Click on the title for session details
Chair: WEISS Pierre-Elie
15:05 Numerical Simulation of Petrea Volubilis Falling Seed
BAJAC Frederico (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Asunción – Paraguay)
15:30 Nudging-Based Steady State Estimation of Turbulent Flows Around an Airfoil Near Stalling Conditions
MARQUET Olivier (DAAA, ONERA The French Aerospace Lab, Meudon, F-92190 – France)
15:55 Towards the Prediction of Wall Pressure Fluctuations for Space Launchers using ZDES-based Convolutional Neural Networks
LECLER Simon (DAAA, ONERA, Université Paris Saclay – France)
16:20 Towards a Numerical Multi-Fidelity Strategy for Unsteady Aerodynamics Studies of Reusable Launch Vehicles: Application to Ariane Next
WEISS Pierre-Elie (ONERA – France)
16:45 Effect of ‘Ramped Vane’ Vortex Generators on a Flare-Induced Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction Flowfield
T Nilavarasan (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology – India)
17:10 Energy Transfer in Turbulence Using Lattice Boltzmann Method Based on Large Eddy Simulation
BASLEY Jeremy (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, INSA Hauts-de-France)
Chair: LEONOV Sergey
15:05 Restrike Model for an MHD Solver: Application to Plasma-Assisted Supersonic Combustion in a Scramjet
BOURLET Aymeric (ONERA – Centre de Palaiseau – France)
15:30 Simulation of Plasmas for Electric Propulsion Using the Energy-Conserving Semi-Implicit PIC Scheme
PARODI Pietro (KU Leuven and von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics – Belgium)
15:55 Heat Flux Characterization of an Under-Expanded Supersonic Plasma Jet Over a Catalytic Probe
CAPRIATI Michele (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics – VKI – Belgium)
16:20 Effect of Electron Number Densities on the Radio Signal Attenuation in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Facility
LUIS Diana (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics – VKI – Belgium)
16:45 Development of a Multi-Component Diffusion Fluid Solver for a Two-Temperature Argon Plasma Sheath
GANGEMI Giuseppe Matteo (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics – VKI – Belgium)
17:10 Assessment of Electron Transpiration Cooling Phenomena in Inductively-Cooled Plasma Facility
CHAZOT Olivier (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics – VKI – Belgium)
Chairs: ANSELMO Luciano & MARTINEZ MORALES Juan Esteban
15:05 Analysis of conjunctions between two satellites with no communication
LUCKEN Romain (Share My Space – France)
15:30 Machine Learning techiques applied to space objects uncontrolled re-entry predictions
PANICO Alessandro (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
15:55 CNES tools and methods for de-orbit and re-entry trajectories evaluation
GOESTER Jean-François (CNES – France)
16:20 Thermite-for-Demise (T4D): Concept Definition for Exothermic Reaction-Aided Spacecraft Demise during Re-entry
FINAZZI Alessandro (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
17:10 BFS « Back From Space » , an atmospheric reentry kit for Newspace application
PIERONNE Christian (ESTACA – France)
Chair: CHANDESRIS Sébastien
15:05 Landing a Propulsive Stage with Bézier Curves
VERNIS Philippe (ARIANE Group – France)
15:30 A point of view on machine learning for GNC for space applications: towards non linear control
GANET-SCHOELLER Martine (ArianeGroup – France)
15:55 Global linear parameter varying (LPV) model development for fighter aircraft
MILLIDERE Murat (Middle East Technical University – Turkey)
16:20 Anti Sloshing Control Law Design For Launchers Using A Model-Free Approach
COCAUL Périclès (DTIS, ONERA, Université Paris Saclay, F-91123 Palaiseau, France)
16:45 Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Solution to Structured H Infinity Control Problem and Application to Lateral – Directional Dynamics of Highly Maneuverable Aircraft
OZKAN Salih Volkan (Aerospace Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey)
17:10 Reference Governor Based Solution for Satellite Attitude Control with Sloshing and Actuation Constraints
MAGNANI Guido (ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab – Centre de Toulouse – France)
17:35 Flight Control System Constraints on The Yaw Instability Level of Fighter Aircraft Design
ÖZNURLU Can (Middle East Technical University – Turkey)
Chairs: URBANO Annafederica & ANTHOINE Jérôme
15:05 Pre-conceptual staging trade-offs of reusable launch vehicles
DOMINGUEZ CALABUIG Guillermo Joaquin (DLR – Germany)
15:30 Eco-design of future reusable launchers: insight into their life-cycle and atmospheric impact
DOMINGUEZ CALABUIG Guillermo Joaquin (DLR – Germany)
15:55 Health Monitoring for RLVs: Architecture Selection and Discussion
VENNITTI Andrea (TU Dresden – Germany)
16:20 Reliability estimation methodology for Liquid Rocket Engines
AYALA FERNANDEZ Lucía (TU Braunschweig – Germany)
16:45 Sensibility study for different nozzle configuration on the heat load and aerodynamic behaviour for the THEMIS demonstrator
LANTELME Melissa (ONERA – France)
17:10 Round Table Discussion
BACH Christian (TU Dresden – Germany)
Chairs: DOS SANTOS HAHN Robson & CLIQUET Elisa
15:05 TARES2020: Technologies for Future Liquid Propellant Engines at ArianeGroup
SOLLER Sebastian (Ariane Group Ottobrunn – Germany)
15:30 Configuration Design Studies of a LOX-LCH4 Booster Engine and Stage for a Futuristic Indian Launcher
PHADNIS Tushar R. (Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), ISRO – India)
15:55 Configuration Studies on An Electric Pump Fed Upper Stage Rocket Engine
PHADNIS Tushar R. (Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), ISRO – India)
16:20 Prospective of Self-Pressurized Technology for In Space Satellite Mission
LA LUNA Simone (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
Chairs: MARTELLI Emanuele & Michel BERDOYES
15:05 Low-order modeling of combustion instability using a hybrid real/ideal gas mixture model
ZOLLA Paolo Maria (Sapienza Università di Roma – Italy)
15:30 Disturbance energy transport, a tool to analyze backward-facing step combustion instabilities
KLEIN Jean-Michel (ONERA – France)
15:55 Preliminary study of the high-frequency instability of an aerospike rocket engine
ROSSI Federico (Pangea aerospace – Ukraine)
Chairs: ORLANDI Oliver & PARAVAN Christian
15:05 Thermophoresis as a possible mechanism for aluminum oxide lobe formation
GALLIER Stany (ArianeGroup – France)
15:30 Effect of Coated Nano-Aluminum Powders on the Agglomeration in Solid Propellant
YAVOR Yinon (Afeka College of Engineering – Israel)
15:55 A Revised Model of Ammonium Perchlorate Combustion with Detailed Kinetics
BERNIGAUD Pierre (ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab – France)
16:20 Agglomeration in Solid Propellants loaded with inert particles – Study of Physical
DECKER Thomas (ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab – France)
Chair: ORDONNEAU Gérard
15:05 Glide back recovery of a winged reusable launch vehicle with wind estimate
EDORH Prince (CNES – France)
15:30 Semi-free oscillation method for dynamic stability characterization on re-usable launcher first-stage
PARIS Sebastien (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics – Belgium)
15:55 Optimal reconfigurable allocation of a multi-engine cluster for a reusable launch vehicle
MURATA Renato (ONERA – France)
16:20 Control strategies comparison and performance evaluation for a reusable VTVL platform based on a rocket engine
NECULAESCU Ana-Maria (National Institute for Aerospace Research ‘Elie Carafoli’ – Romania)
16:45 Impact of control gain design on Remaining Useful Life for a Liquid Propellant Reusable Engine
GALEOTTA Marco (CNES – France)
17:10 Hypersonic Retrograde Propulsion Experiments – A Basis for Validation of CFD within RETPRO
KIRCHHECK Daniel (DLR – Germany)
17:35 Reconstruction of Wind Tunnel Tests using CFD for a Reusable First Stage during Rocket Retro-propulsion
BYKERK Tamas or KARL Sebastian (DLR – Germany)
Chair: MATHIS Kévin
15:05 Product Assurance Overview of Additive Manufactured Components for Space Applications
ZUIN Davide (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
15:30 Space Flight Hardware fabricated by Additive Manufacturing to JUICE Mission
15:55 Additive manufacturing capabilities for heat switch technology: Key challenges & knowledge gaps
MASEK Jakub (Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Czech Republic)
16:20 Additive manufacturing process development for realization of Preburner Pump Impeller of LOX hydrocarbon based rocket engine using AlSi10Mg material
PHADNIS Tushar (Indian Space Research Organisation – India)
Chairs: BONNAL Christophe & DROZ Jan
15:05 An Overview of the EURASTROS Study
LASSMANN Jens (German Aerospace Center – DLR e.V. – Germany)
15:30 System design of EURASTROS reference configurations and mission
PLEBUCH Alex (ArianeGroup – Germany)
15:55 Cost Estimation and Development Approach of the EURASTROS Concept
BRAUKHANE Andy (DLR – German Aerospace Center – Germany)
16:20 EURASTROS capsule design and re-entry analysis
MARQUARDT Pascal (DLR – Germany)
16:45 EURASTROS ascent trajectory and abort analysis
BERGMANN Kevin (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Space Systems – Germany)
Chair: RÜTTEN Markus
15:05 Effects of Zero Net Mass Flux devices on a Next-Generation Tiltrotor airplane in subsonic regime by numerical simulation at high Reynolds number
MAROUF Abderahmane (ICUBE / University of Strasbourg – France)
15:30 Experimental Investigation on fractal/multiscale trippings for passive control of turbulent flow separation
SEPETAUSKAS Vinicius (LMFL / Centrale Lille – France)
15:55 Experimental assessment of the active flow control over the flight deck of a frigate
DERHILLE Elvina (Onera – DAAA/ELV – France)
16:20 An experimental study of trailing vortex dynamics in cruise and high-lift wing configurations.
