Newsletter #26

Words From The Editor

Dear Colleague,

  The last newsletter relayed the exciting news from  easyJet about their plan to introduce within the next decade an all-electric airplane for hauls up to 335 miles (i.e. from London to Paris). 

  Similar activities of other actors were recalled. We now have fresh news of another Airbus project on the future of flight, specifically the Vahana project. This project concerns a fully electric and autonomous VTOL aircraft, to improve urban mobility. The prototype of this aircraft has just been moved from the production site to a testing site in Oregon, where test flights are planned within the end of the year.

  The ambitious target is to have by 2020 a demonstrator fully certified for use with approved landing/departing helipads/spots and ready for production.

  It is not a "flying car", but another mean of transportation, completely electric, self-piloted (an autonomous vehicle), capable to detecting obstacles and other aircrafts by itself, and carrying 1 person or equivalent cargo. 

  In related news, Uber, the company better known for their drive hailing services and for their quest for autonomous vehicles, has recently released a 98 pages document on their vision of future of transport via autonomous VTOL vehicles.  

  Research on autonomous vehicles, more specifically on sensors, methods, systems and AIs is booming in these years (see this interesting article on IPWatchDog of last year, with a more recent evaluation by Statista this summer), with even Apple releasing days ago a paper on the ArXiv platform  on their researches on the topic (we remember that ArXiv is one of precursors of the open-access journals that we find available today).

Therefore, for the section "Patents of interest", we will look at some recent patents relative to the research on autonomous vehicles.


JP Taran

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    You can enhance visibility of your own scientific work, increase its readership and bring it faster to the attention of potential readers through this newsletter.

    When it's about to come out, do not fail to inform Stella Sauvan at the special email address  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll announce it in our next issue.


In this issue

News from E-CAero

News from Journals

News from Readers

Job Offers


Patents of Interest

News from E-CAero

To find always the latest news for the events organized by the E-CAero members, do not forget to visit the Aerospace Europe (ae in short)  website

Ercoftac Logo

Ercoftac's  BPG for CFD of turbulent combustion including emission prediction and virtual prototyping (Gas turbine engines, IC engines, & Process furnaces) will be held the 11-12 December at TU Delft

Please note each delegate will receive a free copy
of the BPG Combustion CFD book (normal price €230).

In this course, the objective is for participants to  learn the best practices in CFD of combustion systems:

- How to select models
- How to validate numerical simulations
- Which accuracy to expect

Interactions between fuel injection, turbulence,heat release and thermal radiation (critical in determining flame structure and pollutant emissions) are studied in depth.


ECCOMAS is organizing its advanced workshop on Platform for Aircraft Drag Reduction Innovation (PADRI 2017) shortly.

The open workshop focuses on a test case proposed for computation reproducing, even at low velocity, a typical shock wave pattern in the region of the junction strut-wing of an aircraft.

The workshop intends to contribute to fill the gap between the different technology models and their application.



News from Journals

    For your convenience, starting from newsletter #10 we  provide for each article the keywords selected by the respective journal editor.


    At the same time, our newsletter editor or his helper is classifying the most interesting articles for our E-CAero partners according to certains areas of interest.


    You'll find below first the usual classification with links to the proper article in the classical article list based on the different journals presented in this newsletter.


TsAGI Science Journal

Since Newsletter #25 (see the past issues on our website here)  one new volume is in progress:

  • Volume 48, Issue N.3 (toc available here)

The toc of the last issue (at the moment of this writing) is reported below for your convenience.

The hsfs software package for stability analysis of compressible boundary layers
Obraz, A.O. and Fedorov, A.V.
Keywords: linear theory of stability, eN-method, direct numerical simulation, laminar-to-turbulent transition, hypersonic flow, boundary layer, biorthogonal basis

Intact flow over a rotation body with the nose part in the form of the riabouchinsky half-cavity
Kuznetsov, E.N. and Lunin, V.Yu. and Panushkin, A.V. and Chernyshev, I.L.
Keywords: Riabouchinsky half-cavity, rotating body, near-sonic flow, boundary layer

Computational investigation of influence of a complex spatial configuration inlet on performance characteristics of aviation gas-turbine engine with high bypass ratio
Krasnov, S.E. and Minin, O.P. and Olishevskii, D.A. and Shevel’kov, S.G.
Keywords: inlet, flying wing, integrated arrangement, characteristics of a turbofan engine

