Our exhibitors
List of booths
2 – Softinway
3 – PARE
4 – GMV
5 – EcosimPro
6 – Sener
7 – Everis
8 – European Research Council
Booth 1 | https://cnes.fr/en
CNES plays a pivotal role promoting France on the world stage. Since its inception in 1961, it has helped to make space an El Dorado for technology. From the first flights of Ariane 40 years ago to the recent landing of the MASCOT rover on asteroid Ryugu, CNES is conceiving, designing and developing innovative space solutions, as well as supporting the nation’s most prestigious missions, notably in the field of defence and in advancing science. While sustaining Europe’s space effort remains a prime focus for the agency, its priority is to serve society.
CNES is constantly pioneering in its five fields of focus—Ariane, Science, Earth observation, Telecommunications and Defence—and it is also the space agency that has established the most international partnership agreements. Its goal is to develop disruptive programmes and to innovate with cheaper and better solutions geared to the needs of tomorrow. By anticipating the challenges ahead, it is federating Europe’s space efforts and working closely with institutions, industry and scientists at the best research laboratories.
Booth 5 | https://www.ecosimpro.com
For today’s engineering firms, using simulation tools to improve the design process of new products has become an absolute necessity. EcosimPro, together with the simulation toolkits developed by EA Internacional over the last 20 years, have aided many companies reducing design and manufacturing costs in diverse fields such as space, aeronautics, power or water and process. EcosimPro is a first class modelling and simulation tool for 0D or 1D systems able to represent multidisciplinary models based on continuous differential-algebraic equations (DAE) and discrete events. It also provides a highly intuitive graphics environment that facilitates the creation of models based on schematic views and the representation of results using different kinds of plots.The ESPSS (European Space Propulsion System Simulation) toolkit provides a state-of-the-art tool for the design and simulation of launch vehicle and spacecraft propulsion systems. It is the ESA’s standard for such systems, being also used by reference companies in this sector. ESPSS is able to reproduce a wide range of phenomena under transient and steady conditions such as priming, fluid-hammer and biphasic flows, tank pressurization, turbo-machinery, liquid, hybrid or solid fuel combustion chambers, etc., and it has been successfully validated against both analytical solutions and real systems. EA Internacional can provide a full range of consulting services such as trainings or support for modelling and simulation thanks to its specialized team of engineers.
European Research Council (ERC)
Booth 8 | https//erc.europa.eu
The European Research Council (ERC) was established in 2007 by the European Commission with the aim of stimulating scientific excellence across Europe. For the period 2014 to 2020, it has a budget of over € 13 billion distributed through annual grant competitions. The ERC has become known as a world-class institution funding the best and most creative scientists to identify and explore new opportunities and directions in any field of research, without thematic priorities. Driven by curiosity, ERC-funded projects bring about new and unpredictable scientific and technological discoveries. It is important that the community of professionals who engage audiences with science and technology are aware of these achievements.
Booth 7 | https://www.everis.com
Everis Aerospace, Defense and Security (everis ADS) offers global solutions for the deployment of critical systems integrating reliable and innovative technologies from its own developments, directly or through its invested technology SMEs, as well as through the technology partners with which it has strategic alliances. The company combines the strength of the everis brand with the flexibility and adaptive capacities of its technological SMEs to provide state-of-the-art products and services.
Booth 4 | http://www.gmv.com
GMV is a private engineering and technology group, being one of the strongest players in the Space domain. It is a premier provider worldwide for space organizations and agencies, and the major satellite manufacturers and operators.
With over 35 years of experience behind it and nearly 500 satellites carrying its technology, GMV can safely claim to be a technological partner of cast-iron dependability, capable of meeting the most stringent needs under the strictest quality standards. It had achieved CMMI Level 5 certification, covering the whole range of activities and services within the Space sector.
Since 1984, we provide complete solutions on mission analysis, GNC, robotics, OBS, satellite control, flight dynamics, data processing, mission planning, payload management, navigation and applications.
Booth 3 | https://www.pareproject.eu
PARE Perspectives for Aeronautical Research in Europe, is the name of a European initiative funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, aimed at triggering strong collaboration between various European stakeholders to support the achievement of the Flightpath 2050 goals. This activation will be achieved through the assessment of the rate of progress relative to these goals and respective provision of recommendations, particularly focusing on significant issues which include long-distance travelling, the participation of women in aerospace and educating and attracting young talents.
Along its 3 years of implementation, PARE will create a group of yearly reports on the perspectives for aeronautical research in Europe, covering the progress of the 23 Flightpath 2050 goals (and related issues), and making the recommendations appropriate to the conclusions reached.
>> More information
Booth 6 | www.aerospace.sener
SENER is an international leader in space, with near 300 pieces of equipment and systems supplied successfully for NASA, ESA, JAXA and Roscosmos, Institutes and companies such as CNES, Airbus Defense & Space, Thales Space, OHB, RUAG… With 50 years of accomplishments in the Aerospace industry, SENER provides equipment, systems integration, testing and engineering and production services for projects in the areas of Space, Defense, Science. Particularly, in Space and Science, SENER provides engineering and production services in several spheres of activity, where it has the capacity to cover complete systems as the main contractor: Electromechanical components and systems; Antennas; Guidance, navigation and control, and attitude and orbit control systems (GNC/AOCS); and Microgravity and life support systems. Some of the programs in which SENER has actively taken part are BepiColombo, Euclid, Solar Orbiter, MTG, e.Deorbit, Juice, ExoMars, MARES, MSL, Athena, Copernicus, Gaia, IXV, Lisa Pathfinder, MELiSSA, ELT. SENER is positioned as a reference high technology content company, becoming a well renowned leader in Research & Development & Innovation.
Booth 9 | http://www.upm.es/internacional
The School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (ETSIAE) was born in 1928 to train new generations in the incipient branch of aeronautical engineering.
ETSIAE is one of the schools of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). ETSIAE is a reference centre both at national and international levels in the field of education, research, innovation and technogical develpoment in aeronautical and space engineering. Good proof of this is the number of students enrolled, exceeding more than 3500, and increasing demand. The professors forming the teaching and research faculty who take part both in cutting-edge research projects and as well as in educational innovation projects, diferent mobility agreements with top foreing universities and agreements with companies and institutions of the field to undertake internships.
ETSIAE does offer to students Undergraduate programmes, Masters and Doctorate studies, offering the most complete and specialised vision in Spain of the different areas of this sector.
ETSIAE is member of PEGASUS, the European network of excellence including the best schools of aeronautical and space engineering. It is also part of two international nerworks: ECATA, a European consortium joining six aerospace companies and seven academic insitutions, and the “Belt and Road” Aerospace Innovation Alliance (BRAIA) promoted by NPU from China.
Booth 9 | http://www.upm.es/internacional
The Polytechnic University of Madrid is a technological university that includes university training in engineering and architecture in all fields of engineering.
UPM was formed as a university in 1971, acquiring a technological character imprinted by a long tradition in engineering education.
The Technical University of Madrid holds double recognition as a Campus of International Excellence, an distinction that refers to the quality of its research and teaching activity.
The training offered to students is obtained in Engineering Degrees, Master’s Degrees and Doctoral Programs.
The UPM has several University Campuses all located in the city of Madrid, and has approximately 40000 students enrolled in the different degrees.