CRUZ MARQUEZ Rolando (LMFL / Onera – France)
Chair: KNIGHT Doyle
09:00 Aerodynamic Calculation of Rough Surface in Rarefied Gas Flow Applying the Solution of Inverse Problem
AKSENOVA Olga (St.Petersburg Naval Polytechnic University – Russia)
09:25 Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow Applying Artificial Neuron Network
AKSENOVA Olga (St.Petersburg Naval Polytechnic University – Russia)
09:50 HyperCODA – Extension of Flow Solver CODA Towards Rocket Flows
FECHTER Stefan (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology – Germany)
10:15 Evaluation of Aerodynamic Characteristics in Oscillatory Coning Motion Using CFD Methods
SEREEZ Mohamed (Coventry University – United Kingdom)
10:40 Creating an External Store Separation Analysis Infrastructure Using the Grid Method with the Help of Open Source Software
DEMIR Görkem (Turkish Aerospace Industries – Turkey)
11:05 A Dynamic Mode Decomposition Approach for Data Assimilation in the Presence of Parameter Uncertainties
VERVYNCK Arthur (DAAA, ONERA, Université Paris Saclay, F-92190 Meudon – France)
11:30 Numerical assessment of RANS and LES modelling in particle separation devices
AMANI Ahmad (Termo Fluids – Spain)
Chairs: ABDEL-AZIZ Yehia & LUCKEN Romain
09:00 Starting procedure for space-based laser trackers to autonomously reach distant reflecting targets by means of very narrow beams
GAMBI Jose M. (U. Carlos III de Madrid – Spain)
09:25 Shadow Imaging of Geostationary Satellites: silhouette reconstruction from accurate polychro-matic modelling of diffraction and atmospheric disturbances
LABRIJI Hanae (DTIS, ONERA, Université Paris Saclay – France)
09:50 SNOS: automatic optimal observations scheduling for sensor networks
FARACO Niccolò (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
10:15 A software suite for orbit determination in Space Surveillance and Tracking applications
CIPOLLONE Riccardo (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
10:40 Shape Memory Composite Structures for Space Debris Removal
SANTO Loredana (University of Rome Tor Vergata – Italy)
11:05 Design of a vehicle for active debris removal: PERSEPHONE (Performing Space Environment Protection from Hazardous Objects by Net Elimination)
MEISSE Elise (Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées – IPSA – France)
11:30 Debris removal in GEO by Ion Beam: Challenges and Prospects
ASLANOV Vladimir (Samara National Research University – Russia)
09:00 May the Force be with You
TCHOUKIEN David (CNES – France)
09:25 Minerva, igniting the future
CHOPINET Jean-Noël (Ariane Group – France)
09:50 Using Motopumps to increase rocket engine performances
BOUISSON Emrys (IPSA/Innovative Propulsion Laboratory – France)
10:15 Using an adaptive nozzle to improve rocket engine performances
SENON Julien (IPSA/Innovative Propulsion Laboratory – France)
10:40 The 5th element: Modular ground support equipment to new PERSEUS bi-liquid launcher
CHAMPALOU Fabien (CT Ingénierie – France)
11:05 Extended Q&A (through digital board)
Chairs: MARTELLI Emanuele & SOLLER Sebastian
09:00 Linear dynamical model of overexpanded supersonic jet resonances
JAUNET Vincent (Institut PPRIME – ISAE-ENSMA – France)
09:25 High Altitude Rocket Reactive Jet Flow Simulations with a Hybrid NS-DSMC Methodology
CHARTON Virgile (ONERA – Centre de Palaiseau – France)
09:50 Parametric study of transition fluidic control in a dual-bell nozzle
MARTELLI Emanuele (University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli” – Italy)
10:15 Advanced nozzle concept trade-off and selection criteria based on launcher mission constraints
WEBER Felix (Sapienza Università di Roma – Italy)
10:40 Impacts of Solidity and Radius Ratio on Centrifugal Turbines
LIU Yu Min (Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Dept., Université Libre de Bruxelles / EPF École d’ingénieurs – Belgium)
11:05 Experimental study on the effect of cryogenic two-phase flow inlet conditions on the suction capacity of a high speed centrifugal pump equipped with an inducer: first results on saturated pure liquid
DENEUVE Ariane (ArianeGroup Vernon – France)
11:30 Design Practices on Supersonic Turbines for Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine in the Frame of CNES/DLR Cooperation
DOS SANTOS HAHN Robson Henrique (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Propulsion – Germany)
Chairs: HARDI Justin & DUCRUIX Sébastien
09:00 REST HF-7 and HF-9 Test Case: Lessons learned for comparing simulation results with test data of a representative LOX/H2 thrust chamber with high-frequency combustion instabilities
ARMBRUSTER Wolfgang (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Propulsion – Germany)
09:25 REST HF-9 Test Case: Numerical reproduction of OH* radiation measurements of unsteady supercritical LOx/H2 combustion
TONTI Federica (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Propulsion – Germany)
09:50 REST HF-9 test case: Large-Eddy Simulation of DLR’s BKD configuration
SCHMITT Thomas (Laboratoire EM2C, CNRS, CentraleSupelec, Université Paris-Saclay – France)
10:15 REST HF-10 test case: URANS Simulations of Excited Methane Flames under Real Gas Conditions
KÖGLMEIER Stefan (Ariane Group Ottobrunn – Germany)
10:40 REST HF-10 Test Case: Numerical Simulation of a Single Coaxial LOX-CH4 Injector with Forced Mass Flow Oscillations Using the DLR TAU-Code
HORCHLER Tim (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology – Germany)
11:05 REST HF-10 test case: Large-Eddy Simulations using the AVBP solver
SCHMITT Thomas (Laboratoire EM2C, CNRS, Centrale Supelec, Université Paris-Saclay – France)
Chairs: PARAVAN Christian & ORLANDI Oliver
09:00 Investigation of Q1D Model for Pressure Oscillations in Solid Rocket Motors
COCIRLA Gianluca (Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)
09:25 High-fidelity one-dimensional model of solid propellant combustion: formulation, numerical strategy, coupling with a CFD software for simulating ignition transients in complete solid rocket motors
FRANCOIS Laurent (ONERA/DMPE – France)
09:50 Non-linear one-dimensional combustion response model integration in a CFD software, test case and simplified rocket motor applications
10:15 Quantitative experimental characterization of solid-propellant surface temperature before ignition for future model validation
10:40 SRM ignition studies at lab-scale
ORLANDI Olivier (ArianeGroup – France)
11:05 Study of the effect of particles on the two-phase flow field and radiation in aluminized rocket engine plumes
DE GIORGI Maria grazia (University of Salento Department of Engineering Innovation – Italy)
11:30 Shape of burning surface for solid propellant samples ignited with low laser heat flux
LEVARD Quentin (ONERA/DMPE – France)
09:00 Study on future European winged reusable launchers
CALLSEN Steffen (DLR – Germany)
09:25 Update on the THEMIS low cost and reusable rocket stage demonstration
VILA Jerome (ArianeWorks – France)
09:50 Evaluation of Parametric Cost Estimation in the Preliminary Design Phase of Reusable Launch Vehicles
STAPPERT Sven (DLR – Germany)
10:15 Design of fly-back reusable launch vehicle architecture using air-breathing propulsion
BALESDENT Mathieu (ONERA – France)
10:40 Uncertainty-based approach to assess optimal design margins for future aerospace systems
BALESDENT Mathieu (ONERA – France)
11:05 Standard Reuse System for Small Launch Vehicles MAROQUENE
VIALLON Lisa (Sirius Space – France)
11:30 GARRUD: Autonomous re-Entry system technology demonstrator for sounding rockets
MHATRE Pranjal (Bharati vidyapeeth college of engineering, Navi Mumbai – India)
