Newsletter #29

Words from the Editor

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to a new edition of our newsletter, just a couple of days after Arianespace 100th Ariane 5 launch (VA243)!

The Ariane 5 launcher has, with his different variants, a long history, since its first launch in 1996: recently many other launchers have been deployed and there is currently an healthy competition in the segment of space launchers, for the heavy-lift market  in particular.

The Aerospace Europe newsletter’s primary objective is to bring to your attention

  1. Conferences that are of interest to our community
  2. Contents of the latest issues of scientific journals edited in Europe
  3. Relevant patents from the European Patent Office.

Occasionally, job offers and public policy issues will be posted (like for this newsletter, please see below).

If you hear of outstanding breakthroughs from other groups or have one from your own lab, do not fail to inform us at the special email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll highlight them in the forthcoming issue.

This issue features five main sections:

  1. Public Policy Announcement
  2. News from Eucass
  3. Announcement of conferences from Aerospace Europe societies and the Pegasus network
  4. The usual tables of contents of European aerospace journals ordered by disciplines in order to facilitate access to material of interest to you
  5. The section "Patents of Interest" will look at a few patents of interest published in the last 6 months on a broad array of topics

A Merlen, President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

JP Taran, Honorary President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Public Policy Announcement

After the FP7 and the H2020 research and innovation programs, the Commission is making preparations for their succesor, Horizon Europe with 100 billion € funding.

Some have looked closely to the Commission proposal and made some estimates, noting that the proposed budget falls short of the 160 billion € that are supposedly needed to adequately fund research and innovation in the coming years with all the new challenges of a changing world.

Our colleagues of the Initiative for Science in Europe and Euroscience wrote on a dedicated website:

...we believe that it falls short of the effort required of Europe to face the growing geopolitical challenges as well as the very high level of competition now set notably by Asian countries: gross domestic spending on R&D in the EU as percentage of GDP, which is below 2% and lags behind Korea (4.2%), Taiwan (3.3%), Japan (3.1%), USA (2.8%), China (2.1%, and constantly rising). There is a serious danger that the situation will force many promising young scientists to leave Europe, and that Europe will become less attractive for foreign scientists...

...We urge the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and the European Commission to create the needed step change in budgetary commitment for Research and Innovation, by moving from the current 100 billion € target proposed for the next 7-year Financial Framework period to 160 billion €.

The method chosen to transmit these and similar worries to the Commission is to sign a petition

We encourage our readers to visit the links above and to sign the relevant petition if they share these views. 


News from Eucass

Please stay on alert: the call for papers of the July 2019 conference will be sent to you very soon.

News from Aerospace Europe partner societies

To always fine the latest news for the events organized by the Aerospace Europe (ae in short) members, do not forget to visit the ae website.


Ercoftac is organizing a High-Fidelity Industrial LES/DNS Symposium "Paving the Way for Accurate CFD", a 3 days event in Brussels (see venue here) the 14-16 November. Both Eucass and Euroturbo partner with Ercoftac in the symposium preparation and contribute sessions.

HiFiLeD Symposium objectives: 

With the advent of large scale computing power and facilities, a new area of turbulence research is opening with the ability to perform reliable high-fidelity large-eddy simulations (LES) and direct numerical simulations (DNS) for industrial relevant flow configurations.

This availability is opening exciting new avenues towards understanding and modeling turbulence and transition by:

  • Direct generation of HiFiLeD to fully predict complex flows, by capturing most or all of the relevant turbulent scales and interactions
  • Analyzing in depth the underlying physics, supported in particular by new technologies of Machine Learning
  • Confronting available turbulence and transition models, identifying their deficiencies, improving the range of validity of current models and generating new ones.

Event Flyer available here.

News from Journals

    For your convenience, starting from newsletter #10 we  provide for each article the keywords selected by the respective journal editor.


    At the same time, our newsletter editor or his helper is classifying the most interesting articles for our Aerospace Europe partners according to main areas of interest.


    Please find below the usual classification with links to the proper article in the classical article list based on the different journals presented in this newsletter.


TsAGI Science Journal

Since Newsletter #28 (see the past issues on our website here)  three new volumes have been published:

  • Volume 49, Issue N.1 (toc available here)
  • Volume 49, Issue N.2 (toc available here)
  • Volume 49, Issue N.3 (toc available here)

The toc of this last issue is reported below for your convenience.

