Words from the Editor
Dear Colleague,
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2019!
Our association has been rather busy preparing its major event eucass 2019 in Madrid, so other activities like preparing this newsletter had to momentarily be put on the back burner. Sorry about that.
Incidentally, the work we have dedicated to conference preparation is about to pay off. The conference announces itself as very promising, judging from the arrival rate of abstracts submitted.
Also, several outstanding plenary lecturers worldwide have pledged to offer us a comprehensive planetary vision of perspectives and challenges in aeronautics and space.
You still have till 11 February to send us your contribution if you haven't done so yet.
The Aerospace Europe newsletter’s primary objective is to bring to your attention
- Conferences that are of interest to our community
- Contents of the latest issues of scientific journals edited in Europe
- Relevant patents from the European Patent Office.
Occasionally, job offers and public policy issues will be posted.
If you hear of outstanding scientific breakthroughs or publications from other groups or from your own lab, do not fail to inform us at the special email address
That said, this issue features three main sections:
- Announcement of conferences from Aerospace Europe societies and the Pegasus network
- The usual tables of contents of European aerospace journals ordered by disciplines in order to facilitate access to material of interest to you
- The section "Patents of Interest" will look at a few patents of interest published in the last 6 months on a broad array of topics
A Merlen, President
JP Taran, Honorary President
News from Aerospace Europe partner societies
To always find the latest news for the events organised by the Aerospace Europe (ae in short) members, do not forget to visit the ae website.
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The European turbomachinery society will hold its 13th major event in Lausanne, Switzerland the 8-12 April 2019. The scope of the conference covers the scientific and engineering outcomes concerning the fluid dynamic, thermodynamic, performance and stability aspects in the design, development and operation of axial, mixed flow and radial turbomachines. Tentative Program (with invited speakers) available here. |
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The European research community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion will hold its 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF 2019 the 19-24 May 2019 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. The 10th ICMF will cover all aspects of Multiphase Flow. Experts and professional researchers from all over the world will attend and make presentations of their research results and recent advancements. It will be a great opportunity to share and promote the exchange of new ideas, results and techniques, but also to extend social networking. More informations at the dedicated event website here. |
News from Journals
For your convenience, starting from newsletter #10 we provide for each article the keywords selected by the respective journal editor.
At the same time, our newsletter editor or his helper is classifying the most interesting articles for our Aerospace Europe partners according to main areas of interest.
Please find below the usual classification with links to the proper article in the classical article list based on the different journals presented in this newsletter.
Applied Mathematics
- Improved taylor analogy breakup and clark models for droplet deformation prediction
- Investigation of the aerodynamic performance and flow physics on cross sections of dragonfly wing on flapping and pitching motion in low reynolds number
- Mathematical modeling and linearized analysis of the jet-pipe hydraulic amplifier applied to a servovalve
- Analytical approach for determining the surface shape of a liquid metal under laser cladding conditions
- Two-fluid model of high-speed impact of metal plates
Fluid Mechanics
- Marginal separation into reverse-flow region
- Internal flow and external jet characteristics of double serpentine nozzle with different aspect ratio
- Effect of unit reynolds number on the laminar-turbulent transition on a swept wing in supersonic flow
- Stability of time-periodic flow with laminar boundary-layer separation
- Effectiveness of blowing for improving the high-speed trains aerodynamics
- Measurement of parameters of low-intensity shock wave under nonuniform flow conditions
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
- Gas extraction from air intake in the transient regime of rarefied gas flow
- Axiomatic design of a reflective multilayer high-temperature insulator
- Hydrodynamics and heat transfer for large amplitude pulsating laminar flow in channels
- Heat transfer and flow characteristics of turbulent slot jet impingement on plane and ribbed surfaces
- Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of samarium in the temperature range of 293–1773 k
- Supercritical steam outflow through a thin nozzle: forming a hollow jet
Energy and propulsion, including chemical, electrical and nuclear
- Estimation of aerodynamic and acoustic performances of counter-rotating open rotors
- Influence of the degree of coal metamorphism on characteristics and conditions of ignition of coal-water fuel drops
- Joint experiment "Zarevo'' and equipment of International Space Station for its implementation
- Structures and thermochemical properties of phenoxy radicals, formed from components of the surrogate bio-oil
- Specific features of inhibitor consumption while preventing ignition
- Detonability of air mixtures of the polypropylene pyrolysis products
- On the utilization of kinetic energy of detonation products
- Peculiarities of the process of ignition of condensed energy material at thermal initiation
- Energetic properties of derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole
- Sensitivity to impact of mixtures of octogen with ferric oxide
- Nonthermal solvate ignition of processes of organic self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. The role of product crust
- Liquid explosive "Exlid''
GNC & Avionics
Information processing, command and control
- Air-to-air missile guidance for nonmaneuverable target interception at maximum distance
- A time suboptimal method for real-time spacecraft attitude agile maneuvering with angular velocity constraint
- Attitude manoeuvre control and asymptotic disturbance rejection of flexible spacecraft
- Planar periodic orbits’ construction around libration points with invariant manifold technique
- Robust adaptive finite-time attitude tracking and synchronization control for multi-spacecraft with actuator saturation
- Protection against overturning of a lunar-planetary lander using a controlled landing gear
- Study on flight safety manipulation space under complex conditions
- A novel beidou weak signal acquisition scheme based on modified differential correlation
- Predictor-corrector guidance for entry vehicle based on fuzzy logic
- Adaptive nonlinear generalized predictive control for hypersonic vehicle with unknown parameters and control constraints
- Biobjective mission planning for geosynchronous satellites on-orbit refueling
- Disturbance observer-based fault-tolerant attitude tracking control for rigid spacecraft with finite-time convergence
- Neural network based optimal adaptive attitude control of near-space vehicle with system uncertainties and disturbances
Enabling S & T/Numerics
- On drag minimization of axisymmetric noses in the range of high subsonic speeds
- Numerical investigation of the secondary separation in a subsonic flow over a backward-facing step
- Determining hinge moments of the main landing gear fuselage door by means of numerical flow simulation
- Numerical simulation of parachute inflation: a methodological review
- Numerical investigation of injection angle effects on shock vector control performance
- Numerical research on inlet total pressure distortion in a transonic compressor with non-axisymmetric stator
- Computational fluid dynamics investigation of finding appropriate location of fluidic anti-icing protective panel on leading edge of wing
- Computational analysis of vortices near casing in a transonic axial compressor rotor
- Simulation of radiative heating of snow and ice coating
- Modeling of flame propagation in pulverized coal aerosuspension considering devolatilization
- Numerical investigation of the effect of the scheme of air flow in the vortex furnace on gasdynamic parameters of gas flow and combustion characteristics of old sleepers
- An example of optimization of the block charge using numerical modeling
- Numerical simulation of gasless combustion of multilayer bimetallic nanofilms
Enabling S & T/Simulation
Enabling S & T/Metrology (conventional & non-intrusive) and instrumentation
TsAGI Science Journal
Since Newsletter #29 (see the past issues on our website here) four new volumes have been published:
- Volume 49, Issue N.4 (ToC available here)
- Volume 49, Issue N.5 (ToC available here)
- Volume 49, Issue N.6 (ToC available here)
- Volume 49, Issue N.7 (ToC available here)
The ToC of this last issue is reported below for your convenience.
Table of Contents (Volume 49 Issue N.7)
Marginal separation into reverse-flow region
Sychev, Victor Vladimirovich
Pages: 683–700
Keywords: boundary layer, separated region, mixing layer, marginal separation
On drag minimization of axisymmetric noses in the range of high subsonic speeds
Takovitskii, Sergey Alexandrovich and Ivanyushkin, Dmitry Sergeevich
Pages: 701–712
Keywords: numerical simulation, noses, drag, optimization
Gas extraction from air intake in the transient regime of rarefied gas flow
Erofeev, Alexander Ivanovich
Pages: 713–722
Keywords: air intake, throttle characteristic, transient flow regime, Knudsen number, direct statistical (Monte Carlo) simulation method
Numerical investigation of the secondary separation in a subsonic flow over a backward-facing step
Pimenova, Tatiana Anatolyevna
Pages: 723–731
Keywords: backward-facing step, secondary separation, numerical investigation, subsonic flow, turbulence models, grid verification of the solution
Estimation of aerodynamic and acoustic performances of counter-rotating open rotors
Brailko, Igor Anatolyevich and Mileshin, Viktor Ivanovich and Rossikhin, Anton Anatolyevich and Chevagin, Aleksandr Fedorovich
Pages: 733–752
Keywords: aerodynamic characteristics, noise, counter-rotating fan, open rotor
Air-to-air missile guidance for nonmaneuverable target interception at maximum distance
Bilich, Leonid Ayzikovich and Lyovin, Sergey Alekseyevich and Ostapova, Vladlena Vladlenovna
Pages: 753–770
Keywords: air-to-air missile, guidance method, collocation method, trajectory optimization
Investigation of the effect of elastic deformations of the wing model of a wide-body commercial transport aircraft on its aerodynamic characteristics
Vozhdaev, Valery Viktorovich and Teperin, Leonid Leonidovich
Pages: 771–780
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, Navier-Stokes equations, computational grid, turbulence model, wide-body commercial transport aircraft, aeroelastic wing deformation
Determining hinge moments of the main landing gear fuselage door by means of numerical flow simulation
Pavlenko, Olga Viktorovna and Chuban, Andrei Vitalievich
Pages: 781–792
Keywords: main landing gear fuselage door, aerodynamic loads, hinge moments, computational fluid dynamics methods
Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Since last newsletter, many new issues have been released. The latests are:
- Volume 232, Issue N.15 of December 2018 (ToC available here)
- Volume 232, Issue N.16 of December 2018 (ToC available here)
- Volume 233, Issue N.1 of January 2019 (ToC available here)
- Volume 233, Issue N.2 of Febrary 2019 (ToC available here)
The ToC for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.