Chair: MATHIS Kévin
09:00 Metalization of polymer based composite by cold spray
EZO’O Guillaume (Mines-Paris-Tech – Italy)
09:25 Analysis of the fire reaction of fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites exposed to a flame
COPPALLE Alexis (CORIA INSA Rouen – France)
09:50 Study of carbon nanotube/cyanate ester composite materials dedicated to cryogenic storage vessels
BOUILLONNEC Jonathan (CNES – France)
10:15 3D printing of multifunctional polymer for space application
DELACOURT Bruno (European Space Agency – France)
Chairs: NOIR Pascal & UNDERHILL Kate
09:00 A Dynamic Mass flow rate Tool for the PPS®5000 Hall Thruster Unit
KOPPEL Christophe (KopooS Consulting Ind. – Fance)
09:25 Anomaly Detection Method of Spacecraft Propulsion Using Multiplexed Fiber Bragg Gratings
TOMINAGA Kohji (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
09:50 Lunanova kick stage study: An overview of the system propulsion tradeoffs
ORDONEZ VALLES Livia (Hochschule of Bremen/Technische Universität Dresden – Germany)
10:15 A Model-Based Approach to Flight and Ground Software for Constellations
NAIRN Andrew (Indian Space Research Organisation – India)
Chair: PERNOD Philippe
09:00 On the fabrication of durable dielectric-barrier discharge plasma actuators
KRIEGSEIS Jochen (Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISTM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – KIT – Germany)
09:25 Leading Edge Vortex Induced Effects on Electrical Characteristics of a DBD Plasma Actuator
KISSING Johannes (Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (SLA), TU Darmstadt – Germany)
09:50 Interactions in micro-jets forced by dielectric barrier discharge
FRIDLENDER Tom (Institut PPRIME – UPR 3346 – Université de Poitiers – France)
10:15 Plasma-assisted heat dynamics in supersonic channel flow.
ZNAMENSKAYA Irina (Lomonosov Moscow State University – Russia)
Chair: KNIGHT Doyle
15:35 Numerical Investigation on the Aerodynamic Design of Quadrotor Blades Operating in the Martian Atmosphere
CARREÑO RUIZ Manuel (Department of Mechanical and Aereospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino – Italy)
16:00 Experimental Aerodynamic Investigation of a Krueger Flap Device Using Particle Image Velocimetry
TANGUY Geoffrey (Univ. Lille, CNRS, ONERA, Arts et Metiers Paris Tech, Centrale Lille, Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics of Lille Kampé de Fériet F-59000 – France)
16:25 Flow Separation and Wake of a Transport Aircraft Configuration at Beginning Stall
EHRLE Maximilian (Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics, University of Stuttgart – Germany)
16:50 Novel Morphing High Lift Devices for Laminar Wing Design of Turboprop Aircraft – Large Scale Wind Tunnel and CFD Assessment
ADDEN Stephan (FLOW Turbulence Lab, Dept. Engineering Mechanics, KTH, SE-100 44 Stockholm – Sweden)
17:15 Research of Engineering Solutions for a Vertical Take-Off and Landing Transport Platform
VITALY Gubskiy (TsAGI – Russia)
17:40 Grid Fin Aerodynamic Analysis and Design in Supersonic Flow Using CFD and Response Surface Methodology
DINCER Erdem (Middle East Technical University – Roketsan Inc. – Turkey)
18:05 Design of Experiment Techniques in Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Database Generation
MILLIDERE Murat (Middle East Technical University – Turkey)
Chairs: VIVIANI Antonio
15:35 Experimental Investigations of a Wavy Surface Effect on Couete-Taylor-Poiseuille Flow
GAIED Lahmia (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, INSA Hauts-de-France)
16:00 Numerical Simulation of the Mach Wave and the Supersonic Boundary Layer Interaction on a Flat Plate with a Sharp Leading Edge
EGOROV Ivan (Russia)
16:25 A Study of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition on Swept Wings with chi = 72 deg
SEMIONOV Nikolai (Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – Russia)
16:50 Receptivity of Supersonic Boundary Layer to Free Stream Entropy and Acoustic Perturbations
PALCHEKOVSKAYA Natalia (Moscow Institite of Physics and Technology – China)
17:15 Receptivity of Supersonic Boundary Layer to Three-Dimensional Acoustic Perturbations
EGOROV Ivan (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
17:40 Secondary Instability of Hypersonic and High Enthalpy Boundary Layers with High Temperature Effects
CHEN Xianliang (School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University
Chairs: KNEIB Jean-Paul & PAEK Sung Wook
15:35 Research initiative sustainable space logistics: an overview on the work performed at EPFL from 2019 to 2021 in space logistics modelling and optimisation
UDRIOT Mathieu (EPFL Space Center -Switzerland)
16:00 A Sustainable and Affordable Access to Space
JOST Alix (Sirius Space Services – France)
16:25 Verification of the Technology Combination Analysis Tool (TCAT) for space logistics modeling in the Earth-Moon system
PAEK Sung Wook (City University of London – United Kingdom)
16:50 Multidisciplinary analysis of launch vehicles including environmental impact
TORMENA Enrico (ISAE Supaero – France)
17:15 RAMS as a Crucial Contributor Towards Space Sustainability
RADU Silvana (European Space Agency – Netherlands)
17:40 Space grade Biomethane production for Themis reusable stage demonstrator
KURELA Michal (CNES – France)
18:05 An Automatic Domain Splitting Initial Orbit Determination Technique for Short-arc Optical Measurements
CIPOLLONE Riccardo (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
Chair: VERNIS Philippe
15:35 Trajectory optimization for the computation of safe emergency trajectories
ONGALE-OBEYI Maëva (Thales AVS France SAS-ENAC – France)
16:00 Missionisable on-board flight safety based on real-time autonomous decision-making for microlauncher services
MARTIN Nil (GTD Sistemas de Informacion SA – Spain)
16:25 Robust FDIR approach for future hybrid navigation system for VEGA-C
RAMIREZ NAVIDAD Sergio (SENER Aeroespacial – Spain)
16:50 Analysis of some nonlinear features in the flight dynamics of a jet airplane
KOLB Sébastien (Centre de Recherche de l’Ecole de l’air (CREA) – France)
17:15 Advanced Guidance Approach for Multi-Body/Multi-Actuator Spacecraft Repointing under Attitude Constraints
PONCHE Alison (UC3M – Spain)
17:40 Switching the Controller During an Approach to The Runway For the Twin-engine Aircraft Under Both Engine Failure
ERGÖCMEN Burak (Suleyman Demirel University – Turkey)
15:35 May the Force be with You
TCHOUKIEN David (CNES – France) & Hadrien Afsa (MCA Ingénierie – France)
16:00 PERSEUS, Episode IV – A new Hope: Design, modelling and prototyping of a single-material composite tank for cryogenic propellant storage
BRIAND Tanguy (CMP Composites – France)
16:25 PERSEUS, Episode V – The Avionics strikes back: A highly adaptive, COTS-based and value-driven
GOMES Mickaël (CT Ingénierie – France)
16:50 Catch me if you can! The Rise of Smartcatcher
RUST Jonas (Université Rennes 1 – France)
17:15 ISS Parafoil Experimental Rocket
AENISHANSLIN Ian (IPSA / IPSA Space Systems – France)
17:40 Round table: back to the future with PERSEUS jedis and masters, the impact of the project
Chairs: DE GIORGI Maria Grazia & HENDRICK Patrick
15:35 Study on Flame Stabilization in a SCRAMJET Engine using OH-PLIF Imaging
PINTO Rocky Simon (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras – India)
16:00 Scramjet Compression System Design and Testing
16:25 SSTO Reusable Launchers: a Critical Comparison of Propulsion Concepts
SALVI Stefano (Politecnico di Milano DAER Dep – Italy)
Chairs: HARDI Justin & DUCRUIX Sébastien