Table of Contents (Volume 49 Issue N.3)

On the asymptotic theory of interaction of the running pressure perturbation with the boundary layer in a supersonic flow
Bogolepov, Vladimir Viktorovich and Neyland, Vladimir Yakovlevich
Pages: 209–224
Keywords: supersonic flow, boundary layer, running pressure perturbation, inviscid stationary approximation, self-induction mechanism

Self-similar solutions for viscous compressible gas flow inside a cone
Brutyan, Murad Abramovich and Ibragimov, Umar Garunovich
Pages: 225–237
Keywords: Navier–Stokes equations, axisymmetric flow of viscous gas, exact solutions

The influence of the wingtip on airflow past a wing
Pavlenko, Olga Viktorovna and Razdobarin, Alexander M. and Fedorenko, Gennadiy Andreevich
Pages: 239–249
Keywords: wingtip, aerodynamics characteristics, thick high-camber shape, computational

Volume-centered discharge in supersonic air flow at concentrated propane and oxygen injection to the discharge zone
Alatortsev, Vyacheslav Konstantinovich and Inshakov, Sergei Ivanovich and Inshakov, Ivan Sergeevich and Rozhkov, Aleksandr Fedorovich and Skvortsov, Vladimir Vladimirovich and Urusov, Andrey Yuryevich and Uspenskii, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Pages: 251–262
Keywords: supersonic flow, volume-centered discharge, propane and oxygen injection through an anode, spectroscopic studies, flow pattern

Effect of model attachment brackets for the av-102 measurement system on the results of experimental investigations in the tsagi t-102 wind tunnel
Krivoschapov, Alexey Alexandrovich
Pages: 263–272
Keywords: wind tunnel suspension system, strip support system, supporting device, experimental methodology in a wind tunnel

Determining admissible range limits for mounting air signal system sensors
Zlenko, Nikolay Alekseevich
Pages: 273–287
Keywords: CFD, optimization, regression analysis, empirical mathematical model, air signal system sensor

Active flutter suppression of a high aspect ratio wing aircraft
Mamedov, Oktai S. and Paryshev, Sergey E. and Popovsky, Valery N. and Smyslov, Vsevolod Igorevich
Pages: 289–297
Keywords: flutter, active suppression, computation, mathematical model

Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Since last newsletter, many new issues have been released. The latests are: 

  • Volume 232, Issue N.10 of August 2018 (toc available here)
  • Volume 232, Issue N.11 of September 2018 (toc available here)
  • Volume 232, Issue N.12 of September 2018 (toc available here)

The toc for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.

Table of Contents (Volume 232 Issue N.12)

Dynamics and control of underactuated spacecraft formation reconfiguration in elliptic orbits
Huang, Xu and Yan, Ye and Zhou, Yang
Pages: 2214–2230
Keywords: Controllability Analysis;Formation Reconfiguration;Spacecraft Formation Flying;Underactuated Control;Sliding Mode Control;

Preliminary study on supercritical hydrogen and bleed air heat exchanger for aircraft application
Łapka, Piotr and Seredyński, Mirosław and Ćwik, Andrzej
Pages: 2231–2243
Keywords: Bleed Air;Heat Exchanger;Heat Transfer;Hybrid Engine;Mathematical And Numerical Models;Supercritical Hydrogen;

Augmented lagrangian teaching–learning-based optimization for structural design
Li, Hong-Shuang and Dong, Qiao-Yue and Yuan, Jiao-Yang
Pages: 2195–2213
Keywords: Structural Design Optimization;Augmented Lagrangian Method;Teaching–learning-based Optimization;Constrained Optimization;Truss Structures;Nontruss Structures;

Free vibration analysis of functionally graded double-tapered beam rotating in thermal environment considering geometric nonlinearity, shear deformability, and coriolis effect
Pal, Suman and Das, Debabrata
Pages: 2244–2262
Keywords: Functionally Graded;Tapered Beam;Rotating Beam;Timoshenko Beam;Free Vibration;Coriolis;Tangent Stiffness;Temperature-dependent;

Robust high-degree cubature information filter and its application to trajectory estimation for ballistic missile
Wang, Xiaogang and Qin, Wutao and Cui, Naigang and Wang, Yu
Pages: 2364–2377
Keywords: Robust High-degree Cubature Information Filter;Trajectory Estimation;Cubature Rule;Extended Information Filter;Ballistic Missile;

