Newsletter #21

Words From The Editor

Dear Colleague,

    Please find the first EUCASS newsletter for 2017.  This will be a busy 
year for our association with two conferences to hold in rapid succession. A brief reminder is presented below. 

    You find as usual a short collection of recent publications of possible interest classified according to certain categories.

    The section about  patents of interest will be this time dedicated to CubeSats.

JP Taran

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Make sure to report your own published innovative results and those of others to Stella Sauvan at the special email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


In this issue

News from Eucass

News from Journals

News from Readers

Patents of Interest

News from Eucass

ATW 2017

    This year the 6th ATW goes back to the classical thematic of the previous workshops (2009-2011-2013-2015), focusing on the Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas.

Last year edition was instead focused on Fundamentals of Collisions of Fast Particles with Surfaces . 


    You can find the announcement on our website at the address


    For the first time the workshop moves out of France to St Petersbourg, Russia.

    The local organiser website is available at

Eucass 2017

    For the 7th edition of our main congress, registrations and abstracts submissions are open at the organiser website


    Abstracts submissions have been extended to the 15th of February, for a conference that will highlight advances in aeronautics and space sciences in five parallel symposia dealing with aspects of:

  • System Integration
  • Flight Physics
  • Flight Dynamics/ GNC and Avionics
  • Structures and Materials
  • Propulsion Physics​


News from Journals

    For your convenience, starting from newsletter #10 we  provide for each article the keywords selected by the respective journal editor.


    At the same time, our newsletter editor or his helper is classifying the most interesting articles for EUCASS according to our areas of interest.


    You'll find below first the EUCASS classification with links to the proper article in the classical article list based on the different journals presented in this newsletter.


TsAGI Science Journal

Since Newsletter #20 (see the past issues on our website here) three new volumes have been published in the meanwhile:

  • Volume 47, Issue N.2 (toc available here)
  • Volume 47, Issue N.3 (toc available here)
  • Volume 47, Issue N.4 (toc available here)

For your convenience, the toc of the last issues is reported below:

Development of investigations on elaboration of volume-centered discharges and their application in gas flows
Ivanov, V.V. and Skvortsov, V.V. and Starodubtsev, M.A. and Chernyshev, S.L.
Pages: 353-366
Keywords: non-equilibrium discharge, high-speed flow, ignition, plasma-chemical reaction intensification, ignition delay time, numerical studies, electro-physical studies, spectroscopic studies

The influence of roughness of the surface on scattering of a free-molecular flow by solid bodies
Erofeev, A.I. and Nikiforov, A.P. and Nesterov, S.B. and Nezhmetdinova, R.A.
Pages: 367-388
Keywords: free-molecular gas flow, surface roughness, atomic force microscopy

Hypersonic nonequilibrium flow over flat butt
Ankudinov, A.L.
Pages: 389-395
Keywords: hypersonic flow, kinetic thin shock layer, two-dimensional problem, flat butt, Grad's approximation, nonequilibrium in translational degrees of freedom

Estimation of the gas blowing effect on convective heat transfer in laminar and turbulent boundary layers
Gorskii, V.V. and Pugach, M.A.
Pages: 397-408
Keywords: boundary layer, convective heat transfer, gas blowing through a permeable surface, laminar and turbulent flow regimes

On the development of hypersonic technologies for aerodynamic research at high reynolds numbers
Kurshin, A.P.
Pages: 409-422
Keywords: hypersonic technologies, aerodynamic research, high Reynolds numbers, development

Laboratory aero refrigeration setup for investigation of ice accretion processes
Miller, A.B. and Potapov, Yu.F. and Tokarev, O.D. and Yashin, A.E.
Pages: 423-432
Keywords: ice accretion, wind tunnel, water droplets, ice crystal, refrigeration chamber

Methods of computation of the helicopter deformations for the specified flight regime
Kasumov, Evguenii Vladimirivich
Pages: 443-447
Keywords: stress-strain condition, mathematical model, numerical experiment, kinematical analysis, load analysis, design, mechanical system, automatic control

A probabilistic approach to improve the reliability of helicopter designs with adjustable elements
Mikhailov, S.A. and Nedel’ko, D.V. and Saltykov, S.V. and Shakirov, M.Z.
Pages: 449-456
Keywords: durability, the probability of damage, adjustable element, the adjustment error, helicopter design


Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Since last newsletter, three new issues have been released:

  • Volume 230, Issue N.14 of December 2016 (toc available here)
  • Volume 231, Issue N.1 of January 2017 (toc available here)​
  • Volume 231, Issue N.2 of February 2017 (toc available here)

The toc for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.