Table of Contents (Volume 233 Issue N.2)
Numerical simulation of parachute inflation: a methodological review
Cao, Yihua and Nie, Shuai and Wu, Zhenlong
Pages: 736–766
Keywords: Parachute Inflation;VEM And Grid-based CFD;Membrane Model;Porosity;Wrinkling;Impact-contact;
A novel beidou weak signal acquisition scheme based on modified differential correlation
Han, Zhifeng and Liu, Jianye and Wang, Yi and Li, Rongbing and Xu, Rui
Pages: 393–404
Keywords: Weak Signal;Acquisition;Beidou Navigation Satellite System;Differential Correlation;High-sensitivity;
A time suboptimal method for real-time spacecraft attitude agile maneuvering with angular velocity constraint
Wu, Yun-Hua and Hu, Ya-Bo and Hua, Bing and Chen, Zhi-Ming and Ge, Lin-Lin
Pages: 561–572
Keywords: Agile Spacecraft;Rapid Attitude Maneuvering;Angular Velocity Constraint;Interpolation Control Method;On-orbit Real-time Application;
The effects of advance ratio and blade number on the forward flight characteristics of cycloidal rotor
Yu, Hu and Geng Qi, Wang and Hai Lang, Zhang and Xu Yang, Fu and Hussain, Farhat
Pages: 573–588
Keywords: Cycloidal Rotor;Dynamic Stall;Blade Vortex Interaction;Micro Aerial Vehicles;Cyclogyro;
Numerical investigation of injection angle effects on shock vector control performance
Forghany, Farzad and Taeibe-Rahni, Mohammad and Asadollahi-Ghohieh, Abdollah and Banazdeh, Afshin
Pages: 405–417
Keywords: Thrust Vectoring;Shock Vector Control;Optimum Injection Angle;Dynamic Response;Expansion Ratio;Thrust Decline;
Attitude manoeuvre control and asymptotic disturbance rejection of flexible spacecraft
Yu, Zhen and Guo, Yu and Zhong, Chenxing and Wu, Yifei and Guo, Jian
Pages: 426–437
Keywords: Attitude Control;Disturbance Rejection;Internal Model;Modal Estimation;Flexible Spacecraft;
Trajectory control method of stratospheric airships based on model predictive control in wind field
Zhang, Jiashi and Yang, Xixiang and Deng, Xiaolong and Lin, Huijing
Pages: 418–425
Keywords: Stratospheric Airship;Modeling;Trajectory Control;Model Predictive Control;
Planar periodic orbits’ construction around libration points with invariant manifold technique
Qian, Ying-Jing and Yang, Xiao-Dong and Zhai, Guan-Qiao and Zhang, Wei
Pages: 498–509
Keywords: Libration Points;Restricted Three-body Problem;Periodic Orbits;Invariant Manifold Technique;Topological Terminal Constraint;
Improved taylor analogy breakup and clark models for droplet deformation prediction
Wu, Zhenlong and Lv, Benyin and Cao, Yihua
Pages: 767–775
Keywords: Taylor Analogy Breakup;Clark;Droplet Deformation;Slip Velocity;Runge–kutta;
Large amplitude flutter analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite plates with piezoelectric layers on nonlinear elastic foundation
Yazdi, Ali A
Pages: 533–544
Keywords: Nonlinear Flutter;Carbon Nanotubes;Composite Plate;Nonlinear Elastic Foundation;
Investigation of the aerodynamic performance and flow physics on cross sections of dragonfly wing on flapping and pitching motion in low reynolds number
Lavimi, Roham and Hojaji, Mohammad and Dehghan Manshadi, Mojtaba
Pages: 589–603
Keywords: Micro Aerial Vehicle;Dragonfly Wing;Flapping Motion;Pure Pitching Motion;
Internal flow and external jet characteristics of double serpentine nozzle with different aspect ratio
Xiao-lin, Sun and Zhan-xue, Wang and Li, Zhou and Jing-wei, Shi and Wen, Cheng
Pages: 545–560
Keywords: Double Serpentine Nozzle;Aspect Ratio;Internal Flow;External Jet;Flow Characteristic;Aerodynamic Performance;