Influence of key geometric parameters on the aerodynamic performance of a supersonic compressor cascade
Cui, Cui and Zhou, Zhenggui and Zhang, Jinhuan and Tao, Sheng
Pages: 2338–2348
Keywords: Supersonic Cascade;Numerical Calculation;Geometric Parameters;Aerodynamic Performance;Pre-compression;

Neural network-based distributed adaptive configuration containment control for satellite formations
Sun, Yanchao and Ma, Guangfu and Chen, Liangming and Wang, Pengyu
Pages: 2349–2363
Keywords: Satellite Formation;Configuration Control;Containment Control;Distributed Control;Neural Networks;Adaptive Control;

EP_DE II: a significant algorithm to search the optimal solution for global optimization of multi-gravity assist trajectory
Zuo, Mingcheng and Dai, Guangming and Peng, Lei
Pages: 2326–2337
Keywords: Global Optimization;Multiple Gravity Assist;Differential Evolution Algorithm;EP_DE II Algorithm;

A stability-guaranteed smooth-scheduled mimo robust emergency autopilot for a lateral surface jammed uav
Şahin, İsmail Hakkı and Kasnakoğlu, Coşku
Pages: 2286–2299
Keywords: Flight Control;Guidance;Navigation;Unmanned Air Vehicle;Smooth Scheduling;Multiple-input Multiple-output;Robust;Loop-shaping;Surface Jam;

Effect of anhedral on a reverse delta wing
Lee, T and Ko, LS and Tremblay-Dionne, V
Pages: 2317–2325
Keywords: Reverse Delta Wing;Anhedral;WIG Craft;Particle Image Velocimetry;Vortex Flow;

Constellation design for responsive visiting based on ground track adjustment
Yu, Xiang and Liu, Kun and Chen, Qifeng
Pages: 2300–2316
Keywords: Constellation Design;Ground Track;Reachable Domain;Orbital Maneuver;J2 Perturbation;Optimization;

A blended control strategy for intercepting high-speed target in high altitude
Zhang, Youan and Wu, Huali and Liu, Jingmao and Sun, Yumei
Pages: 2263–2285
Keywords: Head Pursuit;Robust Guidance Law;Lateral Jets Control;Aerodynamic Rudder Control;Uncertain Dynamics;Time-scale Separation;Robust Control;State Variables’ Prediction;Interceptor;Missile;

Measurement of projectile’s in-bore yaw based on the optical lever principle
Zhou, Qinbo and Rui, Xiaoting and Yang, Fufeng and Wang, Guoping and Tu, Tianxiong and Wang, Nan
Pages: 2378–2394
Keywords: Projectile;In-bore Yaw;Measurement;Ray Tracing;Kinematics;Instrument Layout;Optical Lever;


Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

Recently we did not review this journal: it is the occasion to remember the last 3 issues. 

  • Volume 25, Issue N.1 of January 2018 (toc available here)
  • Volume 25, Issue N.2 of March 2018 (toc available here)
  • Volume 25, Issue N.3 of May 2018 (toc available here)

The toc for the this issue is reported below for your convenience.

The aeroballistic technique for studying sonic-boom characteristics
Zvegintsev, V. I. and Potapkin, A. V.
Pages: 321–330
Keywords: supersonic flight, sonic boom, far zone, ballistic experiment

A numerical study of transient flow around a cylinder and aerodynamic sound radiation
Cai, J.-C. and Pan, J. and Kryzhanovskyi, A. and E, S.-J.
Pages: 331–346
Keywords: flow around a cylinder, computational fluid dynamics, Large Eddy Simulation (LES), aeroacoustics, acoustic analogy

Flow turbulization in a pseudo-shock forming in an axisymmetric duct with a frontal inlet
Gounko, Yu. P. and Mazhul, I. I.
Pages: 347–358
Keywords: axisymmetric duct, frontal inlet of internal compression, diffuser, supersonic flow deceleration, pseudo-shock, turbulence characteristics

Numerical investigation of thermal protection of hypersonic flying vehicles
Zinchenko, V. I. and Gol’din, V. D. and Zverev, V. G.
Pages: 359–366
Keywords: hypersonic velocity, aerodynamic heating, thermal protection, boundary layer, thermal protection system, thermochemical destruction, conjugated heat and mass transfer

Skin friction measurements on structured surfaces using clauser-chart method and oil film interferometry
Butt, U. and Egbers, C.
Pages: 367–377
Keywords: skin friction, Clauser-chart, Oil film interferometry