Flap wise bending vibration and dynamic stability of rotating functionally graded material plates in thermal environments
Inala, Ramu and Mohanty, SC
Pages: 203–217
Keywords: Rotating plate, functionally graded material, thermal environment, vibration, dynamic load, dynamic stability

Research on angles-only/sins/cns relative position and attitude determination algorithm for a tumbling spacecraft
Zhang, Lijun and Qian, Shan and Zhang, Shifeng and Cai, Hong
Pages: 218–228
Keywords: Tumbling spacecraft, relative position and attitude, angles-only, Kalman filter

Analysis of a mechanism with redundant drive for antenna pointing
Li, Xin and Ding, Xilun and Chirikjian, Gregory S
Pages: 229–239
Keywords:Antenna pointing mechanism, redundant drive, orientation workspace, singularity analysis, error analysis

An extension of the streamline curvature through-flow design method for bypass fans of turbofan engines
Acarer, Sercan and Özkol, Ünver
Pages: 240–253
Keywords: Gas turbine, jet engine, turbofan, bypass, split-flow, fan, through-flow, streamline curvature, loss correlation, transonic

Experimental investigation on noise radiation characteristics of pulse detonation turbine engine
Huang, Xiqiao and Guo, Zhuo and Liu, Kai and Li, Moqi and Zheng, Longxi
Pages: 254–264
Keywords: Pulse detonation turbine engine, noise radiation, frequency, acoustic attenuation, sound pressure

Surrogate modeling of a 3d scramjet-powered hypersonic vehicle based on screening method iffd
Boyi, Chen and Yanbin, Liu and Haidong, Shen and Yuping, Lu
Pages: 265–278
Keywords: Hypersonic vehicle, design-oriented model, Kriging model, IFFD, ν-gapmetric

An automated multi-grid chimera method based on the implicit hole technique
Liu, Qiuhong and Qu, Kun and Cai, Jinsheng
Pages: 279–293
Keywords: Drag prediction, implicit hole cutting, multi-grid, overlap grid, overset grid

Performance of a jaws inlet under off-design conditions
Gu, Tianlai and Zhang, Shuai and Zheng, Yao
Pages: 294–305
Keywords: Hypersonic, jaws inlet, numerical method, start/unstart, separation structure

Solar sail structural analysis via improved finite element modeling
Boni, Luisa and Mengali, Giovanni and Quarta, Alessandro A
Pages: 306–318
Keywords: Square solar sail, solar sail structural analysis

Numerical simulation of fairing separation test for hypersonic air breathing vehicle
Raj, Ankit and Anandhanarayanan, K and Krishnamurthy, R and Chakraborty, Debasis
Pages: 319–325
Keywords: Fairing separation, grid-free method, computational fliud dynamics, rigid body dynamics, aerodynamic damping

Stagnation pressure effect on prandtl meyer function for air
Salhi, Merouane and Zebbiche, Toufik and Mehalem, Abderrahmane
Pages: 326–337
Keywords: Supersonic flow, perfect gas model, high temperature model, real gas, Berthelot’s state equation, condensation’s function, stagnation pressure, Simpson’s integration, Newton’s method, numerical derivation, Prandtl Meyer function

Layout design optimization of a space propulsion system using hybrid optimization algorithm
Shafaee, Maziar and Mohammadzadeh, Parviz and Elkaie, Abbas and Abbasi, Saied
Pages: 338–349
Keywords: Space propulsion system, mass center variations, hybrid optimization, genetic algorithm, sequential quadratic programming

Study on vibration of mistuned bladed disk with bi-periodic piezoelectric network
Deng, Peng-cheng and Li, Lin and Li, Chao
Pages: 350–363
Keywords: Bladed disk, vibration reduction, mistuning, piezoelectric network, traveling wave excitation