Experimental investigation of a 3d fixed-geometry inlet for a supersonic business aircraft
Vinogradov, V.A. and Makarov, A.Yu. and Melkonyan, N.A. and Stepanov, V.A.
Keywords: supersonic business aircraft, three-dimensional (3D) fixed-geometry inlet, throttling characteristics of the inlet and boundary layer control

Experimental studies of the air intake in a free-molecular gas flow
Erofeev, A.I. and Nikiforov, A.P. and Plugin, V.V.
Keywords: air intake, free-molecular flow, diffuse reflection, Monte Carlo method

An algorithmic base for analysis of loading conditions of launch vehicle structure at motion in dense atmosphere
Titov, V.A.
Keywords: launch vehicle, loading condition analysis, methodical basics, software, prelaunch simulation, dense atmosphere, dynamic model, quasi-static components, convergence in vibration modes, matrix calculations




Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Since last newsletter, two new issues have been released:

  • Volume 231, Issue N.13 of November 2017 (toc available here) 
  • Volume 231, Issue N.14 of December 2017 (toc available here)

The toc for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.


An energy method for flutter analysis of wing using one-way fluid structure coupling
Zhong, Jize and Xu, Zili
Pages: 2560–2569
Keywords: Wing flutter, one-way coupling, energy method, fast dynamic mesh technology, aerodynamic damping

Experimental study on the characteristics of axisymmetric cavity actuated supersonic flow
Jeyakumar, S and Assis, Shan M and Jayaraman, K
Pages: 2570–2577
Keywords: Axisymmetric cavity, cavity flow, aft wall angle, supersonic combustor, stagnation pressure loss

Output feedback observer-based dynamic surface controller for quadrotor uav using quaternion representation
Dou, Jingxin and Kong, Xiangxi and Chen, Xiaozhe and Wen, Bangchun
Pages: 2537–2548
Keywords: Quadrotor UAV, nonlinear augmented observer, dynamic surface control, output feedback, quaternion

Identifying pitching mode of aerial planting projectile by the use of image processing
Goodarzi, H and Sabzehparvar, M
Pages: 2616–2633
Keywords: Aerial plantation, system identification, image processing, dynamic simulation

Retuning the actuator proportional–integral–derivative controller of spinning missiles
Zhou, Wei and Yang, Shuxing and Zhao, Liangyu
Pages: 2594–2602
Keywords: Actuator controller, hinge moment, retuning method, spinning missiles

Neural-network-based real-time trajectory replanning for mars entry guidance
Zheng, X and Huang, H and Li, W
Pages: 2634–2645
Keywords: Mars entry, trajectory planning, trajectory optimization, neural network, closed-loop guidance

Numerical investigation on thermo-acoustic effects and flow characteristics in semi-conical hartmann–sprenger resonance tube
Afzali, Babak and Karimi, Hassan
Pages: 2706–2722
Keywords: H–S tube, acoustic igniter, conical cavity resonance, jet regurgitant, mode shock wave oscillation, temperature rise

Optimum area of solar array for stratospheric solar-powered airship
Li, Jun and Lv, Mingyun and Sun, Kangwen
Pages: 2654–2665
Keywords: Optimum area, solar array, optimization method, stratospheric solar-powered airship, theoretical model

Improving turbine endwall cooling uniformity by controlling near-wall secondary flows
Thomas, Mitra and Povey, Thomas
Pages: 2689–2705
Keywords: Film cooling, heat transfer, hot gas path, turbine aerodynamics, turbine cooling

Experimental investigation on flow unsteadiness during spike stall suppression process in an axial compressor via air injection
Taghavi Zenouz, R and Ababaf Behbahani, MH and Rousta, F and Khoshnejad, A
Pages: 2677–2688
Keywords: Axial compressor, stall inception, blade tip injection, stall margin, hot wire anemometry

Effect of axial skewed slot casing treatment in a transonic fan
Khaleghi, Hossein
Pages: 2646–2653
Keywords: Casing treatment, range extension, axial slots, transonic compressor, axial compressor

Performance improvement of transonic centrifugal compressors by optimization of complex three-dimensional features
He, Xiao and Zheng, Xinqian
Pages: 2723–2738
Keywords: Multi-objective optimization, transonic centrifugal compressor, sweep, lean, end-bend

Utilization of modal stress approach in random-vibration fatigue evaluation
Zhou, Yadong and Fei, Qingguo and Wu, Shaoqing
Pages: 2603–2615
Keywords: Random-vibration fatigue, modal stress approach, frequency response function, stress mode shapes, random stresses, fatigue hotspot, computational efficiency

