Newsletter #9

Words From The Editor

Dear Colleague,

   A new year is now definitely started, and events that were only looming in the distance, are now fast approaching.

The ATW2015 and Eucass 2015 events directly organized by Eucass are getting closer with some good news (see below).

Other events of interest for you are recalled here, and some useful info provided by our readers as well.

The complete list of past newsletters is available at the EUCASS website here.

JP Taran

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Make sure to report your own published innovative results and those of others to Stella Sauvan at the special email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


In this issue

Events News

News from Journals

News from our Readers

Events News

Eucass 2015

Deadline extension for Students

The deadline for students has been extended to the 31st of March. This is interesting for those striving for the Best Student Paper, see below

Best Student Paper Award

Airbus Defence & Space have just informed us that they will be pleased to honour the best student paper with an award.

As mentioned above, you can still submit your paper on-line if you want to compete until the end of March.

The selection will be performed by the relevant EUCASS Technical Committee members.

For more information, please follow

The details will be posted there very shortly.

IAC 2015

As already mentioned in a special issue of our newsletter, the International Astronautical Congress - IAC - is organizing its 66th congress the 12-16 October 2015 in Jerusalem, Israel. The congress web site is available at the following address: ,

Workshop on Non-equilibrium Flow Phenomena

In Honor of Mikhail Ivanov's 70th Birthday, in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 15-18, 2015

Mikhail Ivanov, an eminent scientist in the field of rarefied gas dynamics and shock wave physics and a prominent Eucass technical Committee chairman, would have turned seventy in 2015.

To honor his memory, the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Novosibirsk State University are organizing a Workshop on Non-equilibrium Flow Phenomena on June 15-18 2015.

The workshop will be held in Akademgorodok near Novosibirsk. The scope of the workshop will cover all topics related to rarefied and non-equilibrium flow phenomena, gas kinetic theory, physics of shock waves, spacecraft aerothermodynamics, and applications of particle methods to non-equilibrium flows.

You are kindly invited to contribute to the workshop submitting a one-page abstract written in English to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Scientific secretary of the workshop) by March 31, 2015. The abstract file should contain affiliation and contact information of the presenting author. PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, ODT or TXT files are accepted.

The workshop website is available here hosted by the Laboratory of Nonequilibrium Flows. The workshop webpage is available here.

News from Journals

TsAGI Science Journal

Since Newsletter #8 (see the past issues on our website here) there  have been a few volumes published in the meanwhile:

  • Volume 45, Issue N. 3-4 (toc available here)
  • Volume 45, Issue N.5 (toc available here)
  • Volume 45, Issue N.6 (toc available here)

The toc for this last issue is presented below for your convenience

Table of Contents (Volume 45 Issue N.6)

Congratulations To Volf Yakovlevich Borovoy On His 90th Birthday!
Sergei Leonidovich Chernyshev
Pages 479-480
Full 2 pages Paper

Investigation Of The Flow Ahead Of The Throat Cross Section Of An Ideal Sonic Nozzle
Stanislav Viktorovich Yagudin
Pages 481-494

Experimental Investigations Of Resonant Aero-Acoustic Excitation Of Cavity Depth Modes By A Flow
Aleksey Yuryevich Golubev, Boris Maksimovich Efimtsov
Pages 495-508

Analytical Solutions Of Space Flight Equations With Low Thrust
Valentina Vasilyevna Laricheva
Pages 509-529

On The Possibility Of Laminar Flow Control On A Swept Wing By Means Of Plasma Actuators
Alexander Petrovich Kuryachii, Sergey Viktorovich Manuilovich, Dmitriy Anatolyevich Rusyanov, Vladimir Vladimirovich Skvortsov, Sergei Leonidovich Chernyshev
Pages 531-554

Effect Of Icing On The Aerodynamic Characteristics Of Aircraft During Landing
Vladimir Valeryevich Bogatyrev
Pages 555-570


Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

Since last newsletter, a new issue has been published.

  • Volume 21, Issue N.5 of December 2014 (toc available here)

The toc for the current issue is reported below for your convenience.