The effects of rectangular riblets on rectangular micro air vehicles for drag reduction
Radmanesh, Mohammadreza and Samani, Iman and Amiriyoon, Alireza and Tavakoli, Mohammad-Reza
Pages: 364–373
Keywords: Riblets, micro air vehicles, drag reduction, aerodynamics, numerical tests

Modified dubins parameterization for aircraft emergency trajectory planning
Yomchinda, Thanan and Horn, Joseph F and Langelaan, Jack W
Pages: 374–393
Keywords: Path planning, aircraft emergency trajectory, Dubins parameterization​


Thermophysics and Aeromechanics


Since newsletter #20, two new issues have been released:

  • Volume 23, Issue N.4 of July 2016 (toc available here)
  • Volume 23, Issue N.5 of September 2016 (toc available here)

The toc for the this issue is reported below for your convenience.


Effect of the surface roughness of blunt cone forebody on the position of laminar-turbulent transition
Bountin, D. A. and Gromyko, Yu. V. and Maslov, A. A. and Polivanov, P. A. and Sidorenko, A. A.
Pages: 629–638
Keywords: hypersonic boundary layer, laminar-turbulent transition, surface roughness

Flow control of the semicircular airfoil with a vortex cell at slot suction of air and its blowout into the near wake
Isaev, S. A. and Baranov, P. A. and Smurov, M. Yu. and Sudakov, A. G. and Shebelev, A. V.
Pages: 639–643
Keywords: vortex cell, semicircular airfoil, suction, fan, multi-block computer technologies, modified MSST

Investigation of annular supersonic inlets with isentropic compression
Galkin, V. M. and Zvegintsev, V. I. and Vnuchkov, D. A.
Pages: 645–655
Keywords: nozzle, the method of characteristics, axisymmetric supersonic flow, ideal gas, reversed flow, the inlet start, viscous flow

Experimental investigation of wake evolution behind a couple of flat discs in a hydrochannel
Naumov, I. V. and Litvinov, I. V. and Mikkelsen, R. F. and Okulov, V. L.
Pages: 657–666
Keywords: wake behind a bluff body, level of turbulence of the incident flow, pair of discs, velocity deficit, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)

Numerical modeling of the swirling turbulent wake decay past a self-propelled body
Demenkov, A. G. and Chernykh, G. G.
Pages: 667–675
Keywords: swirling turbulent wake past a self-propelled body, mathematical modeling, self-similar degeneration, shearless flow

Turbulent circulation above the surface heat source in a stably stratified environment
Kurbatskii, A. F. and Kurbatskaya, L. I.
Pages: 677–692
Keywords: turbulence, planetary boundary layer, urban heat island, large-scale circulation, numerical modeling

Simulation of turbulent non-isothermal polydisperse bubbly flow behind a sudden tube expansion
Pakhomov, M. A. and Terekhov, V. I.
Pages: 693–699
Keywords: bubble separated flow, turbulence, heat transfer enhancement, simulation

Numerical investigation of the variable nozzle effect on the mixed flow turbine performance characteristics
Meziri, B. and Hamel, M. and Hireche, O. and Hamidou, K.
Pages: 701–711
Keywords: variable nozzle, design, mixed flow, turbine, turbocharger

Application of local indentations for film cooling of gas turbine blade leading edge
Petelchyts, V. Yu. and Khalatov, A. A. and Pysmennyi, D. N. and Dashevskyy, Yu. Ya.
Pages: 713–720
Keywords: film cooling, blowing parameter, leading edge, cooling system, semi-spherical dimple, trench

Numerical approach to new tangential slot effect on film cooling effectiveness over asymmetrical turbine blade
Senouci, Z. and Benabed, M.
Pages: 721–734
Keywords: film cooling, tangential slot, coverage ratio, SST turbulence model

Experimental study of cold gas spraying through a mask. part 1
Klinkov, S. V. and Kosarev, V. F. and Ryashin, N. S. and Shikalov, V. S.
Pages: 735–740
Keywords: cold gas spraying, mask, coating profile, masked zone width

