1 - 4 July 2019 | Madrid, Spain
8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences
EUCASS is the largest aerospace conference in Europe, second only to SCITECH in the USA.
This is the eighth EUCASS conference after Moscow (2005), Brussels (2007), Versailles (2009), Saint Petersburg (2011), Munich (2013), Krakow (2015) and Milano (2017).
The conference is organized by the EUCASS association, founded by a group of European scientists and engineers in order to provide, on the European continent, a high quality forum for the world aerospace scientific community. It is operated by the best specialists in EU, Russia and NIS. It attracts all players, research scientists, engineers, managers and decision makers, world over. It positions itself at the service of agencies and industry and strives to reduce the time to market of discoveries in academic laboratories. Its goal is to foster the competitiveness of its end users, industry and agencies alike.
Hosting the Conference on
“Reusable Systems for Space Access”, by CNES, DLR and ONERA
and a Workshop on “In-Situ Resource Utilization”
- Review the state of the art in Aeronautics and Space Sciences, focusing on promising innovations.
- Bring recent scientific breakthroughs to the attention of industry.
- Develop synergies between Aeronautics and Space, academia and industry.
- Give agencies and industry the opportunity to present their programs.
- Open the conference agenda to new end-use topics in addition to the traditional enabling sciences.
- Invite participants to take advantage of the comprehensive coverage offered by the program for the conception of future multidisciplinary projects.
- Offer PhD students to mix with senior researcher and engineers through very affordable registration fees.
- System Integration
- Flight Physics
- Flight Dynamics, GNC & Avionics
- Structures and Materials
- Propulsion Physics
- Conference on “Reusable Systems for Space Access”, by CNES, DLR and ONERA
- Workshop on “In-Situ Resource Utilization”
- Mini Symposia/Workshops :
Full papers
All the registered participants will have access to the full papers (via the detailed programme) as soon as they are uploaded.
Full papers have to be uploaded before the presentation of the paper and as for the previous conference the registered participants will have access to an updated version of the proceedings online. If your paper has not been uploaded on time it won’t be taken into consideration into the proceedings « no paper no show ».
Best papers will be selected a few days after the conference and proposed for publication in EUCASS Special Issues of Peer Reviewed Journals, Aerospace Engineering for Aeronautical papers, Acta Astronautica for Space.
Paper Key date
Website Open for Abstract Submission
25 October 2018
Abstract Submission Deadline
11 February 2019 (extended to 10 March)
Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection of Papers / Registration site open
April 2019
Dynamic programme online
May 2019
1st Proceedings Deadline
19 June 2019