Predictor-corrector guidance for entry vehicle based on fuzzy logic
Wang, Tao and Zhang, Hongbo and Tang, Guojian
Pages: 472–482
Keywords: Entry;Guidance;Predictor-corrector;Fuzzy Controller;
Adaptive nonlinear generalized predictive control for hypersonic vehicle with unknown parameters and control constraints
Tang, Tingting and Qi, Ruiyun and Jiang, Bin
Pages: 510–532
Keywords: Hypersonic Vehicle;Nonlinear Generalized Predictive Control;Adaptive Estimation;Parameter Uncertainties;Control Surface Constraints;
Axiomatic design of a reflective multilayer high-temperature insulator
Torabi, Amin and Abedian, Ali and Farsi, Mohammad Ali and Kalantarinezhad, Reza
Pages: 457–471
Keywords: Multilayer Insulator Design;High-temperature Insulator;Axiomatic Design;Reflective Insulator;Reflective Surface Location;
Vulnerability assessment of combat aircraft to blast loading
Han, Lu and Han, Qing and Ge, Yu-Xue and Sang, Xiao-Qing
Pages: 604–615
Keywords: Vulnerability;Blast Loading;Structure Dynamic;Kill Criteria;Blast Kill Contours;
Robust adaptive finite-time attitude tracking and synchronization control for multi-spacecraft with actuator saturation
Zhu, Zhihao and Guo, Yu
Pages: 629–640
Keywords: Adaptive Finite-time Control;Attitude Tracking Control;Actuator Saturation;Unknown Time-varying Inertia;Consensus Control;
Biobjective mission planning for geosynchronous satellites on-orbit refueling
Yu, Jing and Yu, Yong-gang and Hao, Dong and Chen, Xiao-qian and Liu, Hong-yang
Pages: 686–697
Keywords: On-orbit Refueling;Multiple-objective Particle Swarm Optimization;Space Mission;Mission Planning;
Dynamic characteristics of multifunctional structure for spacecraft
Hao, Dong and Zhang, Lin and Yu, Jing and Mao, Daiyong
Pages: 679–685
Keywords: Multifunctional Structure;Dynamic Properties;Sine-sweep Tests;Random Vibrations;Battery Function;
Numerical research on inlet total pressure distortion in a transonic compressor with non-axisymmetric stator
Sun, Peng and Fu, Wenguang and Wang, Hong and Zhong, Jingjun
Pages: 667–678
Keywords: Total Pressure Distortion;Non-axisymmetric Stator;Transonic Compressor;Corner Separation;Numerical Simulation;
Mathematical modeling and linearized analysis of the jet-pipe hydraulic amplifier applied to a servovalve
Li, Yuesong
Pages: 657–666
Keywords: Jet-pipe Servovalve;Hydraulic Resistance Network;Flow Continuity Equation;Absorption Effect;Valve Coefficients;
Computational fluid dynamics investigation of finding appropriate location of fluidic anti-icing protective panel on leading edge of wing
Afghari, Mohammad Reza and Vaziry, Mohammad Ali and Mostofizadeh, Ali Reza
Pages: 698–709
Keywords: Fluidic Anti-icing System;Protective Panel Limits;Computational Fluid Dynamics;Ice Accretion Code;Icing Parameters;
Disturbance observer-based fault-tolerant attitude tracking control for rigid spacecraft with finite-time convergence
Zong, Qun and Zhang, Xiuyun and Shao, Shikai and Tian, Bailing and Liu, Wenjing
Pages: 616–628
Keywords: Rigid Spacecraft;Attitude Tracking Control;Finite-time Control;Fault-tolerant Control;Disturbance Observer;
Computational analysis of vortices near casing in a transonic axial compressor rotor
Wu, Yanhui and An, Guangyao and Chen, Zhiyang and Wang, Bo
Pages: 710–724
Keywords: Eigenvector Method;Lambda 2 Method;Tip Leakage Vortex;Transonic Axial Flow Compressor Rotor;Vortex Breakdown;