15:35 REST HF-10 test case: Flame response to forced excitation of a methane driven rocket combustion chamber
LECHTENBERG Ansgar (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Combustion Technology – Germany)
16:00 EST HF-10 test case: Simulation of combustion instabilities induced by flow rate modulations with diffuse interface modelling
NICOLE Aurélie (ONERA/DMPE – France)
16:25 REST HF-10 test case: Synthesis of the Contributions for the Simulation of Excited Methane Flames under Real Gas Conditions
KAESS Roland (ArianeGroup Ottobrunn – Germany)
16:50 Round Table on Combustion Instabilities
Chairs: BERDOYES Michel & GALFETTI Luciano
15:35 Reduction of Solid Propellants Environmental Impact: Al-Mg Mechanically Activated Fuels and AP-PSAN Blends
PARAVAN Christian (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
16:00 Comparison of Hand and Resonant Acoustic Mixing of AP/HTPB Propellants
RODRIGUEZ Felix (Texas A&M University – USA)
16:25 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the 3D Printed Wax-Reinforcement on the Structural Integrity of a Single Perforated Composite Solid Propellant
SOGUTCU Burak (Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey – Defence Industries Research and Development Institute – Turkey)
16:50 Solid Rocket Motor Internal Ballistics Simulation Using Eulerian Multiphase Models
NASUTI Francesco (Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)
17:15 Immersed Boundary Simulations of Aeroacoustics Phenomena in Solid Rocket Motors
MARTELLI Emanuele (Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)
Chairs: WILKEN Jascha & VIEILLE Bruno
15:35 Combined cryogenic insulation and thermal protection systems for reusable stages
WILKEN Jascha (DLR – Germany)
16:00 Thermal testing of a purged insulation system for a re-usable space vehicle
REIMER Thomas (DLR – Germany)
16:25 Design investigation of a TPS on a purged CFRP cryogenic tank for a re-usable space vehicle
REIMER Thomas (DLR – Germany)
16:50 An experimental demonstration set-up for detecting potential temperature defects on harness of cables with reflectometry
GREGIS Nicolas (CEA – France)
17:15 Parachute Deployment Mechanism for Recovery of Sounding Rocket
DHUMAL Ajinkya (Bharati vidyapeeth college of engineering, Navi Mumbai – India)
17:40 FROG project: small demonstrator for big ambitions in RLV European objectives. Status quo and results
FERLIN Massimo (CNES Direction des Lanceurs – France)
Chairs: BONNAL Christophe
15:35 Focus on Low-Cost Light-Weight Upper Stage within ESA’S Future Launchers Preparatory Programme (FLPP)
UNDERHILL Kate (European Space Agency – France)
16:00 A Superconductor-Based Magnetohydrodynamic Enhanced Entry System as a Key Building Block for Future Exploration Missions
LA ROSA BETANCOURT Manuel (NeutronStar Systems UG – Germany)
16:25 Analysis of communication blackout mitigation in Martian atmospheric entry with active MHD flow control systems
GIANGASPERO Vincent (KU Leuven – Belgium)
Chair: CORDIER Laurent
15:35 A Bayesian optimisation framework for skin-friction drag reduction and net energy saving in a turbulent boundary layer using low-intensity wall-normal blowing
O’CONNOR Joe (Imperial College London – United Kingdom)
16:00 A near-wall control approach to suppress the log-law energy containing structures to obtain frictional drag reduction at relatively high Reynolds numbers
ALTINTAS Atilla (Chalmers University of Technology – Sweden)
16:25 Open-loop cavity flow control with Micro-Magneto-Mechanical Systems (MMMS) microvalves
ARNOULT Thomas (Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, Yncréa ISEN, Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, UMR 8520 IEMN, F-59000 Lille – France)
16:50 Implementation Aspects of Uniform Blowing in Turbulent Boundary Layers
FAHLAND Georg(Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISTM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – Germany)
17:15 Action-sparsity-seeking algorithms for active flow control using deep reinforcement learning
PARIS Romain (DAAA ONERA – France)
Chair: KNIGHT Doyle
09:00 Investigation of Boundary Layer Ingestion for Civil Transport Aircraft Engine Installation
GODARD Jean-Luc (ONERA – France)
09:25 DSMC Computations of Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerators for CubeSat Applications
RIOSECO Diego (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María – Chile)
09:50 Parametric Investigation of a Distributed Propulsion System on a Regional Aircraft
DE ROSA Donato (CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre – Italy)
10:15 Preliminary CFD Analysis of an Innovative Hybrid HAPS Configuration
BARANIELLO Vincenzo Rosario (CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre – Italy)
10:40 Loads Prediction at Early Stage of Water Landing of V-Shaped Hull on Amphibious Aircraft
LU Yujin Nanjing Universitiy of Aeronautics and Astronautics – China)
Chairs: VALLET Charles & MARTINEZ-VAL Rodrigo
09:00 Variable-Mass Dynamics Implementations in Multi-Physics Environment for Reusable Launcher Simulations
GÄßLER Björn (DLR (German Aerospace Center) – Germany)
09:25 Reusable launchers re-entry controlled dynamics simulator
DE OLIVEIRA Alice (Politecnico di Milano, Dept. Aerospace Science and Technology – Italy)
09:50 SKA RFS sounding rocket flight dynamics model validation based on flight data
RODO Piots (Students’ Space Association, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology – Poland)
10:15 Flight validation of an unmanned jet aircraft controllers via model based approach
EROL Okan (Turkish Aerospace – Turkey)
Chair: STROHMAYER Andreas
09:00 Emission and Climate Impact of Alternative Fuels. The ECLIF1 and ECLIF2 Campaigns
LE CLERCQ Patrick (DLR, Institute of Combustion Technology – Germany)
09:25 Power-to-Liquids: Shedding Light on Levers and Uncertainties in the Process Chain
EBNER Kathrin (Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. – Germany)
09:50 Overcoming the challenges towards hyrogen propelled aircraft
AKROUT Alia (Altran Technologies – France)
10:15 Applications of the continuous detonative combustion to future aircraft’s engines utilizing hydrogen fuel
WOLANSKI Piotr (ILOT – Poland)
10:40 Thermo-mechanical simulation of a small-scale liquid hydrogen fuel tank for aviation applications
LAMPEAS Georgios (UNIV. PATRAS – Greece)
11:05 A holistic assessment of the circularity potential of CFRP in aviation, under the scope of a hydrogen-fueled aircraft
MARKATOS Dionysios (UNIV. PATRAS – Greece)
Chairs: KIRCHBERGER Christoph & JAUNET Vincent
09:00 Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Liquid Jets in a Supersonic Cross-Flow
09:25 Robustness of optimisation algorithms for transonic aerodynamic design
SANCHEZ-MORENO Francisco (Cranfield University – United Kingdom)
09:50 Low-order models for acoustic modes in a ramjet combustor with inlet shock train
BEKAERT Erwin (DMPE, ONERA, Université Paris Saclay, 91123 Palaiseau – France)
10:15 Experimental study on the low-pressure turbine wake interaction and development in the turbine rear structure
VIKHOREV Valentin (Chalmers University, Gothenburg – Sweden)
10:40 Numerical Investigation of Off-Design Performance of a Double-Cone Ramjet Intake
PATTNAIK Subrat Partha Sarathi (Indian Institute of Science – India)
11:05 Detection of blade rub in jet engine turbines using strain gages
ABBOUD Dany (Safran Tech – France)
Chairs: WERLING Lukas
09:00 Multi-region thermal characterization in LRE combustion chambers
LAPENNA Pasquale (Sapienza Università di Roma – Italy)
09:25 A neural network enhancement of the flamelet-progress variable turbulent combustion model