Co-extraction of water vapor and helium from natural gas
Zinovyev, V. N. and Kazanin, I. V. and Lebiga, V. A. and Pak, A. Yu. and Vereshchagin, A. S. and Fomin, V. M.
Pages: 741–746
Keywords: composite sorbent, microspheres, permeability, helium, natural gas, drying, gas separation

Selecting the optimum method of heat transfer intensification to improve efficiency of thermoelectric generator
Leontyev, A. I. and Onishchenko, D. O. and Arutyunyan, G. A.
Pages: 747–754
Keywords: thermoelectric generator, internal combustion engine, heat transfer intensification, energy of exhaust gases

Studying regimes of convective heat transfer in the production of high-temperature silicate melts
Volokitin, O. G. and Sheremet, M. A. and Shekhovtsov, V. V. and Bondareva, N. S. and Kuzmin, V. I.
Pages: 755–765
Keywords: plasma technology, silicate melt, mathematical model, heat transfer, non-Newtonian medium

Investigation of energy parameters of the plasma-resistive furnace
Anshakov, A. S. and Aliferov, A. I. and Domarov, P. V.
Pages: 767–772
Keywords: plasma-resistive furnace, plasmatorch, mathematical model, man-made waste, plasma heating, resistance heating

On laminar-turbulent transition in nanofluid flows
Rudyak, V. Ya. and Minakov, A. V. and Guzey, D. V. and Zhigarev, V. A. and Pryazhnikov, M. I.
Pages: 773–776
Keywords: nanofluid, laminar-turbulent transition, nanoparticles, flow in pipe, hydrodynamic resistance, viscosity

Calculating heat transfer in liquid films based on the method of weighted residuals
Aktershev, S. P. and Bartashevich, M. V.
Pages: 777–780
Keywords: liquid film, heat transfer, semi-analytical method

Comparative analysis for performance of brown coal combustion in a vortex furnace with improved design
Krasinsky, D. V.
Pages: 781–784
Keywords: vortex furnace for steam boiler, numerical modelling, coal combustion

70th Anniversary of Anatoly A. Maslov
Pages: 785–786

50th Anniversary of Alexander N. Shiplyuk
Pages: 787–788

Combustion and Explosion Journal

In newsletter #18 we gave the preview of the first two volumes of the Combustion and Explosion journal. Since then these two volumes have been published and another two volumes (3 and 4) have seen the light:

  • Volume 9, Issue N.3 (toc available here)
  • Volume 9, Issue N.4 (toc available here)

The toc for the last issue is presented below for your convenience

Table of Contents (Volume 9 Issue N.4)


Matrix conversion of enriched methane–oxygen mixture at elevated pressures
A. I. Tarasov, O. V. Shapovalova, K. A. Timofeev, K. A. Shiyanova, V. S. Arutyunov, V. M. Shmelev, and S. N. Antonyuk
Pages: 4-11
Keywords: natural gas; syngas; matrix conversion Abstract

Combustion of fuel–air mixture in gas cavity under the bottom of the high-speed vessel
S. M. Frolov, S. V. Platonov, K. A. Avdeev, V. S. Aksenov, V. S. Ivanov, A. E. Zangiev, A. S. Koval’, and F. S. Frolov
Pages: 12-21
Keywords: high-speed vessel; artificial gas cavity; hydrodynamic drag; combustion; impulse of horizontal force

Measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in combustion products of a gasoline engine
M. S. Assad, V. V. Grushevskii, O. G. Penyazkov, and I. N. Tarasenko
Pages: 22-27
Keywords: internal combustion engine; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; combustion products; octane number

On modeling of gaseous detonation in porous media by the one-dimensional reactive Euler equations
A. R. Kasimov and R. E. Semenko
Pages: 28-35
Keywords: detonation theory; detonation with losses

Well-posedness of nonisothermal Euler models of two-phase flows
R. R. Tukhvatullina and S. M. Frolov
Pages: 36-46
Keywords: two-phase flow; Euler equations; Cauchy problem; bubbly liquid; shock wave; comparison with experiment