Protection against overturning of a lunar-planetary lander using a controlled landing gear
Maeda, Takao and Otsuki, Masatsugu and Hashimoto, Tatsuaki
Pages: 438–456
Keywords: Space Exploration;Landing;Shock Absorber;Magnetorheological Damper;Active Control;
Neural network based optimal adaptive attitude control of near-space vehicle with system uncertainties and disturbances
Xia, Rongsheng and Chen, Mou and Wu, Qiangxian
Pages: 641–656
Keywords: Near-space Vehicles;Backstepping Method;Optimal Attitude Control;Nonlinear Disturbance Observer;Adaptive Method;
Gas turbine performance monitoring based on extended information fusion filter
Lu, Feng and Huang, Yihuan and Huang, Jinquan and Qiu, Xiaojie
Pages: 483–497
Keywords: Gas Turbine Engine;Performance Monitoring;Information Fusion;State Estimation;Distributed Architecture;
Study on flight safety manipulation space under complex conditions
Li, Zhe and Xu, Haojun and Xue, Yuan and Pei, Binbin
Pages: 725–735
Keywords: Flight Safety;Situational Awareness;Safety Manipulation Space;Flight Dynamics Simulation;Risk Predict;One-side Engine Failure;Main Surface Jammed;
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
Since last newsletter, 2 new issues have been issued:
- Volume 25, Issue N.4 of July 2018 (ToC available here)
- Volume 25, Issue N.5 of September 2018 (ToC available here)
The ToC for the last issue is reported below for your convenience.
Table of Contents (Volume 25 Issue N.5)
Molecular shield of “oka-t” spacecraft
Kashkovsky, A. V. and Vashchenkov, P. V. and Krylov, A. N. and Mishina, L. V.
Pages: 643–658
Keywords: "molecular shield, vacuum, test particle method, method of direct statistical modeling"
Effect of unit reynolds number on the laminar-turbulent transition on a swept wing in supersonic flow
Ermolaev, Yu. G. and Kosinov, A. D. and Semenov, A. N. and Semionov, N. V. and Yatskikh, A. A.
Pages: 659–665
Keywords: "supersonic boundary layer, swept wing, laminar-turbulent transition, unit Reynolds number"
Stability of time-periodic flow with laminar boundary-layer separation
Boiko, A. V. and Dovgal, A. V. and Sorokin, A. M.
Pages: 667–673
Keywords: "hydrodynamic stability, boundary-layer separation, flow past a backward-facing step, unsteady flow"
Effectiveness of blowing for improving the high-speed trains aerodynamics
Shkvar, E. O. and Jamea, A. and E, S.-J. and Cai, J.-C. and Kryzhanovskyi, A. S.
Pages: 675–686
Keywords: "drag reduction, uniform microblowing, perforated surface, turbulent boundary layer, high-speed train, aerodynamic drag coefficient"
Measurement of parameters of low-intensity shock wave under nonuniform flow conditions
Kiseleva, T. A. and Kislovskiy, V. A.
Pages: 687–694
Keywords: "radial supersonic jet, pressure profile, measurement technique"
The study of hydrodynamic processes of a coolant flow in fa-kvadrat pwr with various mixing spacer grids
Dmitriev, S. M. and Dobrov, A. A. and Doronkov, D. V. and Pronin, A. N. and Solntsev, D. N. and Sorokin, V. D. and Khrobostov, A. E.
Pages: 695–703
Keywords: "hydrodynamics of coolant, nuclear reactor, active zone, fuel assembly, mixing spacer grid"
Hydrodynamics and heat transfer for large amplitude pulsating laminar flow in channels
Valueva, E. P. and Purdin, M. S.
Pages: 705–716
Keywords: "heat transfer, pulsating laminar flow, flat channel, rectangular channels"
Heat transfer and flow characteristics of turbulent slot jet impingement on plane and ribbed surfaces
Shukla, A. K. and Dewan, A.