LORENZO Angelilli (KAUST – CCRC – Saudi Arabia)
09:50 Characterization of the injectors near-field region of LRE combustion chambers
LAPENNA Pasquale Eduardo (Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)
10:15 Validation and development of wall-function models for Liquid Rocket Engine applications
INDELICATO Giuseppe (Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)
10:40 Experimental characterization of oxygen/methane combustion in rocket engine gas generator operating conditions, in a monoinjector combustor on the Mascotte facility
VINGERT Lucien (DMPE, ONERA, Université Paris Saclay, F-91123 Palaiseau – France)
11:05 Temperature Field Validation on Supercritical Coaxial Injection
MAGALHÃES Leandro (University of Beira Interior – Portugal)
Chairs: CIEZKI Helmut
09:00 Experimental investigation of the regression rate in an end-burning swirling flow hybrid rocket engine
PALACZ Tomasz (AGH University of Science and Technology – Poland)
09:25 Preliminary VTVL demonstration with the HTPB/N2O Based Hybrid Rocket Engine
CHAE Donghoon (Konkuk University, Department of Aerospace Engineering – South Korea)
09:50 A Novel Test Campaign on a 200 N Paraffin-Based HRE
CARDILLO Daniele (CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre – Italy)
10:15 Development of Paraffin-Based Fuels for a Vortex Combustion Hybrid Rocket Engine
HASHISH Anwer (Politechnico di Milano – Italy)
10:40 Development of innovations to improve hybrid rocket engine ability to power orbital rockets
MANGEOT Alexandre (ELISA Aerospace – France)
11:05 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Lab-Scale Paraffin Motor with Swirl Injection of Gaseous Oxygen
NASUTI Francesco (Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)
Chairs: ORDONNEAU Gérard & SIPPEL Martin
09:00 Re-entry and Flight Dynamics of a Winged Reusable First Stage
STAPPERT Sven (DLR – Germany)
09:25 RLV-Return Mode “In-Air-Capturing” and Definition of its Development Roadmap
SIPPEL Martin (DLR – Germany)
09:50 Overview of demonstrators and planned flight operations of a scaled in-air capturing demonstration
KRAUSE Stefan (DLR – Germany)
10:15 Aerodynamic characterization of in-air capturing vehicles using CFD simulations
KUCUKOSMAN Yakut Cansev (VKI – Belgium)
10:40 A Superposition Approach to Aerodynamic Modelling of a Capturing Device used for In-Air Capturing of a Reusable Launch Vehicle
SINGH Sunayna (DLR – Germany)
11:05 Control Design and Analysis of a Capturing Device performing the In-Air Capturing of a Reusable Launch Vehicle
SINGH Sunayna (DLR – Germany)
11:30 Simulation and Analysis of Pull-Up Manoeuvre during In-Air Capturing of a Reusable Launch Vehicle
SINGH Sunayna (DLR – Germany)
Chairs: BERTHE Julien & MATHIS Kévin
09:00 New concept of pressure bulkheads: From Ariane Payload Membrane to Aircraft Bulkhead
G. COSIO Marta (CITD Engineering & Technologies – Spain)
09:25 Approach to the design of multicomponent intelligent materials as non-equilibrium, heterogeneous complex systems
VASILEVA Ekaterina (Saint Petersburg Universite/JSC ATOMENERGOPROEKT – Russia)
09:50 Beyond Gravity’s approach to the multidisciplinary design, analysis and optimization of reusable payload fairings
MOLINARI Giulio (ETH Zurich – Switzerland)
10:15 Integration of a mechano-probabilistic optimization module in the COLIBRI tool
DUMAS Antoine (Phimeca – France)
10:40 Synthesis of landing gear simulation models based on architectures and templates
ALLEGAERT Elias (Siemens Digital Industries Software – Belgium)
Chairs: FERLIN Massimo & CLIQUET Elisa
09:00 ESA Technology Strategy to support the Space Transportation Sector in Europe
PALERM Sandrine (ESA – France)
09:25 European Newspace Vertical Orbital Launcher: Achievements of the H2020 ENVOL Project
LIGGIERI Gianluca (Nammo Raufoss AS – Norway)
09:50 Small Launcher Services for Agility in Space
JOST Alix (Sirius Space Services – France)
10:15 H.E.R.M.E.S: a cubesat astrophysics constellation, from design to operations
LAVAGNA Michèle (Politecnico di Milano Aerospace Science and Technologies dept. – Italy)
Chairs: GARNIER Eric
09:00 Flow control in the S-duct based on the DBD plasma actuator
JIANG Fan (University of Glasgow – United Kingdom)
09:25 Shock Wave Reflection from Plasma Array
LEONOV Sergey (University of Notre Dame – United States)
09:50 Global effect of local flow control over a transonic airfoil
BANCHETTI Jacopo (Italy)
10:15 Overview of IEMN micro-sensor technologies: from turbulence measurement to aerodynamic flow control
ARNOULT Thomas (Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, Yncréa ISEN, Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, UMR 8520 IEMN, F-59000 Lille – France)
10:40 Numerical study of flat-plate leading edge receptivity
LOPEZ FIGUEIRAS Emilio (Aeronautics and Aerospace Department, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode – Belgium)
Chair: KNIGHT Doyle
15:35 Transonic Flow Oscillations in Partially-Open Cavities
GIANNELIS Nicholas (School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle – Australia)
16:00 Numerical Simulation of the Roughness Effects on the Asymmetric Flow Over Axisymmetric Bodies
16:25 Impact of a Formation Flight Wake-Tracking Strategy on the Dynamics of the Downstream Wake
RANSQUIN Ignace (Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering, Université catholique de Louvain – Belgium)
Chairs: ROUSSEAU Loic
15:35 From simulated UAV to physical UAV: Autonomous inspections of power towers with an UAV
MAITRE Guillaume ( University of Namur – Belgium)
16:00 UAVs opportunities and prospects for Brussels Smart City
YACOUBI Moaad (Brussels Mobility – Belgium)
16:25 Analysis and Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Precision Agriculture applications on Vineyards
16:50 Electric ducted fans for distributed propulsion of drones (UAVs)
CASTROVIEJO Daniel (ULB – Belgium)
17:15 Assessment of a last line of defense counter-UAV effector
AMELOOT Cédric (Royal Military Academy – Belgium)
17:40 Embodied cognition and tangible interfaces: an alternative for a reduction in the workload of UAV operators
BRAUD Valentin (Aix-Marseille University – France)
18:05 Fire intelligence from multi-level imaging systems (at 20 m altitude to geosynchronous orbit)
Chairs: GANET Martine & LAVAGNA Michèle
15:35 Reconstruction of the 3D Orientation of a Spinning Sounding Rocket by Detecting the Earth’s Horizon and Sun on Onboard Camera Images
BRAUN Benjamin (DLR – Germany)
16:00 Satellite Inertia Estimation and Observability Analysis
EVAIN Hélène (CNES – France)
16:25 Wind Estimation for Small Fixed-Wing UAV Using Standard Sensors
MAGNANI Guido (ONERA / DTIS, Université de Toulouse, F-31055 Toulouse – France)
16:50 Estimation of Angle of Attack with Artificial Neural Networks from Aerodynamic Model
MUHIDDINOGLU ABDULLAH ALP (PhD student at Department of Computer Engineering, Hacettepe University – Turkey)
Chairs: STROHMAYER Andreas
15:35 Hydrogen-powered propulsion aircraft: conceptual sizing and fleet level impact analysis
LAMMEN Wim (NLR – Netherlands)
16:00 Aircraft Design Implications of Alternative Fuels for Future Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Configurations
STROHMAYER Andreas (University of Stuttgart – Germany)
16:25 Future trends for electrically powered aircraft system enabled by superconducting, hydrogen, and cryogenic technologies and artificial intelligence techniques
YAZDANI-ASRAMI Mohammad (University of Glasgow – United Kingdom)
16:50 Round table discussion: what does it take to have measurable impact from alternative fuels and propulsion systems?