Shock waves in water with bubbles of reactive gas: Calculation
K. A. Avdeev, V. S. Aksenov, A. A. Borisov, D. G. Sevastopoleva, R. R. Tukhvatullina, S. M. Frolov, and F. S. Frolov
Pages: 47-63
Keywords: bubbly liquid; reactive gas; shock wave; hydraulic shock tube; reactive two-phase flow; hydrojet engine

Phenomenology of shock wave propagation in water with bubbles of reactive gas
K. A. Avdeev, V. S. Aksenov, A. A. Borisov, I. A. Sadykov, S. M. Frolov, F. S. Frolov, and I. O. Shamshin
Pages: 64-82
Keywords: chemically active bubbly medium; shock wave; hydroshock tube; explosion; detonation; acetylene–oxygen mixture; experiment

Propagation of high-frequency sequence of shock waves in water with gas bubbles
K. A. Avdeev, V. S. Aksenov, A. A. Borisov, S. M. Frolov, I. A. Sadykov, F. S. Frolov, and I. O. Shamshin
Pages: 83-95
Keywords: hydraulic shock tube; sequence of shock waves; water with air bubbles; momentum transfer; hydrojet pulsed detonation engine

Convective burning: From explosion safety to application in pulse technical devices
B. S. Ermolaev, A. A. Sulimov, A. V. Roman’kov, and V. E. Khrapovskii
Pages: 96-115
Keywords: convective burning; deflagration-to-detonation transition; barrel setup; pulse rocket engine; block charge

Study of pressure fluctuations in a solid rocket motor chamber in quasi-stationary operation mode
B. I. Larionov and A. V. Kuzmenko
Pages: 116-125
Keywords: pressure fluctuations; relaxation time; gas phase; propellant k-phase; intrachamber process

Experimental study of the low-temperature solid-propellant gas generator for ramjet
A. V. Baykov, A. V. Peshkova, A. V. Shihovtsev, and L. S. Yanovskiy
Pages: 126-131
Keywords: thermal decomposition; sublimation; solid propellant; low-temperature core

On the nature of disturbances as a reason of double-base propellants pulsating combustion
S. V. Chuiko
Pages: 132-137
Keywords: combustion; double-base propellant; hotspot-pulsed combustion

On the issue of testing and application of liquid explosives in industry
A. A. Dobrynin and I. A. Dobrynin
Pages: 138-147
Keywords: liquid explosives; dinitrogen tetroxide; acceptance testing; industrial application; safety assessment

Energy characteristics of underwater explosion of nonideal aluminum-rich explosive mixtures: Comparison with conventional high explosives
P.V. Komissarov, A. A. Borisov, G. N. Sokolov, and V. V. Lavrov
Pages: 148-154
Keywords: underwater explosion; hydroshock wave; nonideal explosion; Al–water reactions; bubble heave energy; shock wave energy; aluminized explosives

Mathematical model for thermolysis of NTO–TNT (1 : 1) mixture
A. V. Dubovik
Pages: 155-162
Keywords: thermal decomposition; complexation; autocatalysis; reaction products

Effect of properties of HMX particles on combustion-to-explosion transition in semiconfined volume
A. A. Matveev, V. N. Kulikov, A. N. Osavchuk, N. I. Shishov, and A. A. Kozlov
Pages: 163-168
Keywords: HMX powder; transition of combustion to explosion; semiconfined volume


Acta Astronautica


Since newsletter #17, a few volumes have been published.

Currently Volume 133  for April 2017 in being compiled and Volume 131 for February 2017 is completed. Indeed this publication of the International Academy of Astronautics has a rapid publishing rate and it is not feasible to cover all Volumes in our newsletter.

The toc at the time of this writing for Volume 133 is reported below for your convenience (please remember that is a work in progress). 

