder, separation, numerical method, incompressible fluid, steady-state solution

Experimental investigation of boundary layer state on the surface of high-speed test vehicle model
Alyoshin, Stanislav Sergeevich and Golubkin, Valerii Nikolaevich and Gubanov, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich and Nazhimov, Ivan Valerievich and Shevalev, Yurii Grigoryevich and Steelant, Johan
Pages: 39–52
Keywords: high-speed test vehicle, wind tunnel, experimental investigations, turbulence stimulator, laminar–turbulent transition

Determination of the acoustic efficiency of materials and structures in laboratory and real conditions. part 2: vibration absorption
Zverev, Aleksander Yakovlevich and Semenova, Lubov’ Pavlovna
Pages: 53–69
Keywords: acoustics, vibration absorption, sound transmission loss

Numerical investigation of elliptical mixed expansion nozzle performance in supersonic flow
Mazurov, Anatoliy Pavlovich
Pages: 71–89
Keywords: elliptical nozzle, mixed expansion nozzle, viscous gas, numerical method, exhaust jet, nozzle thrust vector

Investigations of flow parameters in models of precombustion diffusers with sectioned ducts
Guryleva, Natalya Valeryevna and Ivankin, Mikhail Anatolyevich and Lapinsky, Dmitry Aleksandrovich and Tereshin, Aleksander Mikhailovich
Pages: 91–101
Keywords: intake, precombustion diffuser, isolator, shock train, experimental studies

Physical model vibration modeling using artificial flow
Liseykin, Gleb Vadimovich and Markin, Igor’ Vladimirovich and Pronin, Mikhail Alexandrovich and Ryabykina, Regina Vladimirovna and Smyslov, Vsevolod Igorevich
Pages: 103–113
Keywords: flutter, electromechanical modeling (EMM) bench, resonance testing, artificial flow

Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Since last newsletter, three new issues have been released. They are: 

  • Volume 233, Issue N.3 of March 2019 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 233, Issue N.4 of March 2019 (ToC available here)
  • Volume 233, Issue N.5 of April 2019 (ToC available here)

The ToC for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.

Table of Contents (Volume 233 Issue N.5)


Unmanned air vehicles for targeting tasks
Ashokkumar, Chimpalthradi R
Pages: 1926–1934
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;Targeting System;Flight Control;Longitudinal Dynamics;Autonomy;

Three-dimensional relative reachable domain with initial state uncertainty in gaussian distribution
Wen, Changxuan and Gao, Yang and Shi, Hao
Pages: 1555–1570
Keywords: Relative Reachable Domain;Satellite Relative Motion;Uncertainty;Operational Safety;Cluster Flight;

Robust output feedback trajectory tracking for quadrotors
Shi, Xiling and Sun, Yunqiang and Shao, Xingling
Pages: 1596–1610
Keywords: Extended State Observer;Output Feedback;Back-stepping;Quadrotor;Explosion Of Complexity;Sliding Mode Differentiator;

Dynamic response analysis of aero hydraulic pipeline system under pump fluid pressure fluctuation
Gao, Pei-xin and Zhai, Jing-yu and Han, Qing-kai
Pages: 1585–1595
Keywords: Pump Pressure Fluctuation;Dynamic Response Analysis;Hydraulic Pipeline;Method Of Characteristics;Finite Element;

A 3d pitch and impact-angle constrained guidance scheme
Varma, S Aditya and Kothari, Mangal
Pages: 1571–1584
Keywords: Proportional Navigation Guidance;Impact-angle Guidance;Pitch Constrained Guidance;

Flight test of flying-wing type unmanned aerial vehicle with partial wing-loss
Kim, Kijoon and Kim, Seungkeun and Suk, Jinyoung and Ahn, Jongmin and Kim, Nakwan and Kim, Byoung-Soo
Pages: 1611–1628
Keywords: Flying-wing;Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;Wing Structure Damage;Flight Test;Neural Network Controller;