All speakers CLINAV I & II
Chairs: CIEZKI Helmut & MAGIN Thierry
15:35 Analysis of the premixed methane/air flames near to lean blowout in plasma assisted swirl combustor
DE GIORGI Maria (University of Salento Department of Engineering Innovation – Italy)
16:00 Benefits of Boundary Layer Ingestion with Froude’s Propeller Theory
PANDYA Ayushi (France)
16:25 Intake Design Effects on Inertial Particle Separator Performance
DALDAL Abdurrahman Burak (M.S. student at the Middle East Technical University, Department of Aerospace Engineering – Turkey)
16:50 Mixing of an effusion film within a turbulent boundary layer
BASLEY Jeremy (Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, LAMIH, CNRS, UMR 8201, F-59313 Valenciennes – France)
17:15 Thermal management architecture, using a design enabling the cooling to be adapted to the real needs of engine core zone, for an increase of the engine efficiency
FOUCHÉ Florian (Nimesis Technology – France)
17:40 Description of an Air-Oil Test Set-Up for ACOC Heat Exchangers Testing
VINCKÉ Joëlle (Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Dept., Université Libre de Bruxelles – Belgium)
Chairs: GIRARD Nathalie & GALFETTI Luciano
15:35 ADN-based Formulations Analysis for Green Solid Propellants
POZZONI Luca (Politecnico di Milano DAER Dep. – Italy)
16:00 Combustion Characterization of LMP-103S in Strand Burner Experiments
THOMAS James C. (Texas A&M University – USA)
16:25 Green Propellants technology comparison and impact
ADLAKHA Paras (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies – India)
16:50 Research and Test Activities on Advanced Rocket Propellants at the Test Facility M11 and the Physical-Chemical Lab of DLR in Lampoldshausen
WERLING Lukas (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Propulsion – Germany)
17:15 Mechanism of burning pasty metalized propellants
BABUK Valery (Baltic State Technical University – Russia)
Chairs: GALEOTTA Marco & CARDILLO Daniele
15:35 Towards High-performing Paraffin-based Fuels Exploiting the Armored Grain Concept
BISIN Riccardo (Politecnico di Milano, Dept. Aerospace Science and Technology – Italy)
16:00 Parametric Study of a 1.5-D Combustion Chamber Numerical Modeling on the Hybrid Rocket Engine Performances
16:25 Design and Commissioning of the MOUETTE Hybrid Rocket Slab Burner
GELAIN Riccardo (Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Dept., Université Libre de Bruxelles – Belgium)
16:50 Characterization of Magnesium Diboride as an Additive for Paraffin-Based Fuel Hybrid Rockets
DE MORAIS BERTOLDI Artur Elias (Aerospace Engineering – University of Brasilia – Brasil)
17:15 Experimental Investigation of Stepped Fuel Grain Geometries in Hybrid Rocket Engines
GLASER Christopher (ONERA/DMPE, Université de Toulouse – France)
17:40 An Overview of the Past and Current Status of Hybrid Rocket Propulsion at the University of Brasília
DE MORAIS BERTOLDI Artur Elias (Aerospace Engineering – University of Brasilia – Brasil)
18:05 Hydride- and boron-free solid hypergolic H2O2-ignitophores
GOZIN Michael (Tel Aviv University – Israel)
Chairs: LOUAAS Éric & ERTL Moritz
15:35 Introduction to the Session: CALLISTO for beginners
ILLIG Michel (CNES – France)
16:00 CALLISTO, a demonstrator of reusable launchers
ILLIG Michel (CNES – France)
16:25 CALLISTO – A safety demonstration of future reusable launcher stages from CSG
MÉZARD Pierre (CNES – France)
16:50 CALLISTO demonstrator and Operations in CSG – French Guiana: status of scenario
FRENOY Olivier(NES – France)
17:15 Robot for managing safety-critical operations of CALLISTO at Landing Pad in CSG
FRENOY Olivier (CNES – France)
17:40 Cryogenic flows end-to-end fluid simulations for Callisto vehicle
CLIQUET Elisa (CNES – France)
Chairs: BERTHE Julien
15:35 Numerical Turbine Blade Fatigue Life Analysis for Reusable Liquid Rocket Engines (LREs) Applications
GULCZYNSKI Mateusz T. (German Aerospace Research Center DLR Lampoldshausen, RWTH Aachen University – Germany)
16:00 Fatigue performance evaluation of a SLM TI-6AL-4V AEROENGINE BRACKET
GUPTA Alok (University of Nottingham – UK)
16:25 Active Vibration Mitigation of High Modal Density of BLUM with Piezoelectric Patches
JAMSHIDI Rasa (Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Universitè de Liège – Belgium)
16:50 Adaptative structures: the key for future airship certification
GOURINAT Yves (ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse – France)
Chairs: TATRY Philippe & SIPPEL Martin
15:35 Air Ejector Analysis in Normal and Abnormal Modes, Oriented to Control Purposes in Aircraft Systems
OLIET Carles (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) – Spain)
16:00 Methodology for Calculating Cessna Citation X Aircraft Takeoff Performance in the Presence of Winds
GHAZI Georges (Postdoctoral Researcher, LARCASE, ÉTS, 1100 Notre Dame West, Montreal, QC, H3C-1K3 – Canada)
16:25 Dynamic Performance Analysis of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems for an Urban Air Mobility
LEE DONGWOO (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) – South Korea)
16:50 On the matching between design specifications and payload-range efficiency of transport airplanes
MARTINEZ-VAL Rodrigo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain)
17:15 Lighter Than Air Activities at ONERA : A Comprehensive Overview
17:40 Sustainable Supersonic Transport: a Case Study on Variable Pitot Inlets
KAZULA Stefan (Brandenburg University of Technology – Germany)
18:05 Characterization of action optimality criteria as a complementary assessment of pilot workload
STEINER Kelly (ONERA – France)
Chairs: KRIEGSEIS Jochen
15:35 Pulsed Air Injection System Characterization for Stall Margin Improvement in an Axial Compressor
JOSEPH Pierric (Univ. Lille, CNRS, ONERA, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, Centrale Lille, UMR 9014 – LMFL Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides de Lille – Kampé de Fériet, F-59000 Lille – France)
16:00 Numerical Modeling of a Fluidic Actuator dedicated to Flow Control on an Axial Compressor
RANNOU Clémence (DAAA, ONERA – France)
16:25 Effectiveness of Flush Slot and Porous Bleed Configurations for Supersonic Air-intakes
PATTNAIK Subrat Partha Sarathi (Indian Institute of Science – India)
16:50 Development of an Inertial Particle Separator Test Facility for Air-breathing Aircraft Systems
BOJDO Nicholas (The University of Manchester – United Kingdom)
17:15 Numerical Simulation of Lateral Jet and Supersonic Crossflow Interaction with Various Approaches
DAGLI Efe Can (Turkey)
17:40 Experimental investigations of a wavy surface effect in Couette-Taylor-Poiseuille flows
GAIED Lamia (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, LAMIH UMR CNS 8201 – France)
Chair: KNIGHT Doyle
09:00 Generalized State-Resolved and Multi-Temperature Models of Chemical Reaction Rate Coefficients in Air and CO2
SAVELEV Aleksei (Saint Petersburg State University – Russia)
09:25 Sensitivity Analysis Study of Expanding Hypersonic Flows of Nitrogen and Oxygen
OBLAPENKO Georgii (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology – Germany)
09:50 Wall Temperature and Bluntness Effects o Incipient Separation in Laminar Hypersonic Flow
EXPOSITO Diego (UNSW Canberra at ADFA – Australia)
10:15 Numerical Investigation of Vortex Structures and Heat Fluxes Around Aerospace Vehicles
LUTSKII Aleksandr (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics – Russia)
10:40 Modeling and Simulation of Chemical Reactions at the Surface of an Ablative Wall Interaction with a Hypersonic Flow
CORIA Guillaume (Centre de Recherche de l’Ecole de l’air (CREA) – France)
Chairs: BARABINOT Philippe & GRANVILLE Didier
09:00 Reduced-order models for aeronautics based on the LATIN-PGD method within non-linear industrial Simcenter Samcef software
SCANFF Ronan (Siemens Industry Software SAS – France)
09:25 Robust Aircraft Braking Control Laws Design and Validation
NDIAYE Amath Waly (ONERA – France)
09:50 Machine Learning for Body’s Flight Parameters Prediction from Subsonic to Supersonic Regime
ACCAD Dimitri (ArianeGroup / IPSA (Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées) – France)
10:15 Design Methodology and Efficiency of Application of Automatic Motion Control Systems for Ekranoplanes
NEBYLOV Alexander (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation – Russia)
10:40 Asynchronous global-local non-invasive coupling
EL KERIM Ahmed (Université Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LMT – France)
11:05 Overall Aircraft Design: from the open source FAST-OAD to its training branch
SY Birame (Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès – Senegal)
11:30 The control complex of aerospace plane and ekranoplane for their docking