Experimental analysis of shock stand-off distance over spherical bodies in high-enthalpy flows
Thakur, Ruchi and Jagadeesh, G
Pages: 2666–2676
Keywords: Shock stand-off distance, high-speed flows, schlieren flow visualization, shock tunnels, blunt body

Finite-time output tracking control for air-breathing hypersonic vehicles with actuator constraints
An, H and Xia, H and Wang, C
Pages: 2578–2593
Keywords: Air-breathing hypersonic vehicles (AHVs), finite-time tracking, input saturation, nonsingularity and free-chattering, feedback linearization

Vibration analysis of a rotating variable thickness bladed disk for aircraft gas turbine engine using generalized differential quadrature method
Shahriari, B and Jalali, Mohammadhadi and Karamooz Ravari, MR
Pages: 2739–2749
Keywords: Aircraft gas turbine engine, rotating variable thickness bladed disk, vibration, natural frequencies, critical speeds, generalized differential quadrature method

Self-adaptive phase compensation characteristics and safeguard-phase-margin design of an unsymmetrical current-sensing resistor for magnetically suspended flywheels
Ren, Yuan and Chen, Xiaocen and Cai, Yuanwen and Miao, Cunxiao and Wang, Weijie
Pages: 2549–2559
Keywords: Unsymmetrical current-sensing resistor, self-adaptive phase compensation characteristics, safeguard-phase-margin design, gyroscopic effects, magnetically suspended flywheel (MSFW), nutation stability criterion

Generalized optimal impact-angle-control guidance with terminal acceleration response constraint
Wang, Hui and Wang, Jiang and Lin, Defu
Pages: 2515–2536
Keywords: Optimal guidance law, impact-angle-control, terminal acceleration constraint, normalized acceleration, guidance performance


Acta Astronautica


Since newsletter #25, volume 141 has been published, 142 is still in progress and 143 has been started (this journal has an extremely rapid rate of publication).

  • Volume 141, for December 2017 has been published
  • Volume 142, for January 2017 is in progress
  • Volume 143, for February 2017 is in progress 

For this last Volume 143, the toc at the time of this writing is reported below for your convenience (please remember that is a work in progress).


Sintering of micro-trusses created by extrusion-3d-printing of lunar regolith inks
Taylor, Shannon L. and Jakus, Adam E. and Koube, Katie D. and Ibeh, Amaka J. and Geisendorfer, Nicholas R. and Shah, Ramille N. and Dunand, David C.
Pages: 1–8
Keywords: Lunar regolith; JSC-1A; 3D printing; Sintering; Reduction; Additive manufacturing

Spherical gyroscopic moment stabilizer for attitude control of microsatellites
Keshtkar, Sajjad and Moreno, Jaime A. and Kojima, Hirohisa and Uchiyama, Kenji and Nohmi, Masahiro and Takaya, Keisuke
Pages: 9–15
Keywords: Microsatellite attitude control; Control moment gyroscopes; Nonlinear systems; Continuous sliding mode control

Trajectory design for saturnian ocean worlds orbiters using multidimensional poincaré maps
Davis, Diane Craig and Phillips, Sean M. and McCarthy, Brian P.



Combustion and Explosion Journal

Since newsletter #25, one new volume of the Combustion and Explosion Journal has been published:

  • Volume 10, Issue N.3 (toc available here)

The toc for this last issue is presented below for your convenience

Table of Contents (Volume 10 Issue N.3)

Investigation of flame front shape in a swirling turbulent flow by planar laser-induced fluorescence of formaldehyde
L. M. Chikishev, V. M. Dulin, À. S. Lobasov, and D. M. Markovich
Pages: 4-9
Keywords: swirling turbulent flame; planar laser-induced fluorescence of formaldehyde

Effect of steam on the dynamics of NO formation during CH4 combustion in the perfectly stirred and plug flow reactors
G. A. Poskrebyshev, A. N. Ermakov, I. A. Korobeinikova, and V. N. Popov
Pages: 10-14
Keywords: methane; steam; combustion; NO; perfectly stirred reactor; plug flow reactor

Numerical simulation of soot emission reduction at a DI Diesel engine
G. L. Agafonov, P. A. Vlasov, and O. B. Ryabikov
Pages: 15-21
Keywords: ignition kinetics; kinetics of soot formation; numerical simulation; spray of burning diesel fuel; hydrogen

An effective burning device
V. M. Nikolaev and V. M. Shmelev
Pages: 22-25
Keywords: burning device; radiation burner; ecology