Table of Contents (Volume 21, Issue N.5)

Enhancement of heat transfer in unsteady laminar oil flow past a heated cylinder at Re = 150
S. A. Isaev, P. A. Baranov, Yu. V. Zhukova…
Pages 531-544

Flat-plate film cooling from a double jet holes: influence of free-stream turbulence and flow acceleration
A. A. Khalatov, I. I. Borisov, Yu. J. Dashevsky…
Pages 545-552

A simple model for calculating the thickness of a turbulent liquid film moved by gravity and gas flow
P. I. Geshev
Pages 553-560

Experimental study of interaction between a vortex ring and a solid surface for a wide range of ring velocities
V. V. Nikulin
Pages 561-565

Some peculiarities of the development of disturbances in supersonic flow under the variation of mean parameters
N. M. Terekhova
Pages 567-578

Method determining the nature of oscillating motion of the aircraft based on the analysis of coefficients of aerodynamic damping derivatives
A. A. Dyadkin, O. N. Khatuntseva
Pages 579-588

Numerical investigation of the perfect gas behavior in a vibrating cylindrical cavity with thermally insulated walls
A. A. Gubaidullin, A. V. Yakovenko
Pages 589-599

Amplitude-frequency characteristics of acoustic oscillations in T-shaped channels
D. I. Zaripov, N. I. Mikheev
Pages 601-608

Motion of fine-spray liquid droplets in hot gas flow
G. V. Kuznetsov, P. A. Kuibin, P. A. Strizhak
Pages 609-616

Numerical simulation of heat exchange at a gas-solid medium flow past an evaporating semitransparent film
N. A. Rubtsov, V. A. Sinitsyn
Pages 617-623

Consideration of isotropic scattering of radiation in the single-phase Stefan problem for the medium with semitransparent boundaries
S. D. Sleptsov
Pages 625-632

The formation of a quasi-equilibrium state at liquid/crystal interphase at contact melting by the example of tin-thallium system
V. S. Savvin, N. N. Suslina, A. A. Povzner
Pages 633-640

The structure and physical-mechanical properties of the heat-resistant Ni-Co-Cr-Al-Y intermetallic coating obtained using rebuilt plasma equipment
Yu. P. Tarasenko, I. N. Tsareva, O. B. Berdnik…
Pages 641-650

Experimental and theoretical study of a low-frequency inductive discharge of the transformer type
M. V. Isupov, A. V. Fedoseev, G. I. Sukhinin…
Pages 651-662

Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Since last newsletter, three new issues have been published.

  • Volume 229, Issue N.1 of January  2015 (toc available here)
  • Volume 229, Issue N.2 of February 2015 (toc available here)
  • Volume 229, Issue N.3 of March  2015 (toc available here)

The toc for the current issue is reported below for your convenience.

Research on the method of suppressing sun and moon’s interference on infrared conical earth sensor
H Xianbin, Z Jianhui and T Zhijun
Pages 399-406

Three-axis L1 adaptive attitude control of spacecraft using solar radiation pressure
KW Lee and SN Singh
Pages 407-422

An improved decentralized model for sensor fault detection and isolation demonstrated on an airplane system
J Wang and X Qi
Pages 423-434

A coupled free-wake/panel method for rotor/fuselage/empennage aerodynamic interaction and helicopter trims
Y Cao, S Lv and G Li
Pages 435-444

Electrical load-sizing methodology to aid conceptual and preliminary design of large commercial aircraft
R Seresinhe and C Lawson
Pages 445-466

Nonlinear relative dynamics of Lorentz spacecraft about J2-perturbed orbit
X Huang, Y Yan, Y Zhou and H Zhang
Pages 467-478

Leakage analysis and ground tests of the O-type rubber ring seal applied in lunar sample return devices
B Zhang, M Yu and H Yang
Pages 479-491

Testability demonstration for a flight control system based on sequential probability ratio test method
J Qiu, C Wang, G-j Liu, Y Zhang and T-m Li
Pages 492-501

Attitude control of a small-scale helicopter based on backstepping
S Tang, Q Yang, S Qian and Z Zheng
Pages 502-516