NEBYLOV Alexander (Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation – Russia)
Chairs: DELETOMBE Éric & GUILLAUME Henry-Louis
09:00 Preliminary Design of an Autonomous Launch System for Fixed-Wing Drones
MACKAY M. (U. Strathclyde – UL)
09:25 GNSS-denied Navigation Using Direction of Arrival From Low- Cost Software Defined Radios and Signals of Opportunity
WINTER Adrian (NTNU – Norway)
09:50 Command & Control in UAVs Fleets: Efficiently Coordinating Drones for Large-Scale Ground Missions In Changing Contexts
AMRANI Moussa (University of Namur – Belgium)
10:15 Flight test campaigns of a ducted fan VTOL MAV controlled by Electric Ducted Fans
YACOUBI Moaad (ULB- Belgium)
10:40 Attitude Control of a Ducted VTOL UAV with a Certifiable (DO-178C/DO-326/DO-356) Adaptive and Learning Avionic Agent Trained with Reinforcement Learning
PYRGIES John (SkyAngels – Belgium)
Chairs: KOPPEL Christophe & BOURGEOIS Éric
09:00 Flight Control Laws Clearance Based on Coverage-granted Multi-strategy Adaptive Global Optimization
OUJJA GHANAM Nidal (Airbus Defence and Space – Spain)
09:25 An investigation on Shape-based methods with different polynomial bases for Low-Thrust mission design
SOLANO LOPEZ Pablo (Aerospace Systems and Transport Research Group (GISAT-ASTRG) | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid – Spain)
09:50 Minimum-Fuel Orbit Transfers Using Modified Equinoctial Elements via Indirect Heuristic Method
PONTANI Mauro (Sapienza Università di Roma – Italy)
10:15 Design of the Optimal Trajectory for Multi-Payload Multi-Orbit Injection of an Upper Stage
ALFORJA RUIZ Iñigo (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
10:40 Bayesian Optimization with Temporal Logic Constraints for Automated GNC Tuning
HEWING Lukas (SENER Aeroespacial – Spain)
11:05 Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for Time-Optimal Landing Trajectories
SOLANO LOPEZ Pablo (Aerospace Systems and Transport Research Group (GISAT-ASTRG) & European Institute for Aviation Training and Accreditation (EIATA) | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Spain)
11:30 Trajectories / Missions multi-objectives global optimizations
CHANDESRIS Sebastien (ArianeGroup – France)
Chairs: NOVELLI Philippe & ZIMMER Dirk
09:00 Design and performance evaluation of a full turboelectric, distributed electric propulsion aircraft: preliminary results of EU project IMOTHEP
NGUYEN VAN Eric (ONERA – France)
09:25 Conceptual design study for a radical short medium range hybrid aircraft
VANKAN Jos (NLR – Netherlands)
09:50 Power Management and Fault Analysis Hybrid Propulsion Aircraft System
VERGORI Cesare (GE Avio – Italy)
10:15 Thermal Management Principal Analysis of Hybrid-Electric Aircraft with Turboelectric Propulsion Using Distributed Propulsors
VAN MUIJDEN Jaap (NLR – Netherlands)
10:40 Sizing Superconducting motor associated with cryogenics power electronics for disruptive hybrid electric propulsion aircrafts
LEVEQUE Jean (Université de Lorraine – France)
Chairs: GALEOTTA Marco &LAPENNA Pasquale
09:00 Advanced Propellants for Space Propulsion – A Task within the DLR Interdisciplinary Project “Future Fuels”
CIEZKI Helmut (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Propulsion – Germany)
09:25 Flame dynamics of an injection element operated with LOX/H2 and LOX/CNG in a high-pressure rocket combustor with large optical access
MARTIN Jan (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Propulsion – Germany)
09:50 Numerical Simulations of a Research Thruster operating with N2O/C2H4 and Comparison to Experimental Data
WERLING Lukas (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Propulsion – Germany)
10:15 Tailor-made reduction of a chemical kinetic reaction mechanism for the combustion of C2H4 / N2O mixtures
METHLING Torsten (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Combustion Technology – Germany)
10:40 Development of CMC Combustion Chambers for Advanced Propellants in Space Propulsion
HEIDENREICH Bernhard (DLR – German Aerospace Center – Germany)
Chairs: CIEZKI Helmut & GIRARD Nathalie
09:00 Influence of Pt/Al2O3 catalyst heat treatment on its thermal resistance toward highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide decomposition
COTTENOT Camille (PPrime Institute, CNRS, ISAE ENSMA, University of Poitiers – France)
09:25 Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition: Testing and Characterization of MnOx-based Catalysts
CARLOTTI Stefania (Politecnico di Milano – Italy)
09:50 Nitrogen-Rich Salts as Energetic Additives for Hypergolic Ionic Liquids with Hydrogen Peroxide
RICKER Sophie (DLR (German Aerospace Center) – Germany)
09:00 Operations and systems modelling of a sustainable, human-centred lunar settlement via the integration of state-of the art ISRU technologies
MAHARAJ Saanjali (University of Toronto Aerospace Team – Canada)
09:25 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) detection in planetary regoliths, soils and ices with the OxR device
CHATZITHEODORIDIS Elias (Department of Biology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras – Greece)
09:50 Water extraction from lunar regolith: lab test campaign outputs on demonstrator plant toward a scaled payload for flight consolidation
LAVAGNA Michèle (Politecnico di Milano Dip. Aerospaz – Italy)
10:15 Simulation of a Full ISRU-based System for Energy Storage and Electricity Generation on the Moon
GONZALEZ-CINCA Ricard (Department of Physics, UPC-BarcelonaTech – Spain)
10:40 Regenerative Fuel Cell System for Space Exploration Applications
DUPONT CEDRIC (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies – France)
11:05 Reference Architecture for Space Production Systems
SANDERSON David (University of Nottingham – United Kingdom)
11:30 Industry Roadmap for Space Resources Utilization on the Moon and On-Going Development at ispace
ESPEJEL Carlos (ispace Europe – Luxembourg)
Chairs: FRENOY Olivier & ECKER Tobias
09:00 CALLISTO: Enhancement of Altitude Wind Database at CSG
09:25 Progress in Aerodynamic Studies for CALLISTO – Reusable VTVL Launcher First Stage Demonstrator
KLEVANSKI Josef (DLR – Germany)
09:50 Wind Tunnel Experiments of the CALLISTO VTVL Launcher in the TMK and HST Wind Tunnels, and in CSTB facility (To Be Confirmed)
RIEHMER Johannes (DLR – Germany)
10:15 Aerothermal characterization of the CALLISTO vehicle during descent
ECKER Tobias (DLR – Germany)
10:40 Aerothermal analysis of plume interaction with deployed landing legs of the CALLISTO vehicle
ERTL Moritz (DLR – Germany)
11:05 CALLISTO avionics overview: architecture principles, product development, validation, conditioning
PERBET Nicolas (CNES – France)
Chairs: BERTHE Julien & MATHIS Kévin
09:00 Tyre Impact on Optimized Composite Wing
MAILLARD Etienne (SONACA – Belgique)
09:25 Numerical calculation of periodic systems of crack in the elastic body
SHAMINA Anastasia (Federal Science Center Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Russia)
09:50 Towards a simplified three-dimensional model for the prediction of plain bearings wear in the Variable Stator Vane system
HARNAFI Myriam (Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LMPS – Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris-Saclay – France)
10:15 Study of the quasi-static behaviour of flax/basalt/PA11 hybrid composites for semi-structural parts applications
GUERFALA Wassim (Institute of Civil Engineering and Mechanics (GeM), Centrale Nantes – France)
10:40 Reducing Conservatism in Buckling Analyses of Cryogenic Tanks
DELOISON Dominique (ArianeGroup – France)
Chairs: SIPPEL Martin & CLIQUET MORENO Elisa
09:00 New approach for Weibull parameters boundary definition with unknown suspension items
SANCHEZ LANTARON Juan Antonio (Airbus Defence and Space – Spain)
09:25 Cladistics applied to Aerospace
TATRY Philippe (Airbus Defence and Space – France)
09:50 Nature-based Influences on Monocoque Spacecraft Designs to Optimise the Bingham Lander of the Arcanum Mission
BEEGADHUR Shayne (Conceptual Exploration Research – United Kingdom)
10:15 practical solutions for efficient & structured collaborative work in the frame of CALLISTO, a reusable launcher first stage international demonstrator
CLIQUET MORENO Elisa (CNES, Direction des lanceurs, Paris – France)
10:40 IOT, Machine learning and Natural Language Processing for launch system exploitation
FERLIN Massimo (CNES – France)
11:05 Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization of the Blended Wing Body Configuration SMILE
Chair: GIGOU Jacques
09:00 Wind tunnel model for the characterisation of an innovative blown flap high lift device for a SAT aircraft
PLANQUART Philippe (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) – Belgium)
