Technical Committee
Become a committee member, just feel free to apply.
Chair: Max Calabro (
Contact point per symposium:
System Integration: Christophe Bonnal, CNES (
Flight Physics: Doyle D. Knight, Rutgers University (
Structures and Materials: Blanka Lenczowski, Airbus Defence and Space (
Flight Dynamics/ GNC: Martine Ganet, Airbus Defence and Space (
Propulsion Physics: Luciano Galfetti, Politecnico di Milano (
SYSTEM INTEGRATION on Aircraft and Space Launch Vehicles
Chairs: L. Anselmo (CNR, Pisa), V. Aslanov (Samara State Aerospace University), C. Bonnal (CNES), J. Gigou (ESA), K. E. Post (Boeing), M. Sippel (DLR), P. Tatry (Airbus), W. Zinner (Airbus Defence and Space).
This symposium is concerned with multidisciplinary and integration problems (subjects where separate disciplines interact in synergy).
Papers are solicited in the fields of:
MDO, fluid-structure-GNC-thermal interaction, mission/ trajectories, advanced or new concepts, actuator), vehicle comfort , FDIR approaches, embedded systems/ trends on Information technologies, architecture design with COTS hardware, augmented reality, energy harvesting, system aspects of space debris, special sessions on on-going research program.
FLIGHT PHYSICS for Aircraft and Launch Vehicles including Re- Entry Bodies
Chairs: Y. Bondar (ITAM), D. Knight (Rutgers), I. Lipatov (TsAGI), P. Reijasse (Onera).
The Flight Physics Symposium addresses all aspects of aerodynamics relevant to aircrafts and UAVs, missiles and projectiles, launchers, and re-entry vehicles. Aero-acoustics will be also examined for aeronautical applications with a special focus on landing and take-off flight phases of aircraft. Topics will deal both with external and internal flows since aerodynamics or aero-acoustics are the main concern of the symposium. Papers will privilege at least one of the following three approaches: physical understanding, theoretical analysis, and/ or the development of control technologies and control methodologies applied to aeronautical or aerospace flows. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers in the fields of:
Advanced CFD tools, laminarity and boundary layer transition, experimental diagnostics in low and high speed flows, surface imperfections and viscous drag, flow control, flow instability and separation, hypersonic aerothermodynamics, in-flight and wind-tunnel testing, advanced flow measurements, MHD, shock wave boundary layer interactions, turbulence modelling (e.g., DNS, LES, RANS, URANS, DES), plasma dynamics, rarefied and non-equilibrium flows, vortex dynamics
STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS for Aeronautics and Space Systems
Chairs: M. Berdoyes (Airbus Safran Launchers), S. Beyer (Airbus Safran Launchers), Gómez Garcia (Airbus), B. Lenczowski (Airbus Defence and Space), W. Luber (TUM), K. Mathis (CNES).
The structures and materials symposium covers profound improvements introduced in aerospace structures and engines through innovative materials, processing technologies, structural design and analysis. Massive introduction of fiber-reinforced organic composites has become a reality and the introduction of other composites is progressing in the engines.
Papers are solicited in the fields of:
Materials and technologies (metallic and composite), structural design including design principles, manufacturing and assembly of composite and metallic structures as well as structural dynamic/ static analysis, fatigue and fracture, vibro-acoustics, impact and shock response, aero-elastic design and testing methodologies under both static and dynamic loading, health monitoring via electronic signature, acoustic, shock and vibration absorbers , additive manufacturing.
FLIGHT DYNAMICS/ GNC and AVIONICS for Aeronautics and Space Applications
Chairs: D. Choukroun (Ben-Gurion U.), M Ganet (Airbus Defence and Space), A. Nebylov (SUAI), C. Philippe (ESA), B. Rmili (CNES).
This symposium will cover the applications of novel analytical and experimental methods for the analysis and the prediction of the flight dynamics of civil and military airplanes, drones, launch vehicles and spacecraft as well as GNC and avionics.
Papers are solicited in the fields of:
Control, mission analysis, flight management, guidance, navigation, multi-sensor data fusion, image processing, on-board decision and autonomy, verification and validation technology, advanced technologies and state-of-the-art research in energy storage, power distribution, sensors, radiation-hard electronics, wireless and power line communications, embedded software, advanced modelling and simulation techniques, data coding and modulations, fault tolerance, avionics architectures such as embedded computing platforms, communication and telemetry data networks, thermal management, power control, centralized versus distributed systems.
PROPULSION PHYSICS for Air-Breathing and Rocket Engines
Chairs: H. Ciezki (DLR), S. Frolov (RAS), L. Galfetti (Politecnico di Milano), G. Hagemann (Airbus Defence and Space), O. Haidn (TUM).
The Propulsion Physics Symposium will cover all aspects of air-breathing and space propulsion, spanning from new developments in engines and propellants to modeling and testing. Topics range from basic research and development to applied studies, using experimental, theoretical and/ or advanced numerical methods, with a special focus on fundamental physical understanding.
Papers are solicited in the fields of:
Air-breathing propulsion (alternative fuels, supersonic/hypersonic aircraft propulsion, scramjet/multi-mode ramjet, modified and combined cycles, pulsed detonation engines), launch vehicle propulsion (all kinds of chemical propellants), in-space propulsion (chemical, electric and nuclear engines; solar radiation; beamed energy; micro-propulsion; propellant-less techniques; on-board power), propulsion aspects of space debris, propellant injection and ignition, combustion fundamentals, combustion stability, combustion modeling, heat transfer and cooling technologies, thrust nozzles, turbo-machines for air-breathing and rocket engine. Specific sessions may be dedicated to on-going activities in the framework of the current European research programs.
Persons willing to organize a mini symposium or a workshop dedicated to special topics (e.g. Clean Air, Space Debris, Combustion Instability, UAV, Supersonic Civil Aircraft, Additive Manufacturing, Green Fuels etc.) are invited to contact the concerned Symposium Chair.