Firing tests of the ramjet model with the detonative combustion of hydrogen in a wind tunnel at approach air streamMach number from 5 to 8
S. M. Frolov, V. I. Zvegintsev, V. S. Ivanov, V. S. Aksenov, I. O. Shamshin, D. A. Vnuchkov, D. G. Nalivaichenko, A. À. Berlin, and V. M. Fomin
Pages: 26-35
Keywords: ramjet; supersonic airflow; detonation; hydrogen; specific impulse; thrust; wind tunnel

Flameless burning of large n-dodecane drops in microgravity conditions
S. M. Frolov, V. Ya. Basevich, S. N. Medvedev, and F. S. Frolov
Pages: 36-42
Keywords: droplet combustion; n-dodecane; microgravity; low-temperature oxidation; blue flame; calculation

Tests of the pulsed-detonation ramjet model in a free air jet with Mach number up to 0.85
S. M. Frolov, V. S. Ivanov, I. O. Shamshin, and V. S. Aksenov
Pages: 43-52
Keywords: pulsed-detonation ramjet; mechanical valve; gasdynamic valve; subsonic wind tunnel; thrust; fuel-based

Some numerical aspects of the modeling of the shock wave-particles cloud interaction using two-fluid model
P. S. Utkin
Pages: 53-57
Keywords: shock wave; cloud of particles; close packing limit; two-phase medium; mathematical modeling;

Propagation of a heterogeneous detonation wave in a channel with expansion
A. V. Fedorov, T. A. Khmel, and S. A. Lavruk
Pages: 58-63
Keywords: aluminum gas suspensions; detonation; channel with expansion

Two-dimensional model of fingering instability in smolder combustion of thin solid fuel in air flow
S. A. Rashkovskiy
Pages: 64-69
Keywords: smolder combustion; fingering instability; thin solid fuel; diffusion

Combustion mechanism of potassium dinitramide and its binary mixtures with nitroester binder
V. P. Sinditskii, A. N. Chernyi, D. S. Shmelev, V. Yu. Egorshev, S. A. Filatov, A. A. Matveev, and Yu. M. Milekhin
Pages: 70-75
Keywords: combustion; potassium dinitramide (KDN); nitroester-based energetic binder; thermal stability;

Heating and ignition of HNIW by continuous near-infrared lasers
L. V. Bachurin, V. I. Kolesov, A. N. Konovalov, V. A. Ul’yanov, and N. V. Yudin
Pages: 76-81
Keywords: energetic materials; fiber lasers; explosives; laser ignition; combustion

On low-velocity detonation of porous energetic materials
B. S. Ermolaev and A. A. Sulimov
Pages: 82-96
Keywords: low-velocity detonation; porous energetic materials; chemical conversion rate; secondary explosives;

Cerium fluorides: Influence on boron oxidation and new method of synthesis
A. A. Rogozina, G. P. Kuznetsov, D. S. Shmelev, I. A. Zhidkova, I. V. Kushnarenko, I. G. Assovskiy, L. Y. Kashporov, and M. N. Brekhovskikh
Pages: 97-103
Keywords: cerium fluorides CeFn ; cerium trifluoride CeF3 ; cerium tetrafluoride CeF4 ; amorphous boron; boron

Electrostatic model of crystal structure of tetrazinotetrazintetroxide benzene solvate
A. V. Dzyabchenko, D. V. Khakimov, and T. S. Pivina
Pages: 104-108
Keywords: high-energy high-density (HEDM) compounds; method of atom–atom potentials; molecular electrostatic potential; electrostatic interaction of molecules; prediction of crystal structure; density of molecular

Molecular dynamics simulation of shock compression of RDX single crystal using a modified reactive force field ReaxFF-lg
S. A. Kozlova, S. A. Gubin, Yu. A. Bogdanova, I. V. Maklashova, and A. A. Selezenev
Pages: 109-113
Keywords: molecular dynamics; reactive force field ReaxFF-lg; Hugoniot method; shock curve

Method of direct measurements of obstacle impact parameters at underwater explosion of nonideal aluminized explosives
P. V. Komissarov, G. N. Sokolov, V. V. Lavrov, and A. V. Savchenko
Pages: 114-118
Keywords: underwater explosion; hydroshock wave; nonideal explosion; Al–water reactions; bubble heave energy;

News from Readers

One of our readers informs us that there is a new issue (#13) of the open access access AerospaceLab journal of Onera.

