Local Organisation Committee

The Local Committee is chaired by Prof Luciano Galfetti (Politecnico di Milano)

  • Dr. Paolo Bellomi (Vice President Engineering & Product Development, AVIO s.p.a., Colleferro, Rome)
  • Dr. Salvatore Borrelli (Space Technology Integration and Demonstrators, Division Manager, C.I.R.A., Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali, Capua)
  • Prof. Francesco Nasuti (Professor, University "Sapienza", Rome)
  • Prof. Giuseppe Sala (Director of the Aerospace and Science Technology Department, Politecnico di Milano, Milan)
  • Prof. Franco Bernelli Zazzera (former Director of the Aerospace and Science Technology Department, Politecnico di Milano, Milan)


Technical Committee

General chair: Max Calabro 

What a TC member have to do :

  • Contact the Focal  point of his/her  committee  to tell if he or she will attend the meeting and if he/she is volunteer to chair a session and in which sub domain
  • Have a look  at the abstract and with the others members  propose and organize the abstracts into sessions
  • Incite  members of his or her net to present papers mainly to increase the interest of some sessions or to organize session/ mini workshop on a specialized domain
  • Propose papers to reject or to move elsewhere in the programme

System Integration       

  • Christophe Bonnal, CNES, FRANCE
  • Luciano Anselmo, CNR, ITALY
  • Vladimir Aslanov, Samara Un. RUSSIA
  • Jacques Gigou, ESA, FRANCE
  • Martin Sippel, DLR, GERMANY
  • Philippe Tatry, Airbus, FRANCE
  • Walter Zinner, Airbus, GERMANY
  • Kevin.E. Post, Boeing, USA
  • Peter Schmollgruber, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Bagdat Suimenbayev, Kazakh T. U. KAZAKHSTAN


Flight Physics   

  • Doyle D. Knight, Rutgers University, USA
  • Igor Lipatov, TsAgi ZHUKOVSKY, RUSSIA
  • Philippe Reijasse, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Matt Casiano, NASA, USA
  • Laurent Cambier, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Valery Chernoray, Chalmers Univ. of Techn.  SWEEDEN
  • Amer Chpoun, IUP – Evry, FRANCE
  • Paola Cinnella, Dynfluid-ENSAM Paris Tech, FRANCE
  • Franck Clero, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Jean-Paul Dussauge, IUSTI, FRANCE
  • Sebastien Esquieu, CEA, FRANCE
  • Abdellah Hadjadj, CORIA, FRANCE
  • Ardeshir Hanifi, FOI, SWEEDEN
  • Patrick Huerre, LADHYX, FRANCE
  • Alexander Kosinov, ITAM, RUSSIA
  • Sergey Leonov, JIHT, RUSSIA
  • Francesco Nasuti, Univ. La Sapienza, ITALY
  • Jean-Christophe Robinet, Dynfluid-ENSAM Paris Tech, FRANCE
  • Eric Schall, Pau Univ. FRANCE
  • Ferry Schrijer, TU Delft THE NETHERLANDS
  • Andrey Sidorenko, ITAM, RUSSIA
  • Denis Sipp, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Vitaly Soudakov, TsAGI, RUSSIA
  • Louis Souverein, ASL, GERMANY
  • Philippe Tran, ASL, FRANCE
  • Maxime Ustinov, TsAGI, RUSSIA
  • Shashi Verna, NAL, INDIA
  • Philippe Villedieu, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Valery Zapryagaev, ITAM, RUSSIA
  • Alexander Zheltovodov, ITAM, RUSSIA
  • Ali Guelhan, DLR, GERMANY
  • Jason M. Reese, University of Strathclyde, UNITED KINGDOM
  • Ralf Stark, DLR, GERMANY
  • Hong Yan, NPU, CHINA


Structures and Materials           

  • Blanka Lenczowski, Airbus Defence and Space, GERMANY
  • Michel Berdoyes, ASL, FRANCE
  • Stefen Beyer, ASL, GERMANY
  • Jesus Gomez Garcia, ASL, GERMANY
  • J.P. Grisval, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Wolfgang Luber, TUM, GERMANY
  • Kevin Mathis, CNES, FRANCE
  • Tasadduq Khan, ONERA, FRANCE
  • Yuri Nozhnitsky, CIAM, RUSSIA
  • Jorg Riccius, DLR, GERMANY
  • Bernard Troclet, ASL, GERMANY


Flight Dynamics/GNC  

  • Martine, Ganet, Airbus Defence and Space, FRANCE
  • Daniel Choukroun, Ben Gurion Univ. ISRAEL
  • Alexander Nebylov, St. Petersburg Unv. RUSSIA
  • Christian Philippe, ESA / ESTEC, THE NETHERLANDS
  • Badr Rmili, CNES, FRANCE
  • Vladimir Kutahov, Rostechnology, RUSSIA
  • Rodrigo Martinez-Val, Univ. Politec. Madrid, SPAIN
  • Tugrul Oktay, Erciyes. Univ. TURKEY
  • Charles Vallet, FRANCE


Propulsion Physics

  • Luciano Galfetti, Politecnico di Milano, ITALY
  • Max Calabro, TIA, FRANCE
  • Helmut Ciezki, DLR, GERMANY
  • Gerald Hagemann, ASL MUNICH, GERMANY
  • Sergei Frolov, RAS, RUSSIA
  • Oskar Haidn, TUM MUNICH, GERMANY
  • Nathalie Girard, CNES, FRANCE
  • Keiichi Hori, JAXA, JAPAN
  • Alexander Lukin, WCRC, RUSSIA
  • Luca Maddalena, Texas Univ. USA
  • Francesco Nasuti, Univ. La Sapienza, ITALY
  • Benveniste Natan, TECHNION, ISRAEL
  • Michael Oswchald, DLR, GERMANY
  • Sergey Rashkovskiy, RAS, RUSSIA
  • Toru Shimada, JAXA, JAPAN
  • Niklas Wingborg, FOI, SWEEDEN
  • Valery A. Babuk, Baltic State Technical University, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
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Call for papers
PDF Format - 22-11-2016



Abstract Submission opening
September 15th, 2016

Abstract Submission deadline
December 15th, 2016
February 15th, 2017

Notification to authors
March 2017

Registration site open
March 2017

Increase in registration fee
May 28th, 2017

Final manuscript deadline
June 4, 2017
June 14, 2017


Conference Secretariat Coordinates

> Carte Blanche <
7 chemin En Barbaro
81710 Saïx - France
Tel.: 33 (0)5 63 72 30 68
Fax: 33 (0)5 63 72 30 32