Experimental study on axially non-uniform clearances in a linear turbine cascade with a cavity squealer tip
Chen, Shaowen and Meng, Qinghe and Li, Weihang and Zhou, Zhihua and Wang, Songtao
Pages: 1645–1655
Keywords: Axially Non-uniform Clearance;Cavity Squealer Tip;Tip Leakage Flow;Aerodynamic Performance;Linear Turbine Cascade;

Effects of revolute clearance joint on the dynamic behavior of a planar space arm system
Miao, Huihui and Li, Bing and Liu, Jie and He, Anqi and Zhu, Shangkun
Pages: 1629–1644
Keywords: Revolute Clearance Joint;Space Arm;Contact Model;Locking Model;Lubrication;Dynamic Behavior;

Film cooling optimization on leading edge gas turbine blade using differential evolution
García, Juan C and Dávalos, José O and Urquiza, Gustavo and Galván, Sergio and Ochoa, Alberto and Rodríguez, José A and Ponce, Carlos
Pages: 1656–1666
Keywords: Film Cooling;Gas Turbine;Differential Evolution;Artificial Neural Network;Reynolds Averaged Navier–stokes;Optimization;

Development of a new tool for constrained conflict resolution
Han, Yun-xiang and Huang, Xiao-qiong and Tang, Xin-min
Pages: 1683–1694
Keywords: Air Traffic Control;Conflict Resolution;Optimization;Sequential Programming;

Large deformation bending responses of nanotube-reinforced polymer composite panel structure: numerical and experimental analyses
Mehar, Kulmani and Panda, Subrata K and Mahapatra, Trupti R
Pages: 1695–1704
Keywords: Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube;Experimental;Finite Element Method;Flexural Strength;Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory;Variational Principle;

A quadratic homotopy method for fuel-optimal low-thrust trajectory design
Pan, Binfeng and Pan, Xun and Ma, Yangyang
Pages: 1741–1757
Keywords: Homotopy Method;Fuel-optimal;Low-thrust Trajectory Optimization;Many Revolutions;Asteroid Flyby;

Comparison between bolt clamping force and composite patches for repairing aircraft structures of aluminum alloy 2024-t3
Maleki, HN and Chakherlou, TN
Pages: 1758–1771
Keywords: Fracture Mechanics;Mixed Mode;Bolt Clamping Force;Composite Patch;Stress Intensity Factor;

A coordinated turn controller for a fixed-wing aircraft
Corona-Sánchez, José J and Guzmán Caso, Óscar Roberto and Rodríguez-Cortés, H
Pages: 1728–1740
Keywords: Fixed-wing Aircraft;Lateral-directional Dynamics;Coordinated Turn;Control Design;Flight Simulator;

Nonsingular adaptive-gain super-twisting guidance with an impact angle constraint
Li, Guofei and Wu, Yunjie
Pages: 1705–1714
Keywords: Guidance Law;Impact Angle Constraint;Super-twisting;Adaptive Gain;Nonsingular;

Quasi-continuous high-order sliding mode control-based fault-tolerant control for hypersonic flight vehicle via neural network observer
Cheng, Zian and Chen, Fuyang and Niu, Juan
Pages: 1784–1800
Keywords: Hypersonic Flight Vehicle;Quasi-continuous High-order Sliding Mode;Chattering Reduction;Neural Network;Fault Tolerant;

Three-dimensional aero-thermo-elasticity analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shell panels
Fazilati, Jamshid and Khalafi, Vahid and Shahverdi, Hossein
Pages: 1715–1727
Keywords: Three-dimensional Aero-thermo-elasticity;Cylindrical Shell Panel;Generalized Differential Quadrature Method;Functionally Graded Material;Thermal Effects;

The establishment and verification of kinematic equation of all link centroid of the manipulator mounted on a satellite
Zhang, Hongwen and Zhu, Zhanxia and Tang, Biwei and Yuan, Jianping
Pages: 1801–1819
Keywords: Space Robot;On-orbit Servicing;Robot Kinematics;Pre-impact Control;Configuration Control;

Finite element analysis of solar sail force model with mission application
Boni, Luisa and Mengali, Giovanni and Quarta, Alessandro A
Pages: 1838–1846
Keywords: Square Solar Sail;Solar Sail Force Model;Finite Element Analysis;Sail Mission;Near-optimal Control Law;