AerospaceLab Journal

It is roughly one year from the last issue, and the topic of this one are extremely interesting in particular for students and software developers. The issue is centered on design and validation of Aerospace Control Systems (with emphasis on Matlab based tools). The issue is strongly linked to word done by Onera in their SMAC (Systems Modeling, Analysis and Control) toolbox based on Matlab and Symulink. 

The toc for this last issue is presented below for your convenience

Design and Validation of Aerospace Control Systems An overview on methods tools
Jean-Marc Biannic & Clement Roos
Full Article

The H∞ Control Problem is Solved
Pierre Apkarian & Dominikus Noll
Full Article

Nonlinear Structured H∞ Controllers for Parameter- Dependent Uncertain Systems with Application to Aircraft Landing
Jean-Marc Biannic, Clement Roos & Jeremy Lesprier
Full Article

Gain-Scheduled H∞ Loop-Shaping Autopilot Design for Spin-Stabilized Canard-Guided Projectiles
Florian Seve, Spilios Theodoulis, Philippe Wernert, Michel Zasadzinski & Mohamed Boutayeb
Full Article

Randomized and Robust Methods for Uncertain Systems using R-RoMulOC, with Applications to DEMETER Satellite Benchmark
Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Fabrizio Dabbene, Dimitri Peaucelle & Christelle Pittet
Full Article

Stability Analysis by a New Algorithmic Approach Based on Integral Quadratic Constraints : Application to an Aircraft Benchmark
Fabrice Demourant
Full Article

Robustness Margins for Linear Parameter Varying Systems
Ann-Kathrin Schug, Peter Seiler & Harald Pfifer
Full Article

Anti-Windup Algorithms for Pilot-Induced-Oscillation Alleviation
Isabelle Queinnec, Sophie Tarbouriech, Jean-Marc Biannic & Christophe Prieur
Full Article

Structured Control for Future European Launchers
Martine Ganet-Schoeller, Jean Desmariaux & Clement Combier
Full Article

Surrogate Assisted Computation of the Parametric Safety Margin for a Flexible Launcher
Atul Kamath, Prathyush P Menon, Martine Ganet-Schoeller, Guillaume Maurice & Samir Bennani
Full Article

Stability Analysis of a Set of Uncertain Large-Scale Dynamical Models with Saturations
Pierre Vuillemin, Fabrice Demourant & Charles Poussot-Vassal
Full Article


Job Offers

 One reader has forwarded us a postdoc offer (in french at the moment) at the Pprime Institue, Poitiers, France. Please have a look to see if it could be of interest to you or an acquaintance.



Brought to our attention by

Professor Bagdat Suimenbayev,

Kazakh National Research Technical University

Almaty, Kazakhstan


On October 4, 1957 the first artificial Earth satellite (AES) was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome (see this link for the October 5, 1957 edition of the the New York Times).  

It made 1,440 revolutions around the Earth (about 60 million kilometers).

This date opened the era of space in the history of mankind.

The satellite represented a full-sphere with a diameter of 58 centimeters, weighing 83.6 kilograms. It was equipped with four 2.4-meter and 2.9-meter-long antennas for signal transmission from transmitters operating on batteries. Today, satellites perform many tasks at the service of numerous nations.

More than 140 countries have their own satellites, most of which were launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Sixty years on, the EUCASS community wishes to celebrate and thank the pioneers that accomplished this outstanding exploit. They appreciate in full the history of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite from the legendary Baikonur cosmodrome.

They call for further joint exploration of the universe in our common interests and congratulate all people of Earth on this epochal event, the beginning of the space era.


Patents of Interest


The following patents have been selected from the EPO database using the following criteria: "WORD 'autonomous'  AND PUA12 >= 20160101". In this case, this means all patents whose A1/A2 documents both have been published after January 1, 2016 and contain the keyword(s) aforementioned. Since patents can be filed towards different organizations, sometimes the data available in the EPO database (the version available for free online) is not the most complete. In that case an external link is used. 

How to browse the EPO patent list

There are different tools online to browse/search patents, for example google and the wipo. Here we will be using the EPO Patent information services for experts, from this address. It is possible to browse patents based on many parameters, inventor name, applicant/proprietor (usually a company), application date, etc. etc. In the future we will consider patents that have published their A1/A2 documents since the date of the last newsletter.

The definition of A1 and A2 are available here.

  • Basically when a European patent application is published together with the search report done by the agency, it is known as an A1 publication. When this application is published without the search report, it is an A2 document.
  • The search report is then published later as an A3 document.
  • When the patent is granted, it is published as a B document.

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