Pages: 717–734
Keywords: "jet impingement, ribs, heat transfer, turbulence modeling, Nusselt number, RANS"
Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of samarium in the temperature range of 293–1773 k
Samoshkin, D. A. and Savchenko, I. V. and Stankus, S. V. and Agazhanov, A. Sh.
Pages: 735–740
Keywords: "thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, samarium, condensed state, laser flash method, high temperatures, phase transformations"
Analytical approach for determining the surface shape of a liquid metal under laser cladding conditions
Bedenko, D. V. and Kovalev, O. B.
Pages: 741–750
Keywords: "laser cladding, analytical model, surface equation, surface tension, contact angle"
Supercritical steam outflow through a thin nozzle: forming a hollow jet
Bolotnova, R. Kh. and Gainullina, E. F.
Pages: 751–757
Keywords: "simulation, OpenFOAM package, thin nozzle, steam outflow, supercritical state"
Modification of properties of aluminum protective anodes by nanopowder materials
Bozhanova, N. M. and Panov, I. T. and Manolov, V. K. and Cherepanov, A. N. and Lazarova, R. L.
Pages: 759–764
Keywords: "corrosion, protective anode, negative potential, electrochemical protection, aluminum alloy, nanomodification"
Simulation of radiative heating of snow and ice coating
Timofeev, A. M.
Pages: 765–772
Keywords: "radiation-conduction heat transfer, semitransparent medium, scattering, reflectance, selectivity, numerical simulation, ice and snow"
Influence of the degree of coal metamorphism on characteristics and conditions of ignition of coal-water fuel drops
Salomatov, V. V. and Kuznetsov, G. V. and Syrodoy, S. V.
Pages: 773–788
Keywords: "coal-water fuel, degree of coal metamorphism, grade of coal, ignition of coke, ignition of volatiles, diffusion of pyrolysis products"
Calculating pressure fields on the basis of piv-measurements for supersonic flows
Polivanov, P. A.
Pages: 789–792
Keywords: "PIV, calculation of pressure, compressible flows, shock wave"
Combustion and Explosion Journal
Since last time, two new volumes of the Combustion and Explosion Journal have been published:
The ToC for this last issue is presented below for your convenience
Table of Contents (Volume 11 Issue N.4)
Joint experiment "Zarevo'' and equipment of International Space Station for its implementation
O. V. Novitskii, A. V. Peklevskii, S. B. Pichugin, S. M. Frolov, D. Dietrich, and F. A. Williams
Pages: P. 3-13
Keywords: International Space Station; space experiment; droplet combustion; microgravity
Structures and thermochemical properties of phenoxy radicals, formed from components of the surrogate bio-oil
G. A. Poskrebyshev
Pages: P. 14-22
Keywords: enthalpy of formation; entropy; 2,4-dimethylphenol; 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol; 3-methoxy-4formylphenol; phenoxy radical
Specific features of inhibitor consumption while preventing ignition
G. B. Brauer, V. D. Pugachev, and V. V. Azatyan
Pages: P. 23-28
Keywords: consumption of inhibitor; ignition limit; chain branching; the rate constant of inhibition; ethanol
Modeling of flame propagation in pulverized coal aerosuspension considering devolatilization
K. M. Moiseeva and A. Yu. Krainov
Pages: P. 29-35
Keywords: coal dust suspension; nanoaerosol; numerical simulation
Numerical investigation of the effect of the scheme of air flow in the vortex furnace on gasdynamic parameters of gas flow and combustion characteristics of old sleepers
A. Akhmetshina, G. Pavlov, A. Sabirzyanov, and O. Tikhonov
Pages: P. 36-43
Keywords: railway sleepers; furnace; combustion; solid fuel; furnace-satellite
Detonability of air mixtures of the polypropylene pyrolysis products
S. M. Frolov, V. I. Zvegintsev, V. S. Aksenov, I. V. Bilera, V. V. Kazachenko, I. O. Shamshin, P. A. Gusev, M. S. Belotserkovskaya, and E. V. Koverzanova
Pages: P. 44-60
Keywords: detonability; standard pulse-detonation tube; granulated polypropylene; pyrolysis products; fuel–air
On the utilization of kinetic energy of detonation products
V. A. Smetanyuk, S. M. Frolov, P. A. Gusev, A. S. Koval, S. A. Nabatnikov, and M. S. Belotserkovskaya
Pages: P. 61-70
Keywords: Zel’dovich thermodynamic cycle; pulse detonation combustion; kinetic energy of detonation products;
Peculiarities of the process of ignition of condensed energy material at thermal initiation
V. Marshakov and V. Frost
Pages: P. 71-80