Influence of aeroelastic control reversal problem in the airplane lateral stability modes
JBR Rose and GR Jinu
Pages 517-533

Sinusoidal function weighted optimal guidance laws
C-H Lee, J-I Lee and M-J Tahk
Pages 534-542

Vortex flow hypothesis for a yawed rotor blade in reverse flow
M Mayo, V Raghav and N Komerath
Pages 543-553

Research of a fuzzy global sliding mode control scheme: A stability control scheme for anti-aircraft missile with swing nozzle thrust vector control
X Liu, Y Zhang, W Huang and J Wang
Pages 554-561

Design and qualification of a supersonic wind tunnel for induced boundary layer transition research
H Bottini, G Paniagua, P Schreivogel, A Sonda and S de las Heras
Pages 562-566


News from our Readers

We have received two recommendations about the following journal by Pascal Willis, its  Editor-in-Chief, and Luciano Anselmo of the Space Flight Dynamics Laboratory (ISTI/CNR, Italy). Below a little introduction and a free issue to start!


For your information, issue 55(1) of Advances in Space Research - ASR -  (COSPAR official journal) published on paper on January 1, 2015, will remain available free-of-charge without any paid subscription to this journal for a complete year, courtesy of Elsevier.

Several of the published papers are certainly relevant for the Eucass community (see for example below the highlight of interesting articles of this free number to download).

ASR publishes 24 issues per year (2 per month).

Accepted papers appear online with a DOI in "accepted proofs" only a couple of days after acceptance and the journal accepts electronic supplements and supports OpenAccess.

Published articles are referenced in Web of Science, Scopus and many other scientific databases.

The journal also publishes Special Issues. The Impact Factor has been steadily increasing during the past decade and is now 1.238.

Submissions can be done electronically at any time using the EES System at

Interesting articles of this free issue (Volume 55 N.1)

Galileo orbit and clock quality of the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment
Peter Steigenberger, Urs Hugentobler, Sylvain Loyer, Felix Perosanz, Lars Prange, Rolf Dach, Maik Uhlemann, Gerd Gendt, Oliver Montenbruck
Pages 269-281
Full Paper

Short and long term efficiencies of debris risk reduction measures: Application to a European LEO mission
T. Lang, R. Kervarc, S. Bertrand, P. Carle, T. Donath, R. Destefanis, L. Grassi, F. Tiboldo, F. Schäfer, S. Kempf, J. Gelhaus
Pages 282-296
Full Paper

Effects of perturbations in Coriolis and centrifugal forces on the locations and stability of libration points in Robe’s circular restricted three-body problem under oblate-triaxial primaries
Jagadish Singh, Achonu Joseph Omale
Pages 297-302
Full Paper

Counter data of the Cosmic Dust Analyzer aboard the Cassini spacecraft and possible “dust clouds” at Saturn
Emil Khalisi, Ralf Srama, Eberhard Grün
Pages 303-310
Full Paper

A high order method for orbital conjunctions analysis: Monte Carlo collision probability computation
Alessandro Morselli, Roberto Armellin, Pierluigi Di Lizia, Franco Bernelli Zazzera
Pages 311-333
Full Paper

Hovering control scheme to elliptical orbit via frozen parameter
Jingrui Zhang, Shuge Zhao, Yao Zhang, Guang Zhai
Pages 334-342
Full Paper

Optimal reorientation of asymmetric underactuated spacecraft using differential flatness and receding horizon control
Wei-wei Cai, Le-ping Yang, Yan-wei Zhu
Pages 343-353
Full Paper

Design and evaluation of dynamic equivalent test platform for thermal vacuum qualification test of docking units
Yanhe Zhu, Jizhuang Fan, Xiaolu Wang, Yu Zhang, Jie Zhao
Pages 454-462
Full Paper

A comparison of iterative explicit guidance algorithms for space launch vehicles
Eun-Jung Song, Sangbum Cho, Woong-Rae Roh
Pages 463-476
Full Paper

After this first free issue already another five have been released.

For your convenience, the toc of the latest issue (Volume 55 N.6) is provided below.