Linear-parameter-varying-based adaptive sliding mode control with bounded l2 gain performance for a morphing aircraft
Wen, Nuan and Liu, Zhenghua and Zhu, Lingpu
Pages: 1847–1864
Keywords: Morphing Aircraft;Kane Model;Linear-parameter-varying;Sliding Mode Control;Adaptive;L2 Performance;

Identification of spin maneuver aerodynamic nonlinear model by applying ensemble empirical mode decomposition and extended multipoint modeling
Mokhtari, MA and Sabzehparvar, M
Pages: 1865–1878
Keywords: Nonlinear Aerodynamic Model;Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition;Extended Multipoint Modeling;Spin Maneuver;

Nonlinear system controllability analysis and autopilot design for bank-to-turn aircraft with two flaps
Dong, Jinlu and Zhou, Di and Shao, Chuntao and Wu, Shikai
Pages: 1772–1783
Keywords: Flap Control;Controllability;Zero Dynamics;Autopilot Design;Feedback Linearization;

A distribution model of the gnss code noise and multipath error considering both elevation angle and orbit type
Fan, Guochao and Xu, Chengdong and Zhao, Jing and Zheng, Xueen
Pages: 1900–1915
Keywords: Global Navigation Satellite System;Beidou Navigation Satellite System;Code Noise And Multipath;Non-gaussian Distribution;Overbounding;

Aspects of aero-engine nacelle drag
Robinson, Matthew and MacManus, David G and Sheaf, Christopher
Pages: 1667–1682
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics;Drag Prediction;Drag Rise;Nacelle;Spillage;

Planar path following nonlinear controller design for an autonomous airship
Zhou, Wei-xiang and Zhou, Ping-fang and Wang, Yue-ying and Duan, Deng-ping
Pages: 1879–1899
Keywords: Airship;Path Following;Command Filter;Backstepping Control;Actuator Saturation;Actuator Dynamics;Nonlinear Disturbance Observer;

Design optimization of a thrust chamber using a mass-based model to improve the geometrical and performance parameters of low-thrust space propulsion systems
Shafaee, Maziar and Mohammad Zadeh, Parviz and Elkaie, Abbas and Fallah, Hamed
Pages: 1820–1837
Keywords: Design Optimization;Hybrid Algorithm;Thrust Chamber;Space Propulsion;Mass-based Model;

A winding machine for polarized wire grid of microwave radiometer calibration
Hu, Yong and Shen, Xin and Hu, Ye and Wang, Maosen and Zhang, Qichao and Zou, Qing and Li, Bin
Pages: 1916–1925
Keywords: Microwave;Polarized Wire Grid;Winding Machine;



Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

Since last newsletter, one new issues has been issued: 

  • Volume 25, Issue N.6 of Novembe 2018 (ToC available here)

The ToC for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.

Table of Contents (Volume 25 Issue N.6)


Experimental study of the influence of small angles of attack and cone nose bluntness on the stabilization of hypersonic boundary layer with passive porous coating
Morozov, S. O. and Lukashevich, S. V. and Soudakov, V. G. and Shiplyuk, A. N.
Pages: 793–800
Keywords: "hypersonic boundary layer, passive porous coating, boundary-layer stability, laminar-turbulent transition, second-mode disturbances"

Investigation of the impulse action of a membrane on the straight wing boundary layer
Katasonov, M. M. and Pavlenko, A. M. and Kozlov, V. V.
Pages: 801–807
Keywords: "boundary layer, separation, laminar-turbulent transition, longitudinal localized structure, wave packet"

The motion of vortices in a two-dimensional bounded region
Geshev, P. I. and Chernykh, A. I.
Pages: 809–822
Keywords: "ideal fluid, point vortex, Hamiltonian, exact integration, stochastic trajectories"

Experimental determination of the helium permeability coefficient of hollow microspherical membranes
Zinovyev, V. N. and Kazanin, I. V. and Lebiga, V. A. and Pak, A. Yu. and Tsibulsky, N. G. and Vereshchagin, A. S. and Fomin, V. M.
Pages: 823–831
Keywords: "helium, microspheres, helium permeability, gas separation, natural gas, membrane-sorption method"