09:25 Conceptual Aircraft Design Activities Related to Blended Wing Body Configurations in the Scope of the DLR-Project SIAM
IWANIZKI Michael (DLR – German Aerospace Center, Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology – Germany)
09:50 DEMMOW – Detailed Model of a Morphing Wing: development of the full wing model
BRUYNEEL Michael (GDTech Engineering – Belgium)
10:15 Performance analysis and operating potential of a hybrid-electric regional aircraft with box-wing lifting architecture
PALAIA Giuseppe (Università di Pisa – Italy)
Chair: KNIGHT Doyle
15:35 Design of Multiscale Inhomogeneous Grids for the Generation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Logarithmic Mean Flows
HURET Thomas (Univ. Lille, CNRS, ONERA, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, Centrale Lille, UMR 9014, Laboratoire de Mécanique des fluides de Lille – Kampé de Fériet, F-59000 Lille – France)
16:00 Modeling and Simulation of VKI’s New Low Density Facility
JORGE Pedro (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) – Belgium)
16:25 Influence of Physical Models on the Numerical Modeling of Hypersonic Nozzle Flow Expansion
GERATZ Matthias (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) – Belgium)
16:50 Application of Optical Methods to Determine the Characteristics of Particles in a Two-Phase Flow in the Conditions of a Ground Test Rig
GOLUBKIN Vyacheslav (CIAM – Russia)
17:15 Laser Absorption Spectroscopy of RB for Enhanced Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Flow Characterization
DUDAS Eszter (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) – Belgium)
Chairs: BARABINOT Philippe & GRANVILLE Didier
15:35 A multi physical digital representation of the space capsule splashdown event in the Simcenter environment to accelerate analysis of impact condition, structural design and human body loading
UNGER Michiel (Siemens Digital Industries Software – Germany)
16:00 Hyperparameter Optimization of Artificial Neural Network for Aerodynamic Database Generation
GUVEN ALI ALTAY (BS Student at Astronautical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul – Turkey)
16:25 Heat Exchangers Modeling and Calibration for Complete ECS Architectures Simulations
OLIET Carles (Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (CTTC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) – Spain)
16:50 Capillary driven imbibition under microgravity conditions: experimental research, mathematical modeling and numerical simulations
SKRYLEVA Evgeniya (Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Russia)
Chairs: RMILI Badr & CHOUKROUN Daniel
15:35 Design of a Flush Air Data Sensing System for the Hypersonic Flight Experiment HEXAFLY-INT
RIEHMER Johannes (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology – Germany)
16:00 Spacecraft Pose Estimation via Monocular Image Processing: Dataset Generation and Validation
BECHINI Michele (Politecnico di Milano, Dept. Aerospace Science and Technology – Italy)
16:25 Radiation Hardened by Design of Fault-Tolerant (FT) state-of-the-art processors for space applications
FURANO Gianluca (ESA – Netherlands)
16:50 Temperature-dependent Optimized Calibration of a MEMS Inertial Measurement Unit
CHOUKROUN Daniel (Ben-Gurion University of Technology – Israel)
17:15 Sequential Convex Programming for Optimal Line of Sight Steering in Agile Missions
HEWING Lukas (SENER Aeroespacial – Spain)
17:40 Proportional navigation missile guidance using image recognition
MIEDZINSKI Dariusz (Division of Mechanics, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology – Poland)
18:05 Improving the navigation system based on sensor data fusion for spacecraft control experiments with the KNATTE platform
LUNDSTRÖM Lars (Luleå University of Technology – Sweden)
Chairs: NOVELLI Philippe & ZIMMER Dirk
15:35 Design Challenges and Research Fields concerning Fuel Cells, Batteries, Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Accessories for Electrified Regional Aircraft
KAZULA Stefan (DLR – Germany)
16:00 Preliminary study of the impact of using hydrogen with a fuel cell for Aircraft propulsion in an existing platform
DE FRUTOS CASADO Victor Manuel (University of Sevilla – Spain)
16:25 Low-fidelity Aerodynamic Integration of Distributed Electric Propulsion on a Blended Wing Body including Boundary Layer Ingestion
AALBERS Jos (NLR – Netherlands)
Chairs: NASUTI Francesco & KIRCHBERGER Christoph
15:35 3D Conjugate heat transfer model for simulation of Heat Transfer by High Roughness Cooling Channels
GIZZI Alessio (AVIO S.p.A. – Italy)
16:00 Analysis of coolant flow and heat transfer in highly rough channels for LRE
LATINI Beatrice (Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)
16:25 Numerical investigation of liquid film cooling performance on an experimental rocket engine
YANIK Umutcan (Roketsan Missiles Inc. – Turkey)
16:50 Numerical Investigation of a Transpiration Cooled LOx/LH2 Rocket Engine Combustion Chamber
PEICHL Jonas (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) – Germany)
17:15 Review and Implementation of Engineering Models of Rocket Film Cooling and Nozzle Erosion
D’ALESSANDRO Simone (Sapienza, Università di Roma – Italy)
Chairs: FROEBEL Ludger
15:35 Development of Rocket Engine with Continuously Rotating Detonation supplied by Liquid Propellants
KAWALEC Michal (Lukasiewicz Research Network -Institute of Aviation – Poland)
16:00 Effect of jet total temperature on supersonic retro-propulsion
D’AMBROSIO Domenic (Politecnico di Torino, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering – Italy)
16:25 Laser ablation propulsion: new advance in experimental investigation on the influence of repetitive ablation
16:50 Improving PIC-DSMC Simulations of RF Plasmas via Event Splitting
OBLAPENKO GEORGII (German Aerospace Center (DLR) – Germany)
15:35 Mass gauging in mid-size propellant tanks
ABECIA HERNANZ Sara C. (Department of Physics, UPC-BarcelonaTech – Spain)
16:00 Experimental Estimation of the Effective Emissivity of a Space-borne MLI Based on Design Parameters
KIM Geon Young (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Graduate school of Chungnam National University – South Korea)
16:25 Optimal arch forms under in-plane seismic loading and low-gravity conditions
KALAPODIS Nikolaos (Department of Civil Engineering, University of the Peloponnese, Tripoli – Greece)
16:50 The JUICE Mission to Jupiter and its Icy Moons
SARRI Giuseppe (European Space Agency – Netherlands)
Chair: BONNAL Christophe
15:35 Thermo-mechanical Analysis of a Filament Winding-Ceramic Matrix Composite Thermal Protection System
DI MARTINO Giuseppe Daniele (DLR Institute of Structures and Design – Germany)
16:00 Oxidation behavior of nozzle throat carbon/carbon composites featuring variable density
FRADIN Marina (ArianeGroup SAS / LCTS – France)
16:25 Manufacturing and characterisations of hafnia-based materials for aerospace applications
16:50 A Study on Erosion of Carbon-Phenolic and Silica-Phenolic Rocket Nozzles
AKIN Hasan (Roketsan Missiles Inc. – Turkey)
17:15 Screening of the synthesis route on the structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La0.6Ca0.2Ba0.2MnO3 manganite: A comparison between solid-solid state process and a combination polyol process and Spark Plasma Sintering
BEN KHALIFA (Haithem – Tunisia)
Chairs: TATRY Philippe & CLIQUET MORENO Elisa
15:35 Development of Inflatable Heat Shield Technology for Re-Entry Systems in EFESTO project
BERGMANN Kevin (DLR (German Aerospace Center) – Germany)
16:00 Ensuring the proper end-of-life dismantling of spacecraft/ Satellites using CuAlNi memory alloys
FOUCHÉ Florian (Technical Director at Nimesis Technology – France)
16:25 Standard And Modular Microlauncher BAsed services: SAMMBA Ground Services for NewSpace launch systems
MISSONNIER Sophie (CT Ingénierie – France)
16:50 JWST Launch on Ariane 5 orbital mission and supper stage end-of-life-manoeuvre
CHANDESRIS Sebastien (ArianeGroup – France)
Chair: GIGOU Jacques
15:35 A Climate-Friendly Future Single-Aisle Airliner for Europe
SCHWARZE Malte Christopher Schwarze (Advanced Aerospace Engineering – Germany)
16:00 Feasibility study of a hybrid business turboprop
MARTINEZ-VAL Rodrigo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain)
16:25 Nature-inspired solutions for aeronautic and space defense capabilities
RASKIN Kalina (Myceco & Ceebios – France)
16:50 An Assessment of Current and On-The-Horizon eVTOL Technologies for a Flying Car
SAEED Burhan (University of Portsmouth – United Kingdom)
17:15 The Future of Aeronautics: 360º Reskilling and Upskilling Approach
MAIO Carlos (Quasar Human Capital, Unipessoal Lda Lisboa – Portugal)