Self-oscillations in a jet flow and gaseous flame with strong swirl
Abdurakipov, S. S. and Dulin, V. M. and Markovich, D. M.
Pages: 379–386
Keywords: swirling jet, precession of vortex core, swirling flame, coherent structures, self-oscillations

3d numerical analysis on mechanisms of flow and heat transfer in a square channel with right triangular wavy surfaces
Jedsadaratanachai, W. and Boonloi, A.
Pages: 387–404
Keywords: right triangular wavy surface, heat transfer, friction loss, thermal enhancement factor, numerical investigation

MHD natural convective flow through a porous medium in a square cavity filled with liquid gallium
Javed, T. and Siddiqui, M. A. and Mehmood, Z.
Pages: 405–420
Keywords: free convection, square cavity, porous media, magnetic field, numerical simulation

Modeling of ice heating and melting in approximation of the stefan problem considering radiation
Sleptsov, S. D. and Rubtsov, N. A. and Savvinova, N. A.
Pages: 421–428
Keywords: ice, melting, Stefan problem, radiation-conductive heat transfer, water film

The influence of radiative-convective heat transfer on ignition of the drops of coal-water fuel
Syrodoy, S. V.
Pages: 429–443
Keywords: coal-water fuel, thermal radiation, thermal decomposition, coke ignition, volatile ignition

Effect of brownian motion on flow and heat transfer of nanofluids over a backward-facing step with and without adiabatic square cylinder
Bouazizi, L. and Turki, S.
Pages: 445–460
Keywords: nanofluids, thermal conductivity, Brownian motion, backward-facing step, heat transfer

The dynamics of phase changes in a heat storage of thermal control system for onboard radio-electronic equipment
Vasil’ev, E. N. and Derevyanko, V. A.
Pages: 461–467
Keywords: heat storage, heat storage material, hyper heat-conducting plate, thermal control, on-board radio electronic equipment

In memoriam of academician Vladimir E. Nakoryakov
Pages: 469–470

In memoriam of Oleg P. Solonenko
Pages: 471–472


International Journal of Turbomachinery Propulsion and Power 

We introduced a few newsletters ago this open access journal on research on Turbomachinery.  The latest articles published are reported below for your convenience. 


Improved turbulence prediction in turbomachinery flows and the effect on three-dimensional boundary layer transition †
Bode, Christoph and Friedrichs, Jens and Frieling, Dominik and Herbst, Florian
Pages: 18
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics; turbulence and transition modeling; boundary
Full Paper

Excellence in turbomachinery research: the best of the 12th european turbomachinery conference
Manna, Marcello
Pages: 19
Full Paper

Optimization of the ls89 axial turbine profile using a cad and adjoint based approach †
Sanchez Torreguitart, Ismael and Verstraete, Tom and Mueller, Lasse
Pages: 20
Keywords: base pressure; profile losses; algorithmic differentiation; adjoint optimization
Full Paper

A review of new experimental technologies for the development of advanced fans with high bypass ratio
Mileshin, Victor
Pages: 21
Keywords: advanced counter rotating fan; experimental technologies; high bypass ratio; casing
Full Paper

Patents of Interest

An interesting, non paywalled, summary report about Industrial Innovation: Aerospace & Defence Manufacturers can be found at the patsnap website. The summary report, while relative to the 2013-2015 period, can give some interesting insights to the evolution of patents applications and the main field of research. 

While this report is more biased towards the USPTO, identified some trends that should be the same across the world, like certain interest in the G01S sub-classification (radio-direction findings). 

Therefore, the following patents have been selected from the EPO database using the following criteria: "PUA12 >= 20180101 and IPC=G01S"  and selecting a few interesting patents in our field. In this case, this means all patents whose A1/A2 documents both have been published after January 1, 2018. Since patents can be filed towards different organizations, sometimes the data available in the EPO database (the version available for free online) is not the most complete. In that case an external link is used. 


How to browse the EPO patent list

There are different tools online to browse/search patents, for example google and the wipo. Here we will be using the EPO Patent information services for experts, from this address. It is possible to browse patents based on many parameters, inventor name, applicant/proprietor (usually a company), application date, etc. etc. In the future we will consider patents that have published their A1/A2 documents since the date of the last newsletter.

The definition of A1 and A2 are available here.

  • Basically when a European patent application is published together with the search report done by the agency, it is known as an A1 publication. When this application is published without the search report, it is an A2 document.
  • The search report is then published later as an A3 document.
  • When the patent is granted, it is published as a B document.

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