Effect of droplet evaporation on the flow structure and heat and mass transfer in a confined swirling gas-droplet flow downstream of a tube sudden expansion
Pakhomov, M. A. and Terekhov, V. I.
Pages: 833–843
Keywords: "gas-droplet flow, separation, swirl, evaporation, numerical simulation, turbulence, model of Reynolds stress transport"

Thermoviscous fluid flow modes in a plane nonisothermal layer
Kulikov, Y. M. and Son, E. E.
Pages: 845–864
Keywords: "thermoviscosity, inflection point, random noise, mixing, correlation filter, correction for diver-gence, turbulence"

Movement of liquid rivulet in a microchannel with a co-current gas flow
Kabova, Yu. O. and Kuznetsov, V. V. and Kabov, O. A.
Pages: 865–874
Keywords: "two-phase flows, rivulets, microchannels, numerical studies"

Self-oscillatory regime of boiling of a highly subcooled liquid in a flow-passage annular duct
Aktershev, S. P. and Levin, A. A. and Mesentsev, I. V. and Mesentseva, N. N.
Pages: 875–887
Keywords: "boiling, subcooled liquid, evaporation, condensation, pressure pulsations, self-oscillations"

The influence of the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity and emissivity on the temperature field in a photoacoustic cell with two-layer samples
Salikhov, T. Kh. and Khodjaev, Yu. P.
Pages: 889–896
Keywords: "temperature field, photoacoustics, two-layer systems"

The influence of pulsed co2-laser radiation on the transport of powder during laser cladding of metal
Sergachev, D. V. and Kovalev, O. B. and Grachev, G. N. and Smirnov, A. L. and Pinaev, P. A.
Pages: 897–908
Keywords: "two-phase flow, pulsed laser radiation, evaporation, vapor recoil pressure, reactive acceleration, optical diagnostics"

Experimental study of alkaline-surfactant-polymer compositions for asp-flooding of cores from highly viscous oil reservoirs
Zhapbasbayev, U. K. and Kudaibergenov, S. E. and Mankhanova, A. E. and Sadykov, R. M.
Pages: 909–916
Keywords: "highly viscous oil, alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flooding, Winsor type III emulsion, phase behavior"

Study of solid hydrocarbon gasification in spherical bedding under high-temperature gas flow
Arefyev, K. Yu. and Fedotova, K. V. and Yanovsky, L. S. and Ilchenko, M. A. and Niazbaev, K. T.
Pages: 917–928
Keywords: "solid hydrocarbons, simulation, two-chamber low-temperature gas generator, LTGG, sublimation, azines"

Investigating the efficiency of a steam-turbine heating plant with a back-pressure steam turbine and waste-heat recovery
Kler, A. M. and Stepanova, E. L. and Maksimov, A. S.
Pages: 929–938
Keywords: "steam-turbine heating plant, mathematical modeling, optimization, efficiency of heat power equipment, steam turbine with back pressure, waste-heat recovery"


Combustion and Explosion Journal

Since last time, one new volume of the Combustion and Explosion Journal has been published:

  • Volume 12, Issue N.1 (ToC available here)

The ToC for this last issue is presented below for your convenience

Table of Contents (Volume 12 Issue N.1)


On the reactivity of singlet delta oxygen with respect to the simplest hydrocarbons
A. S. Sharipov and A. V. Pelevkin
Pages: P. 4-11
Keywords: singlet oxygen; simplest hydrocarbons; reaction kinetics; plasma-assisted combustion

Characteristics of combustion of rich methane-air mixtures at elevated pressures
I. S. Glukhov, Yu. N. Shebeko, A. Yu. Shebeko, and A. V. Zuban
Pages: P. 12-19
Keywords: upper (lower) flammability limit; flame temperature; maximum explosion pressure; normal burning