Astronomical evidence relating to the observed 14C increases in A.D. 774–5 and 993–4 as determined from tree rings
F. Richard Stephenson
Pages 1537-1545

Sunspot latitudes during the Maunder Minimum: A machine-readable catalogue from previous studies
José M. Vaquero, José M. Nogales, Florentino Sánchez-Bajo
Pages 1546-1552

Eruption of the magnetic flux rope in a quick decaying active region
Shangbin Yang, Wenbin Xie, Jihong Liu
Pages 1553-1562

A research on the force-freeness of photosphere magnetic field
S. Liu, J. Hao
Pages 1563-1575

A radiative transfer algorithm for identification and retrieval of rain from Megha-Tropiques MADRAS
Atul K. Varma, D.N. Piyush, B.S. Gohil, Sujit Basu, P.K. Pal
Pages 1576-1589

Heavy Guadalquivir River discharge detection with satellite altimetry: The case of the eastern continental shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz (Iberian Peninsula)
J. Gómez-Enri, R. Escudier, A. Pascual, R. Mañanes
Pages 1590-1603

Observation and estimation of photosynthetically active radiation in Lhasa (Tibetan Plateau)
Simao Peng, Qingyun Du, Aiwen Lin, Bo Hu, Ke Xiao, Yuliang Xi
Pages 1604-1612

Bistatic measurements for the estimation of rice crop variables using artificial neural network
D.K. Gupta, P. Kumar, V.N. Mishra, R. Prasad, P.K.S. Dikshit, S.B. Dwivedi, A. Ohri, R.S. Singh, V. Srivastava
Pages 1613-1623

Automatic interpretation of oblique ionograms
Alessandro Ippolito, Carlo Scotto, Matthew Francis, Alessandro Settimi, Claudio Cesaroni
Pages 1624-1629

Correction’s method of the electron density model in ionosphere by ray tracing techniques
Alessandro Settimi, Michael Pezzopane, Marco Pietrella, Carlo Scotto, Silvio Bianchi, James A. Baskaradas
Pages 1630-1639

Latitudinal variation of the ionosphere in the African sector using GPS TEC data
P. Opio, F.M. D’ujanga, T. Ssenyonga
Pages 1640-1650

Gravity waves in the thermosphere: Solar activity dependence
Fazlul I. Laskar, Duggirala Pallamraju, Bhaskara Veenadhari, T. Vijaya Lakshmi, M. Anji Reddy, Supriya Chakrabarti
Pages 1651-1659

The effect of zonal harmonic coefficients in the framework of the restricted three-body problem
Elbaz I. Abouelmagd, M.S. Alhothuali, Juan L.G. Guirao, H.M. Malaikah
Pages 1660-1672

Evaluation of minimum coverage size and orbital accuracy at different orbital regimes for one order of magnitude reduction of the catastrophic collision risk
Noelia Sánchez-Ortiz, Raúl Domínguez-González, Holger Krag
Pages 1673-1686

Global optimization of fuel consumption in rendezvous scenarios by the method of interval analysis
Hongliang Ma, Shijie Xu
Pages 1687-1704

Influence of the lunar ambience on dynamic surface hydration on sunlit regions of the Moon
E. Califorrniaa
Pages 1705-1709

Rover wheel charging on the lunar surface
Telana L. Jackson, William M. Farrell, Michael I. Zimmerman
Pages 1710-1720

Lunar core structure investigation: Implication of GRAIL gravity field model
Jianguo Yan, Luyuan Xu, Fei Li, Koji Matsumoto, J. Alexis P. Rodriguez, Hideaki Miyamoto, James M. Dohm
Pages 1721-1727

Concept for a next-generation drop tower system
Thorben Könemann, Ulrich Kaczmarczik, Andreas Gierse, Andreas Greif, Torsten Lutz, Simon Mawn, Jan Siemer, Christian Eigenbrod, Peter von Kampen, Claus Lämmerzahl
Pages 1728-1733

Study of the extensive air shower mass sensitive parameters in prototype of ALBORZ array
G. Rastegarzadeh, M. Nemati
Pages 1734-1740

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