Thermoelastic buckling analysis of pre-twisted functionally graded beams with temperature-dependent material properties
Shenas, Amin Ghorbani and Malekzadeh, Parviz and Ziaee, Sima
Pages: 1–13
Keywords: Pre-twisted beams; Functionally graded materials; Third-order shear deformation theory; Thermal buckling; Chebyshev-Ritz method

Mechanism analysis of magnetohydrodynamic heat shield system and optimization of externally applied magnetic field
Li, Kai and Liu, Jun and Liu, Weiqiang
Pages: 14–23
Keywords: MHD flow control; Thermal protection; Thermochemical nonequilibrium; Magnetic field

Instantaneous gnss attitude determination: a monte carlo sampling approach
Sun, Xiucong and Han, Chao and Chen, Pei
Pages: 24–29
Keywords: GNSS; Attitude determination; Ambiguity resolution; Monte Carlo sampling; LAMBDA

Academy transaction note characterization of fram microcontrollers to radiations
Lacirignola, Federica and Sansoè, Claudio
Pages: 30–32
Keywords: AraMIS; FRAM; Aerospace; Payload; Radiations test

Analysis of flowfield characteristics for equal polygon opposing jet on different freeflow conditions
Li, Shi-bin and Wang, Zhen-guo and Huang, Wei and Yan, Li
Pages: 50–62
Keywords: Equal polygon; Opposing jet; Drag reduction; Aero-heating

Optimal mission planning of geo on-orbit refueling in mixed strategy
Chen, Xiao-qian and Yu, Jing
Pages: 63–72
Keywords: On-orbit refueling; On-orbit servicing; Mission planning; Scheduling

Toward lean satellites reliability improvement using horyu-iv project as case study
Faure, Pauline and Tanaka, Atomu and Cho, Mengu
Pages: 33–49
Keywords: Small satellite; Infant mortality; Satellite failure; Space environment; Simulation

Attitude stabilization of flexible spacecrafts via extended disturbance observer based controller
Yan, Ruidong and Wu, Zhong
Pages: 73–80
Keywords: Disturbance observer; Disturbance observer based control; Attitude control; Flexible spacecraft

Asteroid origins satellite (aosat) i: an on-orbit centrifuge science laboratory
Lightholder, Jack and Thoesen, Andrew and Adamson, Eric and Jakubowski, Jeremy and Nallapu, Ravi and Smallwood, Sarah and Raura, Laksh and Klesh, Andrew and Asphaug, Erik and Thangavelautham, Jekan
Pages: 81–94
Keywords: CubeSat; Centrifuge; Asteroids; Laboratory

A novel ram-air plasma synthetic jet actuator for near space high-speed flow control
Zhou, Yan and Xia, Zhixun and Luo, Zhenbing and Wang, Lin and Deng, Xiong
Pages: 95–102
Keywords: Plasma actuator; Synthetic jet; Near space; High-speed flow control; Ram-air

Drag reduction for the combination of spike and counterflow jet on blunt body at high mach number flow
Eghlima, Z. and Mansour, K.
Pages: 103–110
Keywords: Hypersonic; Spike; Counterflow jet; Drag reduction

Nonlinear model and attitude dynamics of flexible spacecraft with large amplitude slosh
Deng, Mingle and Yue, Baozeng
Pages: 111–120
Keywords: Spacecraft attitude dynamics; Large amplitude liquid slosh; Flexible appendage; Coupling dynamics


News from Readers

A reader suggested to keep an eye open in 2017 for a possible rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence use in everyday life. See for example this opinioned piece on O'Relley


Patents of Interest


The following patents have been selected from the EPO database using the following criteria: "WORD = CubeSat AND PUA12 >= 20150101". In this case, this means all patents whose A1/A2 documents both have been published after January 1, 2015 and contain the keyword "CubeSat. Since patents can be filed towards different organizations, sometimes the data available in the EPO database (the version available for free online) is not the most complete. In that case an external link is used.

How to browse the EPO patent list

There are different tools online to browse/search patents, for example google and the wipo. Here we will be using the EPO Patent information services for experts, from this address. It is possible to browse patents based on many parameters, inventor name, applicant/proprietor (usually a company), application date, etc. etc. In the future we will consider patents that have published their A1/A2 documents since the date of the last newsletter.

The definition of A1 and A2 are available here.

  • Basically when a European patent application is published together with the search report done by the agency, it is known as an A1 publication. When this application is published without the search report, it is an A2 document.
  • The search report is then published later as an A3 document.
  • When the patent is granted, it is published as a B document.

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