Keywords: combustion; nitroglycerin powder (double-base propellants); unsteady front; combustion stability; hot
An example of optimization of the block charge using numerical modeling
B. Ermolaev, А. Roman'kov, and A. Sulimov
Pages: P. 81-89
Keywords: internal ballistics; single-base propellant; block charge; loading density; muzzle velocity
Energetic properties of derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole
T. S. Kon'kova, Yu. N. Matyushin, E. A. Miroshnichenko, M. N. Makhov, A. B. Vorob'ev, and A. V. Inozemtsev
Pages: P. 90-99
Keywords: calorimetry; combustion enthalpy; enthalpy of formation; derivative of 1,2,4-triazole; explosive
Sensitivity to impact of mixtures of octogen with ferric oxide
A. V. Dubovik and R. V. Ponafidin
Pages: P. 100-105
Keywords: explosive; impact; explosion; sensitivity; sensitisation; friction model
Numerical simulation of gasless combustion of multilayer bimetallic nanofilms
A. Yu. Krainov and D. S. Shults
Pages: P. 106-111
Keywords: self-propagating high-temperature synthesis; reaction cells; wave velocity; mathematical modeling
Nonthermal solvate ignition of processes of organic self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. The role of product crust
E. G. Klimchuk and A. G. Tarasov
Pages: P. 112-117
Keywords: solid-state combustion; organic self-propagating-high-temperature synthesis (OSHS); non-thermal
Two-fluid model of high-speed impact of metal plates
P. Utkin and S. Fortova
Pages: P. 118-124
Keywords: high-speed impact; shock wave; rarefaction wave; two-fluid model; mathematical modeling; hyperbolic
Liquid explosive "Exlid''
M. V. Genkin, T. V. Rozarenova, A. A. Dobrynin, V. V. Lavrov, and A. V. Savchenko
Pages: P. 125-129
Keywords: liquid explosive; nitric acid; dinitrogen tetroxide; manufacturing of explosives; nonexplosive components; tests; blasting
Patents of Interest
In this issue of patents of interests, we will like review recent filings in the H01M sub-classification (H01 is Basic Electric Elements, and H01M includes everyones favorite, batteries).
Therefore, the following patents have been selected from the EPO database using the following criteria: "PUA12 >= 20180101 and IPC=H01M" and selecting a few interesting patents in our field. In this case, this means all patents whose A1/A2 documents both have been published after January 1, 2018. Since patents can be filed towards different organizations, sometimes the data available in the EPO database (the version available for free online) is not the most complete. In that case an external link is used.
- Secondary Electrochemical Cell
- Method Of Manufacturing An All-Solid-State Battery System
- Lithium Metal Secondary Battery
- Gas Diffusion Layer For Metal-Air Battery, Method Of Manufacturing The Same, And Metal-Air Battery Including The Same
- Battery Cell And A Battery With Electroactive Polymers
- A Cooling System For Cooling Electrochemical Cells Of A Battery System
- Flow Battery With Voltage-Limiting Device
- Gas Diffusion Layer For Fuel Cell, Method For Manufacturing Said Layer, Membrane-Electrode Assembly, And Fuel Cell
- Reversible Fuel Cell And Reversible Fuel Cell System
- Bipolar Battery
- Fuel Cell Having Oxygen Selective Membrane
- Iron-Air Rechargeable Battery
- Battery Cell Including Phase Change Material
- Regeneration Method Of Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery
- Sodium-Aluminum Battery With Sodium Ion Conductive Ceramic Separator
- Flooded Acid Battery With Improved Performance, Improved Battery Separators, And Related Methods
How to browse the EPO patent list
There are different tools online to browse/search patents, for example google and the wipo. Here we will be using the EPO Patent information services for experts, from this address. It is possible to browse patents based on many parameters, inventor name, applicant/proprietor (usually a company), application date, etc. etc. In the future we will consider patents that have published their A1/A2 documents since the date of the last newsletter.
The definition of A1 and A2 are available here.
- Basically when a European patent application is published together with the search report done by the agency, it is known as an A1 publication. When this application is published without the search report, it is an A2 document.
- The search report is then published later as an A3 document.
- When the patent is granted, it is published as a B document.