Selective oxycracking of heavier components of natural and associated petroleum gases as a way for production of gas motor fuel
A. V. Nikitin, K. Ya. Troshin, A. A. Belyaev, A. V. Arutyunov, A. A. Zakharov, A. A. Kirushin, and V. S. Arutyunov
Pages: P. 20-28
Keywords: natural gas; associated petroleum gas; alkanes; gas-piston engines; self-ignition delay; methane number;

Autoignition of methane-air mixture under intermittent operation of a hollow cylindrical Ni-Al radiant burner
A. S. Maznoy and N. S. Pichugin
Pages: P. 29-36
Keywords: radiant burner; infrared burner; porous burner; autoignition

Infrared burner device with high specific power
N. Ya. Vasilik and V. M. Shmelev
Pages: P. 37-42
Keywords: surface combustion; radiation burners; permeable ceramic material

Analysis of the mechanisms of turbulent combustion using calculation data based on the partially stirred reactor model
V. V. Vlasenko, A. Yu. Nozdrachev, V. A. Sabelnikov, and A. A. Shiryaeva
Pages: P. 43-57
Keywords: turbulent combustion; turbulence–combustion interaction; partially stirred reactor; combustion

On the effect of molecular oxygen on combustion of aluminum nanopowder in steam
V. B. Storozhev and A. N. Yermakov
Pages: P. 58-62
Keywords: combustion; aluminum; nanoparticles; steam; oxygen

Catapult launching tests of an unmanned aerial vehicle with a ramjet pulsed-detonation engine
S. M. Frolov, V. S. Aksenov, V. S. Ivanov, and I. O. Shamshin, and S. A. Nabatnikov
Pages: P. 63-72
Keywords: pulsed detonation engine; power plant; experimental sample; catapult launching tests; thrust performance; specific impulse

Numerical simulation of the operation process in a diesel engine with the real-gas equation of state
S. M. Frolov, V. S. Ivanov, R. R. Tukhvatullina, F. S. Frolov, N. M. Kuznetsov, and B. Basara
Pages: P. 73-83
Keywords: diesel engine; operation process; numerical simulation; real-gas equation of state; indicating diagram;

Numerical simulation of heterogeneous detonation using HLL method for Baer-Nunziato equations
P. S. Utkin and Ya. E. Poroshina
Pages: P. 84-89
Keywords: heterogeneous detonation; compaction wave; Baer–Nunziato equations; HLL method; numerical

The mechanism of ignition of double-base propellant at low pressures
V. G. Krupkin, V. N. Marshakov, and S. A. Rashkovskiy
Pages: P. 90-99
Keywords: ignition; combustion; hot-spots pulsating mechanism; gunpowder; double-base propellant; non-onedimensional combustion front; hearth; focal pulsating combustion mechanism

About convective burning of aluminum powder PAP-2 with water
V. Khrapovskii and B. S. Ermolaev
Pages: P. 100-107
Keywords: burning of aluminum; hydrogen; aluminum oxide, convective burning

Experimental study of thermally coupled self-propagating high-temperature synthesis processes in the layered system Fe2O3 + 2Al/Ti + Al
A. V. Linde, I. A. Studenikin, A. A. Kondakov, and V. V. Grachev
Pages: P. 108-115
Keywords: combustion; self-propagating high-temperature synthesis; thermally coupled systems

Frame compounds. Energy rearrangments of radicals
E. A. Miroshnichenko, T. S. Kon'kova, Yu. N. Matyushin, A. B. Vorob'ev, J. O. Inozemtsev, and A. V. Inozemtsev
Pages: P. 116-121
Keywords: frame compounds; chemical bond energies; bond dissociation energies; enthalpy of radical formation;

Influence of aluminum particle size on the heat of explosion of aluminized explosive compositions
M. N. Makhov
Pages: P. 122-128
Keywords: high explosive; acceleration ability; heat of explosion, aluminum; nanocomposite

On the mechanical sensitivity of mixtures of explosives with solid particles
A. V. Dubovik, N. V. Dmitriev, and V. O. Leontiev
Pages: P. 129-133
Keywords: explosive; impact; explosion; sensitivity; sensitization; friction; explosion mechanism

Versions of the thermodynamic perturbation theory and the choice of the optimal version for calculations of thermodynamic properties of substances
Yu. A. Bogdanova, I. V. Maklashova, and T. D. Tret'yakova
Pages: P. 134-141
Keywords: perturbation theory; intermolecular interaction potential; equation of state; fluids; isothermal


News from Readers

One of our readers informs us that there is a new issue (#14) of the open access access AerospaceLab journal of Onera. The fourteenth AerospaceLab Journal issue is dedicated to aeroelasticity and structural dynamics.

