What to Know


Next ATM is located approx. 300 m from the Holiday Inn Hotel in the branch bank of HypoVereinsbank UniCredit Bank AG, located Rosenheimer Strasse 42, 81669 München.


Credit card

Hotels, restaurants, shopping centers and major supermarkets usually accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, mostly also AmEx and Diner). Debit cards (electronic cash, maestro) are accepted by most shops. Amounts of 10 € or less are usually payed cash down. Feel free to ask the staff if your preferred payment method is supported.


Single currency is the Euro (€) where 1 € is divided in 100 Euro cents. Notes are available in denominations of 500 € (purple), 200 € (yellow), 100 € (green), 50 € (orange), 20 € (blue), 10 € (red) and 5 € (grey). Coins are available in denominations of 2 €, 1 € as well as 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent. Backnotes of 500 € and 200 € are rarely used in day-to-day operations and might therefore be rejected at certain shops. Money exchange is possible at special kiosks in the airport and the central station as well as at major banking facilities.

Public transport

Munich has an excellent public transport system including several S-Bahn (communter trains), U-Bahn (underground), Straßenbahn (tram/ street car) and bus lines. For billing, the network is divided in four zones, while most points of interest are located in the inner zone (Innenraum, white color).
Single ride tickets must be purchased for the correct number of zones (1 to 4). Single day tickets are available for inner zone (5.60 € for one day, 13.80 € for three days), München XXL (1st and 2nd zone, 7.50 € for one day) and overall network (11.00 € for one day) and pay off usually with the second or third ride. Partner day tickets allow using public transport for a party up to 5 with a great discount and are available for inner zone (10.20 € for one day, 23.70 € for three days), München XXL (13.10 € for one day) and overall network (20.00 € for one day). Special offers for tourists including discounted admission to selected attractions are available (e.g. CityTourTicket).
Tickets might be purchased at the MVV ticket machines near the S-Bahn and U-Bahn entrances as well as selected tram and bus stops using coins, notes or selected bank cards (usually no credit cards) and at ticket machines in buses and trams using coins only. Please note that the paper tickets usually have to be validated using the stamping machines located at the entraces to the plattform (U-Bahn), on the plattform (S-Bahn) or in the cars (tram, bus).


Munich is holding worldwide top positions with respect of quality of living and personal safety. However, please apply common sense when exploring the neighborhood (e.g. avoid being on your own at deserted places at night, keep your valuables hidden and near your body especially if visiting crowded and touristic areas).


Munich is a great place for shopping. Due to legal issues, opening hours are usually Monday throughout Saturday from 8am till 8pm only.


Munich weather in July is often unsettled. Daily highs are usually in the range of 22 to 27°C but may also exceed 30°C. Nights are coolish with lows around 14 to 16°C. Rain (often in form of short thunderstorms in the evening or night) should be expected for one out of three days.