AerospaceLab Journal

Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics
Cedric Liauzun & Nicolas Piet-Lahanier
Full Article

A Comprehensive Load Process at the DLR Definition, Analysis, and Experimental Evaluation
Wolf Kruger, Pier Davide Ciampa, Martin Geier, Thiemo Kier, Thomas Klimmek, Dieter Kohlgruber, Per Ohme, Kristof Risse & Julian Schwinn
Full Article

Morphing Wing, UAV and Aircraft Multidisciplinary Studies at the Laboratory of Applied Research in Active Controls, Avionics and AeroServoElasticity LARCASE
Ruxandra Botez
Full Article

Overview of the Aeroelastic Capabilities of the elsA Solver within the Context of Aeronautical Engines
Alain Dugeai, Yann Mauffrey, Antoine Placzek & Simon Verley
Full Article

Modelling the Damping at the Junction between Two Substructures by Non-Linear Meta-Models
Veronique Kehr-Candille
Full Article

Descent Methods for Design Optimization under Uncertainty
Fabrice Poirion & Quentin Mercier
Full Article

On the Validation and Use of High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations for Gust Response Analysis
Fabien Huvelin, Sylvie Dequand, Arnaud Lepage & Cedric Liauzun
Full Article

Advances in Parametric and Model-Form Uncertainty Quantification in Canonical Aeroelastic Systems
Jean-Camille Chassaing, Christian Nitschke, Angela Vincenti, Paola Cinnella & Didier Lucor
Full Article

Vibration Mitigation Based on Nonlinear Absorbers
Cyrille Stephan, Giuseppe Pennisi & Guilhem Michon
Full Article

A Review of Industrial Aeroelasticity Practices at Dassault Aviation for Military Aircraft and Business Jets
Eric Garrigues
Full Article

Study of Morphing Winglet Concepts Aimed at Improving Load Control and the Aeroelastic Behavior of Civil Transport Aircraft
Cedric Liauzun, Dominique Le Bihan, Jean-Michel David, Didier Joly & Bernard Paluch
Full Article

Highly-Nonlinear and Transient Structural Dynamics: a Review about Crashworthiness of Composite Aeronautical Structures
Eric Deletombe & David Delsart
Full Article

Understanding and Modeling Nonlinear Behaviors in Aerospace Structures using Sine-Sweep Testing
Tilan Dossogne, Jean-Philippe Noel, Luc Masset, Gaetan Kerschen & Bart Peeters
Full Article

Patents of Interest

In this issue of patents of interests, we will like review recent filings relative to Perovskite

Therefore, the following patents have been selected from the EPO database using the following criteria: "PUA12 >= 20190101 and WORD=Perovskite"  and selecting a few interesting patents that could have repercussions on our field. In this case, this means all patents whose A1/A2 documents both have been published after January 1, 2019. Since patents can be filed towards different organizations, sometimes the data available in the EPO database (the version available for free online) is not the most complete. In that case an external link is used. 


How to browse the EPO patent list

There are different tools online to browse/search patents, for example google and the wipo. Here we will be using the EPO Patent information services for experts, from this address. It is possible to browse patents based on many parameters, inventor name, applicant/proprietor (usually a company), application date, etc. etc. In the future we will consider patents that have published their A1/A2 documents since the date of the last newsletter.

The definition of A1 and A2 are available here.

  • Basically when a European patent application is published together with the search report done by the agency, it is known as an A1 publication. When this application is published without the search report, it is an A2 document.
  • The search report is then published later as an A3 document.
  • When the patent is granted, it is published as a B document.

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